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Jamison Bell Oct 2016
It was on a night like this, not long ago.
The air stood still and the moon hung low.

A loathsome lad on the bow of a whaler.
Not much of a farmer but a pretty good sailor.

Made a wish on the breast of Blue he killed.
"Your mightiest dead, his blood I've spilled!"

Most gods didn't listen save one who did care.
Poseidon held steadfast, his attention was snared.

"Poseidon pay forth my wish which I've earned!
My fortunes everlasting and enemies burned!"

Poseidon appeared though not as you think him.
He appeared as fresh water so the sailor would drink him.

"My favor you seek?" The lads stomach it snarled.
"You killed one of my daughters your heart I will gnarl!"

"Oh dear god who hath forsaken my favor.
Spare me your wrath, my heart don't savor."

The young sailor pleaded his tables now turned.
The house of his dreams Poseidon has burned.

"Quiet you fool your tears do not pang me.
One day I favor you will marry a banshee.

She'll be quite striking, clever, and loyal.
For her hand and her heart you mustn't recoil.

You'll live quite well your fortunes more fair.
You'll suffer no fools, you will not despair.

One night though I'll come back to collect.
I spared your life tis quite a large debt."

Our whaling friend abided then his muscles began to quake.
Poseidon made him ***** so an exit he could make.

They parted ways and many years of travels came to be.
Our whaling lad he had searched those perilous seven seas.

Soon he met and fell in love with a girl from the forests edge.
He proposed to her in sight of Poseidon on high upon a ledge.

A few years passed and soon she bore this man a son.
He couldn't believe his very eyes what favors had he won.

Then one night Poseidon came and rapped his trident on the door.
"A debt must be paid with your own son. I mustn't wait anymore!"

The lad he knew better than to argue with Poseidon.
He took his son from his wife's arms knowing better to abide him.

Poseidon took his son and cast him to the stars.
A reminder far more lasting than any mortal scars.

The young mans wife done cast herself into the firey hearth.
Having done cursed her love and self, for ever giving birth.

The sailor said "What penance, if any, was there ever to be made?"
Poseidon turned away from him for the debt the man had paid.

"Does your pain right now not make you favor death?
Do you not savor in the thought of smelling Cerebrus' breath?

Can you fashion upon your eyes a single saving grace?
How about your soul for one more look upon her face?"

The whaling man said nothing putting pistol to his temple.
The plan it seems all along had been well, rather simple.

A discharged flash and his eyes opened wide.
Prone in his bed his lovely wife there by his side.

His son began to bellow from the crib by the hearth.
Everything was as it was, his love and the birth.

A new moon shone out upon the quiet sea.
Poseidon beckoned the old man to venture out to he.

"Poseidon I don't know what I could do to honor you my god.
Your feats are grand and generous your efforts I applaud."

"Save face my friend for you have learned your lesson well.
And that's to say this **** right here is by Jamison ****** Bell!"
Jamison Bell May 2020
This here poem is about a puppy, you need not know his name
Only in that he is a puppy, you should know him all the same
This here puppy had an awareness not unlike your own
He knew he had to lick his ***** and hide his ****** bone

This little puppy stumbled about, much like you once did
Back when you were a dumb as **** snot faced little kid
The puppy found his world confusing much like you still do
But unlike you this puppy knows he hasn’t a ****** clue

See here what this puppy knows, is that it’s ok to have no reason
To call into doubt what you think you know, isn’t ******* treason
This here puppy he figured out that his reality isn’t fixed
In fact it’s incomplete, not done, any beliefs he had were nixed

You could learn a lot from him, if you’d only stop a bit
Put aside your petty wants, try thinking while you ****
Wisdom and compassion you’ll see walk hand in hand
Be considerate of your actions, keep your head out of the sand

This puppy has no enemies and yet you have a million
If you lived but ten more years, I bet you’ll have a billion
Try being like the puppy, just appreciate what you’ve been given
Sometimes it takes just a smile to see why life’s worth liven
2.2k · Oct 2017
The hummingbird
Jamison Bell Oct 2017
She moved like smoke.
Wafting about.
As smooth as warm water.
Holding her would be like sliding into a hot shower on a cold day.
I'd imagine her whisper to be like caramel.
Despite what I imagine though.
Regardless of what I see when I look at her.
She still finds herself standing in the rain.
Jumping in puddles hoping one of them will be deep enough to consume her entirely.
Cursing herself because she can't dodge the raindrops.
I'll never ask her to come in from the rain.
That'd be asking her to change who she is.
2.2k · Nov 2017
Jamison Bell Nov 2017
It came upon a Christmas eve not so long ago
A beast deformed in stature, walked out from the snow
It’s eyes were sharp and wild, jagged teeth like shards
It went from house to house leaving hoof prints in the yards.
Glancing into windows warm with light and life
It was here to reconcile an old and bitter strife
It had a bag that screamed and cried as it dragged it on the ground
An awful thing just an awful thing, to have to hear that sound
It threw its nose into the air and began to sniff and snort
This demon was on to something but what I can’t report
In the bitter cold, you could smell it’s breath of rot and discontent
The chains that draped its frame, made its spine look broke and bent
The wind it howled in vain to warn the people of this beast
It’s cries went unregarded as people sat before their feast
The demon ceased its searching when it came upon my house
I did my best to hide and stay as quiet as a mouse
I walked back into the shadows in the corner of my room
Voiceless, breathless, terrified what was this thing of gloom
I heard it leap onto the deck and drop its sack upon the floor
A resounding thud caked in mud, it wasn’t crying anymore
I left my room and crept down the stairs to see if it got in
Hoping it wasn’t that demon who they said would eat my skin
It stood before the fireplace, the front door was opened wide
I don’t know how this thing got in but I had nowhere left to hide
It turned its face from the fire with a scowl you’d have to see
The demon had a quarrel alright and the quarrel was with me
It pulled out from the pocket of its robe all blacked and charred
A burning piece of paper then it handed me its card
The card read only “Krampus” before I felt it’s claws upon my throat
Now I’m in a bag with other kids set for some other place remote
We were bad and didn’t listen to our parents and their orders
We broke a lot of rules and disrespected borders
Now ole Krampus has us and he’ll probably sell us off as food
This is what you get if you’re whiny, mean, or rude
Now have a merry Christmas and do as you’ve been told
Lest you wind up in a demons bag being dragged upon the road
2.0k · Aug 2016
The lonely nihilist
Jamison Bell Aug 2016
Here I sit.
I don't believe I'm sitting. I don't believe in anything.
I can think I'm sitting. As long as I maintain that I could be wrong.

