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Unpolished and in need of work, you found me and took me in. You focused my reason for being into a path of accomplishment. You were patient and gave me direction. You watched and waited as I resisted the changes that you made in me. Slowly and subtly you influenced me. You gave me a chance when others would not. You believed in me and saw what others could not. In the end, you stepped aside and let me shine. You did not take the spotlight but let it shine on me. A polished gem taken from a diamond in the rough into something more that I could ever imagined I could be.
 Sep 2015 Jose Gonzalez
I’ve been running on autopilot all these years
Ignoring into oblivion all my fears
Fears of not living up to my potential
Fears of not having the right credentials

All of a sudden, or not so much
I’m faced with forks in the road and such
Decisions, decisions, another arbitrary choice
I’ve never really chosen, guided by that nagging voice
“The path well trodden for now, will serve you in the long run!
Safety first, plenty of time for fun”
I’m not saying I've always coloured inside the lines
And I wasn't always afraid to march out of time
But you won’t be seeing my name on the news
Or my face in a painting, I’m nobody’s muse

Quarter-life crisis- such a common phrase
I suppose that’s because it’s the norm these days
Twenty-five years seems a long enough time
To chart a path for yourself, to begin the climb

I find myself struggling though it all seems on track
It appears I’ve managed to keep up with the pack
But as I stand before this obstacle course
I’m paralyzed, wondering did I choose the wrong horse?
The paradox of choice it is called
Myriad choices-an order too tall
Have I fallen prey to a sense of entitlement?
Or is this dissatisfaction rather important?

I wonder, am I even in the right race?
I’ve always felt somewhat out of place
Like an outsider looking in
Not sure how to wear my own skin
Yet I’ve played the role well enough
Lucky not to have it very tough

My biggest enemy has always been my own doubt
Never stood up to myself, so I’ve never stood out
I strived to be ordinary in exchange for peace of mind
That’s one goal I achieved: I’m top of the line!

*I hope I manage to figure it out
Before it's too late, before I lose the next bout
Maybe it starts with as simple a change
As ditching your umbrella to dance in the rain!
I set my standards sky high
I give up without a try
It’s all or nothing for me,
And life is easy breezy
Sing along, play along, dinner at the gong
It’s comfort first- correct me if I’m wrong...
 Sep 2015 Jose Gonzalez
Wandering the great abyss
Floundering in the dark
Searching the desert for an oasis,
Home fire warming the hearth

Floundering in the dark,
The lost, the fearful younger self
Home fire warming the hearth,
Faded picture on the shelf

The lost, the fearful younger self
Once vivid in imagination
Faded picture on the shelf
Juxtaposed jubilation

Once vivid in imagination
Looking back through sands of time
Juxtaposed jubilation
Travels back and forth the mind

Looking back through sands of time
Searching the desert for an oasis
Travels back and forth the mind
Wandering the great abyss
I've read a couple of really beautiful pantoums here..
this is my humble attempt at one :)
 Sep 2015 Jose Gonzalez
A Lopez
Mother said I could do nothing
Father said I can do all, so
Now I do all, and that's why
Most girls are closer with dad.
I daren't call myself a poet,
and I daren't call the words
I haplessly string together
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