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I'm changing in ways I never thought would happen
who I used to be is gone
I went from this happy angel to depressed and broken
I don't know what went wrong
From my hair to my clothes to my personality to my attitude
all that seemed to change
Others complain about how I turned out
I love the results and that's strange
Sadness is not an emotion to me
it's something I deal with everyday
I hold it in on a daily basis
hoping it will go away
No matter where I go
no matter what I do
my sadness will stay in it's place
until I decide to release it by letting tears roll down my face
I'm learning to let things go
it's a process in the making
I'm risking losing certain people
but it's a risk worth taking
I never thought I'd see the day
where sadness didn't exist
That day will come eventually
and it's a day I refuse to miss
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: November. 2, 2011 Wednesday 8:02 A.M.

one can strive for greatness
in the field of dreams
in medicine or business
in law for what it seems

academic achievement
reqires work and time
one can garner laurels
and be in their prime

but to find true excellence
in poetry as art
it won't be found in dusty tomes
it must be in your


(C) 8/15/2015
Art should never be strained
Either it comes from a place of
meaning for the artist
and invokes emotional impact
or it is just another business
You know,  I've never seen you cry

I don't cry

Everyone cries

I don't

I cry all the time


You must cry sometimes

I don't cry in front of people... This is really random sorry. It's from a real conversation though
a broken bridge
connected their hearts.
a silent conversation
between their minds.
an inconsolable affinity
between their souls.
They struggled to
come over distances.
But the distances never
existed ******,
They had consumed their
Love is dead to me
I got no love to give
I feel nothing from a hug
I don't even have strength to forgive
I think of the word love
and it makes me sick
I get nauseous in my throat
all I want to do is spit
Hand holding and kissing are not my thing
anniversaries and hearts on paper don't mean anything
Those are things you do and have
to keep the other person around
That isn't love
that's like playing music with no sound
There is more to love than people realize
it's not all fun and games
Love is making each other happy
and taking each other's pain away
Love is doing your best
just to see the other person smile
Love is being faithful to each other
if one has to go away for awhile
Love is being strong
when the other person is sad
Love is being there for each other
even when times are bad
Love is not giving up
when one makes a mistake
Love is trying something new
taking a risk not a lot of people take
Love is admitting you have fears
and letting the other person help you face them
Love is thinking someone is amazing
without having to know everything about them
Love is a forever thing
Love isn't quiet
no one should say "I Love You"
unless they really mean it
Love is sticking together in situations that are tough
Love is knowing the other person loves you despite what others say and do
and that should be enough
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: November. 2, 2011 Wednesday 8: 41 A.M.
I can't get you out of my mind
it's driving me insane
It seems whenever you're around me
my heart feels no pain
Even though we are not a couple
it feels like we are
I don't see why you won't go out with me
after we have made it this far
I realize you got her pregnant
you feel obligated to stay with her
but she's going around cheating on you
why would you waste your time with her?
I would never do that to you
your too important to me to hurt
I would be so faithful to you
I would even forget how to flirt
I bet you think I'm crazy
and although my words don't mean ****
If you keep going back to her
disappointment is all you will get
I can make you happier
I don't lie all the time like she does
I would be honest about everything
and I would never use the term "Just Because"
I have days where I think you love me
then I have days where I think you don't
All I want is for you to make me yours
but for some reason you won't
I can't wait around forever
you're going to have to figure out what you want
I'm not playing this game anymore
you either want me or you don't
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: November. 10, 2011 Thursday 9:39 A.M.
Anyone who thinks
You don't smile with your eyes
Has never had to fake joy
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