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jihan kim Mar 2018
My heart stops.
I'm on the ground.
My life flashes past in an instant.
I see you smiling, laughing and enjoying.
What will you do without me now?
Please don't cry because of me.
Please forget me and leave.
I lift up my hand.
Great, I'm bleeding.
Suddenly I feel your heart bleeding out as I will.
The people crowd around me.
I can hear the ambulances
But all I can think of is you.
I'm gonna miss you so much when I'm gone
Which is ironic, because I won't be there to miss you.
Don't follow me whatever you do.
I need to know that you're safe.
I'm carried, into an ambulance probably
And feel myself zooming through the roads
Within a minute, I'm at the hospital.
I'm carried out and into a room
But I won't make it out alive, I know.
Please, don't let me break your heart
Forget our happy days, forget my name
And find someone new to love.
I'm still bleeding, most likely to death
And I'll never see your face again
The world seems to disappear
And I put a smile on my face
And say goodbye to a world once dear.
This is the alternate version, the view of the boy in my previous poem going back home.
jihan kim Mar 2018
I can't breathe.
I can't think.
Everything rushes through me in an instant.
"He's gone,"His mother sobbed to me.
I stared back at her with a stricken face.
My heart froze, then broke
Felt that I couldn't live anymore
Now who to love? Who to go to?
I don't think I'm home anymore.
I want to find my way back to you
And be by your side forever.
They say they know how it feels
But they don't know
His mother said,"It was a car accident
And he was bleeding to death."
Suddenly I feel my heart
Bleeding out
As profusely as yours did
But in a different way
And the bleeding stops.
What's the point of being alive?
Why am I still alive?
I have no purpose, no joy, no love
You took all of it with you
I only have pain and depression
Which swallowed me up in an instant
And keeps me in a state, neither dead nor alive
But dying forever.
I decide to follow you
And try to find my way back home to you
For you are my only home where I belong
I pick up my gun, say goodbye
And fire.
This is a poem about a girl committing suicide after her boyfriend's death.
jihan kim Mar 2018
Tell me
Do you like me or not?
I gotta know
It's taking up my whole brain
More and more everyday
You are dragging me
Into a game
Which I can never win
But play anyways
But you don't know you're playing
'Cause I never told you
That I like you
Or do you?
This is my story with my current crush.
jihan kim Mar 2018
By the time you're 11
And in middle school
The pressure will be high
And too much
And you'll be squeezed
Into a quark.
My current life in 6th Grade
jihan kim Mar 2018
“Where am I?”
I asked Depressed.
Timid walked out the room.
Dumb drank his coffee.
I walked to the closet
And found Proud showing off.
Weird ran away, um, weirdly
And Attentive stared at her.
Jealous went out the front step
And Sassy commented on EVERYONE!
Copycat copied Sassy
And Embarrassed covered his face.
I asked Smart where I might be
As Cheery skipped happily past.
Distracted followed Cheery
And Smart followed me.
Speedy zoomed past, but
Where am I?
I followed Speedy, and then found myself
Suddenly back in the room
Where I questioned Depressed.
I looked in the mirror,
And I found ME!
jihan kim Mar 2018
Did you consider me?
How I would live?
When you aren’t living?
Did you think I could live it out?
Did you think I would cry for a day
Then bounce right back
And find someone else to love?
Did you think I would forget?
Did you think the gap would be filled,
Or did you even think at all?
Were you so caught up in your depression
And trying to break free?
Did you remember the good times?
Did you?
What’s the point or asking
When you aren’t here to answer?
What’s the point of joy
When you aren’t here to share it?
What’s the point of life
When you aren’t living it with me...
jihan kim Mar 2018
When I heard that you betrayed me
And talked behind my back
A million questions arose
In the back of my mind.

Why didn't you tell me?
Why not face to face?
Why did you feel this way?
Why didn't you try to save us?

What made you feel this way?
What did I do wrong?
What do you want from me?
What did I ever do to you?

How long have you been doing this?
How much of it was real?
How much do you love me?
How did I not notice?

Did you?
Did you love me?
Did you love me like I loved you?
Did you realize you took my life?
Did you realize that you were my whole life?

All these questions in my mind
I gather up the courage
To ask you all the questions
To see what answers I will find.

You look at me in surprise
You always deny, deny, deny
But in my eyes
You cannot lie

I run away in anger
I run in despair
I run in regret
Of all these years.

All these happy memories
Going down the drain
Is this what you wanted?
Was this your aim?

Then I decide to confront you again
I pick up my phone
Dial your number
And you pick up.

I scream,"What did I ever do to you?
What didn't I give?
Did you want this friendship
Only to see it break?"

You scream back,"I never said that!"
"You liar!" I yell.
"I trusted you, I believed in you!
You think I'm nothing?"

I hang up, knowing that your reply
Will just be a series of denies
Dreading my life, which is stupid
Because I have nothing left.

— The End —