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 Jul 2017 jude rigor
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
He said
I've never met
A poet who lives

I couldn't hear you then

As i was swimming
To the dark corner of
The pool

I was so scared

I had not came up
In so long

Afraid i won't
Be able to breathe

I've been underwater
So safe

Swimming in
My pool of
All my thoughts

I can't come up

Yet your still waiting for
Me above
Underwater poetry
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
i like the way
the voices sound

my thoughts
are clear

closed eyes

i am not a mermaid

they tell me to get my head out
of the water

but i live here now
i can breathe better
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
Eliot York
that i've been reading your poetry
(on the new front page)

I ******* love
your words; your worlds;
it's like i'm,
    there. right there,
with you.

you see, i didn't do what you do--
         write my story aloud
--when i was fifteen, or even twenty-two

just an inch off the ground
                        i confided in clouds
stayed lost (was a puff too proud)

that was then, sure, but even today
   (it's 11:11, now)
putting any of it down
committing to this word, not that
this sentiment,
      not that
this meaning
       (and not simultaneously that)
              is walking through fire

and so, for leading the way
           let me just say,
                       i love you

and please,
don't ever stop.
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
new york, you are a grim reaper. there should be a minimum age required to move to you, a number of years one must have lived to move to you, before you’re allowed to take the rest of them. new york, you kept me out until all hours and rose me from the dead each morning. jesus —now there’s a guy who knew his stuff: one resurrection was more than enough, thanks. you tell me he drank, too. was it his fault, too? new york, you are slowly killing me, but everywhere else i am already dead.
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
there was a rainbow
after the rain came that day
filled my glass halfway
since he drank from it. **** him,
he knew i was near empty.
yet another thing i wrote for class.
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
women don’t die,
they vanish into thin air or
they melt
into a puddle on the linoleum.
plath didn’t die,
she dropped the deadweight —
see: her headless body on the kitchen floor
bloated & ready for consumption.
a small part of something (hopefully) larger i'm working on.
I sat behind the barricade between the street, the bar, and the park overlooking that glistening pause-asteric of the water... my phone was clamped closed at zero battery life so I was alone with the city and the city was alone with me. as subtly as I could, I pulled my pipe from the bottom of my over-encumbered backpack satiated with 6 books (and they tell me knowledge is power, but they'll probably just drive me insane with question after question after question because the study of the world is one in which the brain falls victim to exponential growth 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256)


I couldn't find my grinder, so I tore the bud by hand. More than half a nug was spent, pushed solid in place like a **** mound about to reach apocalyptic ****** thanks to the soft clitoral bonfire of a red Bic lighter.

blaze, set, and fade til you rise again
little stoner boy.
songbirds twitter within the acoustic enclave of my mind.

only when I've galvanized myself with the looming shadow
of nothingness,
a dark initiative,
something life-denying
and yet
spoken loudly to be spoken away
do I learn the language of redemption.

only when the darkness is embraced
can one gaze beyond its shoulder,
ready to climb the next mountain
and descend into the next valley
with no recrimination
towards the you in you
that's hurting
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
 Jul 2017 jude rigor
you said

that you are tired

of me living underwater

and that you want to drain

my swimming pool again

that i have to be cleansed

and renew

i'll swim far far away from you

i breathe in chlorine water now
Underwater poetry
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