Naïve young lawyer,
Quixotic quest to right wrongs,
Deemed unrightable.
What could not be done,
Creativity, hard work,
Would soon accomplish.
Love won and love lost,
Humor, drama, will expose,
Higher ed's failures.
Triumph bought with pain,
Life altering lessons learned,
Was it all in vain?
This is meant as a teaser for my novel which involves a fictionalized version of my experiences in my first academic posting as the dean of a for-profit business school in circumstances not very different from those of the fictional protagonist. You can sample 20 percent of the novel at Amazon and other booksellers, and until January 15, 2022 you can download the full ebook versions of the novel at a 40 percent discount, but only at by using the coupon code GL56P at checkout. The novel is also available in paperback, hardcover and ebook versions at Amazon and most booksellers.