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Instead of keeping the faith, consider sharing it with others!
Ministers usually detect the stink of pews when they’re empty.
Most ministers ignore Enoch’s story because they’re still with us!
The Holy Nimbuses are just tarnished halos of fool’s gold!
Inspired by 10 word poems by: βέƦẙḽ Dṏṽ, the ******* Rabbi!
With assistance of the Holy Spirit,
compelling achievements will be seen;  
supernatural strength is available to…
overcome the nonsense of human routine.

As His responsible Christians today,
we must mature and have understanding
of the authority and power given us
by Christ, to address Life’s demanding.

When we have not, it’s the direct result
of not asking for… what we really need.  
Working from our natural strength fails,
and we will be trampled by sin’s stampede.

The fleshly combination of impure motives
and one’s selfish, wrong timing for results  
will keep one ensnared in Satan’s traps-
insuring the onslaught of ongoing assaults

that interfere with one’s divine purpose.
Prayer remains a violent, spiritual force
that interrupts the enemies’ plan against us.
We have a High Priest who keeps us on course-

One Who understands our weaknesses, infirmities
and the God-given abilities for Kingdom victory!
Come boldly now, to the heavenly throne of Grace;
enable your faith with prayer and learn to see

that Faith only works by the power of His Love.
Be anxious for nothing, with real thanksgiving
and let your specific requests be known by Him.
Only in His Name, can we achieve… greater things!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
John 14:12-14; Jam 4:1-2,5:13-16; Heb 4:15-16;
Gal 5:6; Mark 11:22-25; Phil 4:6; Luke 10:19

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
Not paralyzed with constraints of obligation,
I’m able to converse with my Lord on any topic.  
Towards me, His ongoing Love is without reserve;
new mercies flow- with a Grace that is melodic.

Inside each of us, is a God-shaped hole,
which can be satisfied by Him exclusively;
nothing in Life is off-limits with Jehovah,
for He alone examines our hearts and sees

what is invisible to others- inner desires
to drawer closer in relationship with Him!
Empowered through my oneness with God, my…
soul is unconcerned about Life growing thin.

Mindsets of ‘Secular versus Sacred’ attitudes,
will diminish my joy and impact my victories-
since He involved with details of daily living,
I can still overcome the past of my history.

Two keys for intimacy with God are well known:
grasping His Truth and spending personal time
with Him and His Word regularly, in order to…
reach the peak of: Faith’s mountainous climb.
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Eph 6:10; John 10:27

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
God’s compassion is directed outwardly,
while self-pity is an ugly form of idolatry.
Abject misery will be guaranteed, when…
you’re centered on the selfish ego of “me”!

If you’re focused on your own misfortunes,
then you’re going to miss out on blessings;
concepts of personal happiness are fleeting;
therefore, realize what makes hearts sing

with an everlasting, unadulterated joy!
Ministering to others creates opportunities
for spiritual harvests in the lives of others,
but it requires a humbled spirit to see

the hand of God at work within His Kingdom.
Unresolved issues -anger, offense, and strife-
open empty doors to major disappointments
and insure the consequence of an unhappy life.

Being too tired and not resting enough ensures
that you’ll observe your daily lack of abundance;  
enjoy quiet time for prayer and self-reflection,
to gain proper eyesight for your circumstance!
Author Notes

Inspired by:
Gal 5:13-26

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2015, All rights reserved.
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