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I adore the way my skin looks with yours.
Milky white against your caramel complexion.
Soft is the touch of love,
Yet heated by passion.
Pink lips part to taste,
Flesh so desirable.
I'd like to press upon you,
Souls intertwined.
Breath and beating hearts become our own music.
Time is still,
Worries lost....
You Are my Only focus.
Gently tracing curves with the lightest of finger tips.
Pushing the hair back from my face, Eyes meet,
A gaze that's held with looking beyond what's visibly seen.
Love lacks the true form of my heart colliding with yours.
To see beauty by definition, when you gaze upon your reflection. To uphold an image of society, exhausting is perfection.

Lost in trance by magazines, she's never made the cover. But I guarantee her beauty, is unlike any other.

There's sunshine in her smile, freckles bless her face. She's got a light about her, that consumes this whole space.

She says that she's not beautiful, until someone places value to her worth. But she's to blind to realize, she's art upon our earth.

Blessed in individuality, she holds her head up high. Not knowing that her beauty, radiates outward and inside.
I wrote this for a friend who couldn't see with clarity that her individuality is so stunningly beautiful.
These are all the pieces of me, Take them as you go. Where they fit I never knew, its been so long I just don't know.

Once I was broken badly, but I never could quite find. Were it was along this journey, that I lost my mind.

Just take my shattered essence, that used to be my soul. I tried to paste it back together once, but I could never make it whole.

I watch you walk out the door, if I didn't care I wouldn't cry. Just take these broken pieces please, so you never ask me why.
Shame woven into me, to escape the things I've done. In shadow it reminds me, it's a battle that can't be won.

Fingerprints along the walls, that match my very hand. It holds to gently or grips to tight, and lost is the magic sand.

Where were you all that time ago, when I needed strength the most? Now my past self haunts me, like the lingering of a ghost.

Never is there a witch when you need one, to cast a magic spell. Circles drawn and cauldrons bubbled, the day I saved myself from hell.
Moonlit dreams and candle light, stars that speckle the darkened sky. I fail to count the hours, minutes, as time just passes us by.

Your touch that triggers goosebumps, rise upon my skin. Thoughts that flicker through my mind, as our dance of intimacy is about to begin.

Take my breath and breathe it as your own, inhale my infatuation. I close my eyes and let my mind slip, into this wonderful sensation.

Magnetic bonds to tie us, pulling us to touch. I rise and heat just burns through me, attraction consumes so much.

Passion flares red as we collide, entangled in one another. Through heat and sweat, we cant deny, that we fit perfectly into each other.

It builds and takes hold of me, I am left gasping for air. Fireworks light the way. I lay to rest in your arms, where I forever plan to stay.

— The End —