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 Oct 2014 Jen Jo
 Oct 2014 Jen Jo
'Young lady, why is your poetry so dark?'
I don't know good sir, it's probably because I have my insides at war.
Legit question asked to me today
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
Ayman Zain
She sat at the corner of my mind
Comfortably installing herself.
Many ways to interpret this. I'll leave it to you..
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
l o s t
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
i stand before the reflecting glass
and glower at the green lights looming at me
my thoughts scamper
and i reach for anything
to **** the pain
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
Ezra Pound
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
Ezra Pound
As cool as the pale wet leaves
                of lily-of-the-valley
She lay beside me in the dawn.
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
Ezra Pound
The petals fall in the fountain,
the orange-coloured rose-leaves,
Their ochre clings to the stone.
 Sep 2014 Jen Jo
I see butterflies.
I see colours.
*And I see you.
They remind me of him. Vivid and exuberant. Taking my breath away; stealing all hope I have for sanity.
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