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 Jul 2017 JWolfeB
Amanda Shelton
You cling to me like cellophane,
wrapping yourself around myself
with your electric forked tongue,
as you drag each of my neurons
out into the world;
exposed they are,
as I am left to feel their
nakedness and chills.

I feel their
bite and electric fields;
their pain has become my friend.

**© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
I suffer from three different disorders that can be very painful. This poem is the best way I can explain it to you. Maybe you can relate, maybe not but that's up to you. Live long and prosper my fellow poets.
 Jul 2017 JWolfeB
charming words 
hypnotic blue - eyed look
stream of thoughts
a river's cause
endless days and night, i wish!

eyes closed  
arms around me
deep in the woods
over the valleys
oh, i wish endless days and nights!

touch my skin
soft and silky
kiss my lips
soft and ample

all i wish upon the moon god lover,
endless days and nights!
endless days and nights!
echoes from the heart
 May 2017 JWolfeB
K Marie
To love and be loved, with no limits. no questions or hesitations, no double standards.... to just feel the warm feeling inside when all things good happen. To wear a smile and not have to question if it's real. Life is too short to waste it with tears, sadness, unanswered questions. Are we living to die or dying to live? Nowadays we gotta live like we're dying because tomorrow is never promised and this just might be our last day here.... To feel the sun on our faces, wind in our hair, soft lips of our other half, laughter piercing our stomachs.... what is all that? If you have to think about what happiness is and wish you had it, then are you really happy at all... to think about all the good that can be instead of living it, are you really living? We all live in the same world but different lives, different stories, different paths.... but we all have one destiny, some just chose it sooner than it's time. To end you're story it takes a lot, but one can only hold in so much pain, so much tears, sitting in the dark hoping someone hears their cries and saves them from the monsters in their heads.... monsters usually win, I know mines almost did. To love and be loved is a wild thing, something rare.. not all stories have happy endings or those amazing love story endings, they usually end in sadness or some kind of turn around miracle..... at least that's how mines seems to be going, I found a miracle in a guy he showed me there's more to life than ending my story.. he showered me with love and gratitude and to this day he still does, he put the pen back in my hand and inspired me to continue my story, with him being apart of it..... I have days where I want to put the pen down and give in to temptation to end my story where it is, but life is too precious, he is too precious, MY LIFE is too precious.... I must go on... I chose to continue my story to the rhythm of my heart, and when that beat stops so will my story...
 May 2017 JWolfeB
In the darkness, I am still loved. In the darkness, I still have hope. I still pray. I still have an easy way out, but I don't take it, because if I do, others will to, and if I do, I will never learn to FORGIVE, and HOPE, and LOVE. I will never learn to not be afraid. But with you God, I will learn to TRUST, to be HAPPY, and to be OKAY. With you, I am learning to correct my mistakes, and to HEAL, and to heal OTHERS. I will always need you, but, I am trying to learn how to depend on myself, and I will, just not now. But I know, I, will be, OKAY.
This is a poem about having faith in God, and yourself.
 May 2017 JWolfeB
In my head, I have walked into some dark rooms. In my heart, it has stopped beating and died a few times. My soul has gotten lost. My eyes have dried of tears. My emotions numb, my skin hurt. I begin to put up a wall, a false persona. The beautiful woman you see today who is always smiling. The beautiful woman you see today who has it all together. What hides inside, makeup can cover up. No one can look at me and see the loneliness, how much I crave affection, how much I crave what's real, how much I crave a friend. In this generation I feel lost. I feel alone. I feel no faith. Today, I focus on myself. Today, I love myself hard.... because no one else has.
 May 2017 JWolfeB
 May 2017 JWolfeB
She owns the taste of your lips
Your goosebumps belong to Her.
Her hands slide down your hips,
the rest of the story is a blur
because I closed my eyes
and dreamt again,
that maybe by surprise
you two wouldn’t be more than friends.
I couldn’t watch the way She held you,
I tried to numb the pain.
My hands turned a grey hue
and on my white t-shirt, it stained.
I thought I had forgotten.
I thought I was fine.
But She tugged on your cotton,
you were Her’s, not mine.
Then with your brown eyes, you looked at me,
with Her arm around your waist.
I start to drown in the sea,
my flooding body aches.
So this is where I make my bed.
Where I struggle to breathe.
As the water rises to my head
and my heartbeat doesn’t seem to retrieve.
 May 2017 JWolfeB
Soph T
Calm down,
Everything is okay
Stop crying,
You have no reason to be sad.
Be happy,
Your family loves you.
Don't be angry,
He didn't do anything.
No one is hurting you but yourself,
You're killing yourself.
I know you can't control it,
But try.
You're losing yourself.
There will be nothing left to lose.
And that's what I worry about,
I don't want to lose you too.
Don't do it,
Look around you,
See all the people who care about you.
If you need to go,
Then go.
But stay alive for them,
Stay alive
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