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Jeremie May 2021
I sing the song of a withering rose,
who’s petals have lost the light of their beauty
and the attention of their beloved gardener.
Heaven has abandoned me and
shut its crystal gates before my face.
The radiant sun has betrayed me,
for it no longer fills me up with
the essence of life.
Now it only seeks to accelerate
the loss of my grace.
I’ve lost the affections of the wind and
every bee in this dreadful garden has
forgotten the sweetness of my love.
The drums of my ears can no longer
tune to the gentle song of this loving Earth.
The frigid echoes of Death are all I hear
“Embrace me, for I am near.
Embrace me, for I am here.
Embrace once again, for I have left..”
If I adore You out of fear of Hell, Burn me in Hell!
If I adore you out of desire for Paradise, Lock me out of Paradise. But if I adore you for Yourself alone,
Do not deny to me Your eternal beauty.

— Rabia al Adawiyya
Jeremie May 2021
My soul’s dark night is not a night
but an eternal dream that knows no end.
For I am the seed buried beneath the soil,
resting in the womb of the dark Earth.
Unaware that the radiant face of the sun
is happily smiling just above me..
Your patience reveals the strength of your faith
Jeremie Feb 2021
The mermaids of your heart have
invited me to plunge deeper into your depths.
But you are an ocean with no shores.
The moment I surrender to the
endless tides of your affection,
I will exhale the touch of all past lovers.
Denounce all thoughts of tomorrow,
and devote my every breath to discovering
the pearls buried beneath
the ocean of you.
Happily drowning deeply in the ocean of your love.
Jeremie Jan 2021
Our love is wrapped in the glowing wings of a rising Phoenix. The pain that once burned us will become the womb through which our joy is born from
Rising from the ashes of our past wounds to meet in valley of our love
Jeremie Dec 2020
The palette of hues that create
the portrait of our Love,
need both the shadows of your beauty
as well as the highlights of your essence.
So please, do not conceal your
darkness from me.
For what is a portrait of Love
without the hues of pain
that amplify the radiance
of our shared Joy.
All of you is welcomed, all of you is accepted, leave no fractal abandoned and no detail forsaken.
Jeremie Dec 2020
“How am I to love you” I asked.
She replied

“Remove your veils before you make Love to me.
Do not shower me in empty compliments
that reek the seeking of my approval.
I need no words to remind me of my beauty.
Beauty is but one of my infinite names,
Grace is but one of my infinite forms.
Approach my temple only when you have recognized me as yourself. Til then be gone!
I do not seek a boy to raise or a man to groom,
only a King that has surrendered his ego to the
great Mother. The magic I contain Is sacred
I know this! The rivers of Eden pass through
my temple often, and many approach looking
to quench their thirst for eternity. Be present with
my body for it is the blueprint to heaven,
within this womb contains many rooms with each leading to paradise. If there is not care and reverence in your touch turn back. Approach no further.  When you have adorned yourself in your own love. Understood the child quietly resting within you. When the light of sincerity radiates from your lips.
Approach me, call to me from your inner silence
and I will meet you in the field of love where our hearts are free and roses sing to the hymns of angels”
Love is the absolute dissolution of separation
  Dec 2020 Jeremie
Self care
Is the harmony of body
With the acknowledgment of soul
And the intentional wellness of both
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