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Jessa Apr 2018
Never once
You tried to listen
To my cry
Never once
You tried to understand
My agony
Selfishly …..
You feed me with your ago
Heartlessly …..
You abuse me with ignorance
Invisible to your eyes now
But soon …..
This face you’ll miss
Soon ….
My voice will haunt you
In your sleep
Soon ….
You’ll realize that I’m a loss
That could never be replaced
Soon …..
I’ll be gone away from your sight
And memories
Will be buried in time

Jessa Apr 2018
Every time
These eyes peering
Into yours
I couldn't help
To fall in love with you
Over and over
For there's such truth
Within the window
Of your soul
Where I can see clearly
That my name
Was engraved beautifully
On your heart
How your smile
Melted away my fear
To take another step
In this journey of love
Hold this gaze
A little bit longer my love
For you'll find a home
Within me
A throne with a crown
Which I preserve
Only for you to reign
I have no regret
For falling for you
All over again

Jessa Apr 2018
Can I kiss
Those lips of yours
One last time
Can I preserve
The taste of your ecstasy
One more time

Can you hold me tight
Like you won't let go
This time
Can you caress my hair
And look me in the eye
One last time

For this moment
I want to remember
Bittersweet memory
Between you and me
When we say goodbye
For the last time

Jessa Apr 2018
Such a long way
With uncertainty
But still.....
I keep going
Loyally....... right beside you  

Such a long journey
With no clarity
But still.....
I keep riding
Faithfully..... right beside you

Seems like
The road is easy
With no junction
But still.....
We can't keep going straight
We hit the curb
Countless times....
Of pulling over

Is it me.....
Failing as your navigator
Is it you.....
With your pride as a driver
Or is it us......
Fighting to see who's better

But I refuse
To leave this rally
And you ......
Still want this journey
And so I cross my heart
Hope to live
So we could reach
Our destiny

Jessa Apr 2018
I won't beg
To be loved
Nor I ever wanted
To love
But this memory
I keep it with me
Proof that I was in love
Until that love
Stained my dignity
With humiliation
And shoved me back
Into the darkness
A world I once knew

Jessa Mar 2018
I’m tired
To keep repeating
The same script
Over and over

I’m drained
From fighting my way
Just to get myself
In a place that I called home

Nothing could ever changed
Everything is just the same
Silence still roams
Emptiness still reign the throne
Same storyline
With similar ending

So this play
Shouldn’t be continued
For we’re the characters
That couldn’t play our roles
Not as an actor
Neither as a lover

Jessa Feb 2018
I search for you
Among the dreams
But never once
You were there
I traced
The scent of you
In this bed
But bitterness
Has washed away
The fragrance of passion
What's left for me here
To reminisce
When I have nothing
To prove
That you were once
Belonged to me

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