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Oct 2017 · 365
Jesse Jas Oct 2017
In these words I cried,
A thousand -
millions tears,
That I am sincerely,
Honestly -
and always will.

In these inks,
Stories are told,
The secrets,
I choose to tell -
perhaps not.

Pages - wasted,
Memories - fades,
Surreal realities,
Everything moves -
In a pace
I can't adapt.

The cover,
Can't hide me anymore,
Thick or thin,
I am fully exposed,
Feelings, tears and heartaches..
Oct 2017 · 528
Dear Love
Jesse Jas Oct 2017
Dear love,
I hope you're doing fine,
Letting you go -
Is not an option,
I just have to let you fly free.

If it's not meant to be,
Then I'll let it be,
I'll walk away from your shadow,
I'll walk away from your life.

I know you'll be okay,
I know you'll be fine,
I have faith in you,
Always have and always will.

Dear love,
If only you knew,
How hard it must have been,
To still be calling you love,
To still be wanting you.

All I can do -
Is wish,
Wishing that you're doing fine.

I am okay,
I still have you -
Hidden in the unseen rainbow.
Sep 2017 · 398
The King and I
Jesse Jas Sep 2017
A glimpse of you,
Touches my heart,
I was stunned;
For a moment,
I thought it was the end.

Time just stop,
As I embrace you,
You smell like roses,
And I smell like grass.

I wanted to be needed,
And you make me feel that,
I wanted to be safe,
And you gave me that,
Oh how I wish it would last.

It have to end,
Time -
have to move,
I was stunned,
Again the heartbeats stopped,
As I am dying,
Wanting you more than ever.

Nothing last,
Nothing does,
All I can do is cherish you,
Our memories - our sins,
Goodbye my love,
My lord, my King.
Sep 2017 · 222
Jesse Jas Sep 2017
Breathe it says,
Stay strong,
And live..

But it leave,
The moment I am strong,
My heart - it left..

It flew,
To a faraway land,
A land ceased to exist..

It moves,
I stayed,
Truth in fairytale..

Nothing changing,
We'll be history,
In this chapter - we'll disappear..
Sep 2017 · 384
Jesse Jas Sep 2017
Close your eyes,
And listen deeply,
The wind is weeping,
As he is fading.

The memories of us,
Slowly passing by,
Leaving no trace,
Of reminiscence.

Even the wind;
It wept,
Ceased - vanished,
Forgotten yesteryear.
Dec 2012 · 457
Jesse Jas Dec 2012
I envy the wind,
That blows through you,
I envy the air,
That you breathe into,
Because I never be those little things,
That you will always keep close to you.

You said that you’ll stay,
But you never did,
You said that you’ll come,
But I knew it from the start,
The lies that you put,
In these beautiful words,
Too good to be true,
Too fragile to ignore.

And yet I keep on falling,
Falling for those lies,
Because I have already did,
Falling deep into your arms,
Falling over and over again,
Apart into pieces,
And yet here I am,
Still trying to believe…
Feb 2012 · 660
Jesse Jas Feb 2012
I really really do,
From the very first time,
I doubt that we will ever,
But it all just starts…

I can’t get you out,
I can’t get you in,
Because I am afraid,
Of losing both – again

I am not perfect,
And I will never be,
That is why,
I am so afraid.

But the truth is,
I am not afraid of losing you,
But I am afraid of letting you go.
Dec 2011 · 483
Jesse Jas Dec 2011
I want to jump,
I want to dive,
In the ocean so blue,
So free and so calm,
Just like the sky,
Up in the space…

I want to forget,
I want to remember,
Every single word,
Every single thing,
Every movement they take,
But I just can’t
I can’t – do anything at all…

So I pray,
And pray,
Hard enough,
So that one day,
I will fly away,
Leaving nothing behind,
No friends or golds,
Not even a memory,
To remember me by...
Nov 2011 · 758
Jesse Jas Nov 2011
There have been a lot of happenings
In my life, in your life,
People changed, you changed, and I changed,
But not the feelings, not the heart…

I do love you,
And I’m sure you do as well.
There’s nothing wrong with both of us,
Or maybe it is just me…

I am not sure of what have happened,
I am not sure at all.
It feels so surreal,
It started out well, but –
Now I wanted more,
You wanted more,
But that is just human for us.

How much do I love you?
That is not the question to ask now.
I am letting you go not because of anger,
Because I love you,
Because I just can’t hurt both of us any longer…
Jun 2011 · 449
Jesse Jas Jun 2011
How I wish you were here,
Talks to me till I fall asleep,
And slowly you will wrap yourself around me,
And that would be my happiest moment in life.

I wish you will never leave,
Because I wanted to know you more,
Because I love you that I can’t even let you know it.

I wish I can always dream of you,
That we are together,
That you and I will always stay that way.

