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 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
I wanna linger a little longer
mmm, a little longer here with you
where the hot rain soaks through my clothes
so I take them off
and we run together, feet pounding on the rocks
and hearts racing neck to neck
and I want to hold hands in the dark to sing
and I want to be cold and be warm
and wake up together again.
you tasted like shattered glass
and I was never one to walk away
from loving cold hearts and mosaic minds,
while mosaics are considered broken art
still sometimes I wonder if the same could be spoken of broken hearts--
mine never looked quite as good
        as the concrete and sea-glass odds and ends
configuration that sat brightly on my mantelpiece though.

   I also never quite figured out why my name always sounded
just as disjointed off your lips--
why my name never felt normal when it reverberated off the walls as
it was released from your gray toned voice
and why the syllables seemed to sound
less like a moniker, and more like a broken apology--
my name never rhymed with "sorry" but for some reason, it did
when you said it.
your name still sounds like a sin I have yet to forgive
and I've contemplated going to church just to hear
it be exposed to confession--
but I realize now that I confessed all the sins I've ought to say
and this feeling is merely the leftover aftertaste of
shattered glass and blood bitten gums
gnawing at the corner of my mouth.

you once told me,
"the past is the only thing that matters
because it never changes."
I don't remember what I told you,
but I don't smash empty wine glasses anymore
just to feel
like we never parted.
This is the last poem I will ever write about you.
teenage crime has yet to be measured in
stolen kisses, blatant personality forgery, and heartbreak.
let me entice you to darker pleasures,
let me ****** you with sashaying hips.
and well placed caress.
flirtation is an awful habit of mine,
but I don't think you mind.
darling, you're a goner and I've barely begun.
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
Let's lose ourselves
in conversation
and find ourselves
in the end.
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
 Feb 2015 Jasmine Marie
there's more than you
sure, we're all at the center of our own spiderwebs
pulling and grasping at each other,
and we all think we're the center of everyone elses' as well
the sun to their globes, but as stars, we
twinkle through the atmosphere and fade again,
leaving nothing, no lasting mark on our orbits
you think your star is the brightest in my sky
but honey, I'm the brightest.
I am my own star.
Outside: it is scary, mean and cruel,
but don't worry,

this is a safe place.

Outside: it can hurt, and bite, and fool,
but don't mind it because

this is a safe place.

under covers and warmth, you want to erase my nightmares for a while. let us kiss away fears.  take my demons. hide our bodies and whispered sweet nothings
dwell in this fort of blankets and sheets,

this is a safe place.

Bury our love here, let this be not a graveyard, but a garden to remember, a haven of our romance,
don't cry,
don't fret,

you're safe, this is a safe place.
I'm safe
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