Pretty girl,
You’re so bright.
Your everlasting eyes
in violet midnights
will burn through the flesh,
through the bone,
through the hearts
of the young and wild ones longing for you.
They just want to love you,
but only for a single sunset,
only for a day and then retreat like tide to the sea.
They only want to touch,
they can’t cover you when the rush comes.
They won’t whisper to you in heated fields,
or give you roses wrapped in newspaper,
or subway kisses.
They only want pieces of you,
small speckles of what really matters.
They only see a waist,
dark hair,
freckles and fingertips.
Pretty girl,
you must always remember
that no one is lovelier than you.
So, twirl pretty girl,
and dance underneath lightning,
and drink your iced tea
and pick dandelions,
but not with the pretty boys,
boys just want to explore.