Just sometimes,
I wish I have all the words,
So that I can tell you everything,
Everything that you wanted to hear,
Every word that can make you listens.
Apr 2011 · 1.8k
Imaginary Love
Jesse Jas Apr 2011
Only if I could,
Touch the sky
And catch the stars,
I would give them to you,
Just to make you mine.

This heart is yours
To keep or to throw,
Even if you break it
I’ll mend it right away,
Just so I can stand up
And forever be yours.

Trust me as I say this
I breathe just to see you
I walk just to be with you
And I run just to keep up with you
So that you are never far from me
And I am always near to you.

But I am nothing to you
As I am always lost in the crowd
Even when I’m alone
I am nowhere to be found,
Because you and me
Have never even existed..
Mar 2011 · 416
One of Those Nights
Jesse Jas Mar 2011
It’s raining outside,
And how I wish I was standing there,
In the rain with the thunder,
So I can cry as much as I wanted to,
Without anyone noticing the tears…

It’s cold and dark,
This empty room,
No one but me still sitting here,
In this box of memories,
Waiting for you to come back again…

Where have you been?
Where have you go?
I miss you not, but I wanted you to come back,
Because I need you here,
You’re more than just my love…

I stay awake,
Every single night,
Hoping you will call,
Hoping you will open that door,
And lie beside me and forget everything…
Mar 2011 · 616
Jesse Jas Mar 2011
Please forgive me,
No words can describe how I feel now,
Even the wind won’t understand,
Even though he has travel round the world,
Feel so alone, feel so lonely,
Wish the world would just end right in front of me…

Leaving no one behind,
Not even the memories of being alive,
The fresh air in the morning,
Would be nothing but a myth…

But please just leave me behind,
When the end is near,
I couldn’t care less,
Because no matter how far I run,
The past is still with me…

How can I forget?
How can I forgive?
The lies, the sins, the memories,
Blame it all on me,
Let the flame burn me all,
Everything will still remain…

I love you,
And loving you is a sin,
But loving you is so warm and serene,
I just can’t help but to keep on falling…

Would you come back someday?
Would you forgive and forget?
Would you hold me tight and never let go?
Maybe, just maybe, perhaps you would…
Mar 2011 · 465
Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Jesse Jas Mar 2011
I'm standing here today,
Watching as people walked by,
Noticed something in common,
'cause everyone walks in pairs,
Smiles and laughter on their faces,
Wondering if I ever have that moment too...

This is life and it’s pretty rough on me,
But why is it seemed so easy for others to cope?
Maybe it is true that only the strong one will survive,
Because I don’t think I’ll live longer that everyone I’ve seen today...

Love is something that I don’t understand,
Honesty is something that always have stayed away from me,
Faith doesn’t even want to shine on me,
And hope never even heard my name before...

Will I be the same with the people I’ve seen today?
Will I be a part of the world with so much memory to cherish?
Maybe yes, maybe no, life is like a path,
Left or right, the outcome is the same,
Only the direction is different but the end will still be the same,
I ought to be alone and alone I will be till the end...
Oct 2010 · 564
Jesse Jas Oct 2010
This is the only thing that I do best,
Out of the blue and out of anything ordinary.
I’m a writer and I’ll keep on writing,
Because writing is my thing,
The only thing I can do when I’m happy or sad,
‘Cause I’ll write all of my memories in a piece of paper,
And look back at it sometimes – someday;
Just to remind me of the past.

When I can’t find a way to let people know what I really feel,
I’ll write it in a piece of paper so that I just can let go of everything,
‘Cause I can hide in my writing,
And I can be someone else in my own world,
Because I am everything in those words, every single word that I can think of.

But I can’t be anything when it comes to realities,
Because I am nothing in this big crowd,
Not someone so particular that can move the world,
Not someone so special that others will notice when I scream out loud.

So small and unseen by people around me,
I’m nothing but almost a dust,
Dwells somewhere hidden under the desk,
Waiting to be seen by someone to sweep me away so I can be free,
Free from this long waits that make no sense at all…

Maybe someday when I can free myself,
I’ll find a way to make my passion come true,
Writing for the whole world to see me,
Writing so that maybe, just maybe,
Someone will finally see the real me…
Oct 2010 · 576
Jesse Jas Oct 2010
How can I ever make you listen again?
How can I ever make you believe again?
That I really do love you
That I really do missed you
Every single day, every single breath
I can’t stop but to think about you…

If only I could
If only you would allow me to
I would do my best to take back every single mistake I have made
I would do every single thing even if it cost my life
Just to make you smile, just to get you back into my arms…

But every single day I’ve tried to wake up
With this pain that won’t cease
With these images that I can’t erase
Of us fighting, of us trying to do our best not to scream
But in the end we just stop
Stop every single thing that we were doing
Stop yelling and stop breathing…

I hardly feel like living anymore
Without you it feels harder than before
To keep on walking alone again
To keep breathing without any reason
Like a body that has lost its soul…

But I’ll try my best to keep on trying
To find another you
To find that warmth that you’ve once given me
Because I know someone somewhere needs me too…

— The End —