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Jason Mar 2021
I want your tears to rain on me

To pour down my cheeks

I want to feel the salt of your pain

Scouring away wrinkled years

I want to drown in the truth of you

Parching tongue, renewing thirst

I want to savor the sweetness of love

Quenching bitterness
© 03/24/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Mar 2021
Next best thing to crying...

Telling someone how you feel.

Next best thing to dying...

When they don't believe you're real.
© 03/19/21 Jason R. Michie  All Rights Reserved
Jason Mar 2021
Expecting my hands to be soft,

Is understandable,

Not seeing the scars there,

That's classic.
© 03/08/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason Mar 2021
They'll tell you how beautiful are your wings,

While they bind your pinions and strip your feathers.

"So graceful and so precious!  Such lofty, ethereal things,"

The words like rusty chains, cracked leather-sentiment tethers.

They'll tell you, "Rise above the sorrow, fly from the pain,"

After they teach you to clip your own wings so you won't fall,

And when the confusion sets in they'll be the first to tell you you're sane.

"People can't fly," they'll say, and point to the wings nailed to their wall.
© 03/08/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved

I try to express the things that I think people need,
I don't write to try and make someone bleed,
Heart to pen, mind to screen,
I just wanna use my gift to help people see,
It's not about ***, race, religion, or creed,
It's all about healing, and love, and faith, and belief.
  Mar 2021 Jason
Solange Loe-Sack-Sioe
Seasons of the heart.
are like seasons of the weather.
Always changing.
Always coming back.
No matter what!!

Shell ✨🐚
As long that there is life we will have the same feelings over and over again
Jason Mar 2021
Downy pen, as light as day

Well, it is...

On the one side anyway
© 03/08/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
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