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I pray that you will daily see
The God who fashioned you and me
Who formed the stars and gave us breath
Who’s sovereign over life and death

He is supreme and He is Love
Fulfills His purpose from Above
A Grand Design! A Perfect Plan!
Holding all things in His hand

His care is deep; His pleasures, sweet
Into which I pray you’ll sink
Deep and deep…and deeper still
Adore Him always; seek His will

He calls you “child” – loves you much
And so much so He loved you such:
When you were yet a rebel to
The heart of God, Christ died for you

A chosen soul, a chosen Bride
“Born that man no more may die!”
He gave His life for all His Sheep
He sowed it all that we might reap

Might reap new life and strength to run
To glorify God’s Only Son
To speak of Truth and sing with joy:
“In death, death has been destroyed!”

So, see the riches of His grace
By which you have beheld His face
He opened your blind eyes to see
Now daily look, and with Him, be

He’ll hold you safe until the end
No one can ****** you from His hand
He runs to meet you – draws you near
And daily whispers, “Do not fear”

Pay no heed
To your greed
Do it once
Just to give your greatness
A chance.
Once and then once more
As never before
Defy the greed
Pay it no heed.
Here and there
A small sacrifice
Would suffice
You’re learning to share.
You’re learning to defy greed
Learning the worth of a good deed
You’ve it to take the lead
To free the world from greed.
 Feb 2019 John Stevens
You are indeed an awesome enchanting gift
Please stop walking in a field of grief
Life's sometimes wicked and full of prejudice
But remember you're lovely amidst these tumult and haste
Our life isn't always a happy feast
Like the pretty tulips that fade, die and wilt
Flowers bloom to inspire us to grow in faith
Thus, bloom my dearest! Don't be scared to fail
 Feb 2019 John Stevens
Yes, I wear a mask
Woven of fabric of falsity
Now drenched in agony
The mask of grief, pain and fear
But my calm face says “I’m fine!”
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