Isn't it a joy to look forward, skyward,
(head spills to the anti-brain)
and follow with your eyes the wrens and magpies(LOUD)
champions of commonsense who don't care
because they know nothing more?
(But what do we know no more?
The eternity before us, the true art of peace...)
No, it's not enough to just look up,
(yank back to reality, squinting at the dark)
for what a waste the heavens are!
(No time in the day for that kind of lark)
No, better by far to keep the head down,
(nose sniff neck stiff brow frown)
keep to the rest of the bunch
(chin chest eye ground back hunch)
and follow the pristine path instead
(for then one can't be misled)
and leave the wild, melodic skies
to romantics
and dreamers
and wrens
and magpies