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The stars are fading, the moon is falling.
Above the midnight canopy lightens slowly;
shades of gray, spreading out, day is breaking.
Dawn comes with the rising sun. Light soars to fill
the sky, red and gold, nights shadows chased before
it, the Sun, resplendent in shining glory, bringer of the
new day. Birds cry and leap from the trees, notes shrill and
joyous, fair heralds of the day. The sun climbs slowly, beginning
it's journey across the heavens, the sky, glorious in azure splendour.
Clouds, wisps of shining air, frail in the light of day, change from the ruddy
red and the the glowing gold; colors of the new dawn. Pearly white they grace the
sky, celestial palaces and woodland creatures, the deer and the dragon, all in white within
the blue. And so the noontime passes, clouds obscuring then revealing, the sun eternal
rides the sky, and the clouds shine with light and the creatures of the air soar, crying
Praises of the sun in shrill voices. Eventide, the birds glide down to rest, in
the bowers of the trees. The light is green and gold, red and violet, white and
pink, colors of the sunset. The sun falls in the west, the moon rises in the
east, and at last the day is done, the Suns splendour vanished,
replaced by the shining light of a pale moon, and the far
away light of a thousand, thousand stars. And so is
day ended, and night begun, the darkness given sway.
The world lies in shadow, sleep takes the creatures
of the sun, the earth lies in shadow, to await the
new day.
The day is glorious, and the Suns splendour is without measure. The night is beautiful also,
frosted with stars and galaxies, and far away worlds. But this is a tribute to the day, and so
night, now, must be held at bay.
 Jun 2015 Jayme M Yaroch
Loving fingers
Trace tenderly
The contours
Of my face.
Touches like
Butterfly's kiss.

Should you lose
Your sight tomorrow,
You will know
Your way home
 Jun 2015 Jayme M Yaroch
"This too shall pass"
Unless you grab it with both hands
And refuse to let go
 Jun 2015 Jayme M Yaroch
I made you.
But in all honesty,
You made me
feeling the love for the family in a big way today :)
The chirping  of the crickets
the flashing light of the fireflies
transform the night into a majestique

The air felt sticky
while lovers were icky
My heart felt lighter than ever. .
The grip from his hand felt tighter

Yet, warm at times
Being fifteen, sixteen and seventeen
Lot to perceive with your mind
It was a lovely year of seventy-nine

Our first kiss wasn’t a designer kiss
It was our signature moment
To blossom in the moonlight
Did we got it right
Oh yes we did!

It was the talk of the night
  Two thousand and thirteen
A fine closure
To pawning memories

Goodbye my loves: My diamond rings
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