I don't believe in love. Even if I wanted to.
I can tell how I feel when you're around. And how I feel when you're not.

I don't believe in life. Or death. How could I ever rationalize a belief in something I don't understand?

I think. About fireflies, world *******, scotch, and jokes.
The jokes are to make you laugh. It's my favorite song.

I don't believe in anything. I envy those that do.
I'm just a lonely nihilist who wants to believe in you.
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
Don’t you see the absurdity?
The cruelty of it all.
That you’re supposed to standup
Every time you fall

**** that **** I say
Stay on the ****** ground
Keep your ****** head down
And don’t make a ******* sound

Lest that they should see you
They’ll insist that you join in
Next thing you know you’re playing
And you can never win

You’ll scramble for the surface
Like a sewer rat on ****
You’ll have to fight them everyday
Right up until your death

So keep that chin there lowered
As if enthralled by your own crotch
Only look up to kiss her lips
Or order one more scotch

Stay dumb to those surrounding
Keep them need to know
The less they’ll interrupt you
So you might enjoy the show
1.6k · May 2016
What do you think Colibri?
Jamison Bell May 2016
I want to write you a poem concerning how I feel.
It has to come across as meaningful and real.

So I wrote a little bit about my gratitude for plumbing.
Praising pipes and faucets just sets my fingers strumming.

Then I thought this wasn't good and to this make amends.
So I started out on lust, counting down my favorite sins.

What am I? A charlitain? A purveyor of filth and ****.
Someone who speaks of things he wants to stick up in your ****?

No my dear tis not the case at least not this time around.
I'd rather set your mind to ease not run your ship aground.

So let's start by whispering something soft meant to ease.
You can use my sleeve to wipe your nose should you ever sneeze.

Wasn't that not good enough? A little gross for your taste?
Let try to redeem myself I promise I'll make haste.

She approaches draped in honey surrounded by an amber glow.
Knowing things I can assure, you may not want to know.

Like the sun was to Icarus it is her smile that melts my heart.
Without her works to inspire I wouldn't know where to start.

So it's her you have to blame if it's this line you do not like.
I gotta warn ya, if she likes, I'll put your head upon a spike.

Lips like fire smoldering under eyes an emerald green.
Yes I know I got it wrong Todd my eyes aren't so keen.

I'd like to say in closing a great many things.
To spout a song so beautiful like the first few days of spring.

But alas I'll fail you and end this ridiculousness.
By saying I adore you and I need to take a ****.

So tis here I leave you but never for much too long.
I'll cross your mind again one day when you hear my favorite song.
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
Some of us here, write about hope while others write about pain.
Some of us here, write about love and that which keeps us sane.

Others write about Death and the souls she just adored.
Penning out their sorrow, the mournful cries strike a chord.

Then are those who write about things and faces that they know.
Describing perfect places, landscapes wrought with snow.

Me? I'm just here venting, it's a need. This urge to write.
Cut off my hands, if you please. I'll bleed a novel out of spite.
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
Some people are just one word
Others a few more
Even a few that are many
For you
There are no words
Because you’re an experience
Just as one can’t explain
What it’s like to lie in the sun
To someone who’s never seen the sun
I can’t tell the world
Why I love you
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
Believe me I want to stay positive
And I’m positive of one thing
I’m positive I don’t want to be here
And that’s the only song I’ll sing
I don’t know what I’m doing here
And I’m positive I don’t know why
I don’t know any of these people
I want to go but I don’t want to die
So if I must stay here unwillingly
Then I’ll do my best to stay drunk
Otherwise I might do some damage
Says the guy ******* in my trunk
He asked me too many questions
I’m too certain he knows too much
So I offered the ******* a ride
Next to my spare tire and such
But now I’m starting to wonder
While sitting here eating my brunch
He’s been quiet for sixty miles now
I should let him out for lunch
Maybe again I’ll ask him “why me?”
Why is it I can’t find any meaning
I’ll bet he’d happily answer
If on his throat I’m leaning
Eventually my hopes will fly
Cause what he says makes me sick
“My name’s Craig and I work at McDonalds now let me go you ****!”
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
I hate the tv, I hate The Doors, and I hate this ******* couch.
I don’t like soup, Ellen just *****, and my cat is a ****** slouch.
Both parties ****, Steve Harvey’s an ***, and *** is antifa?
My job’s pretty cool, the pay’s not bad, still *** is antifa?
The *** is good, see I’m not *******, but the milks gone ******* sour.
My dad lost his watch because it’s been ten years and he said he’d be back in an hour.
There’s too much *******, not enough *******, because now there’s too many people.
The reason being, these pious ***** take their orders from a guy in a steeple.
So yeah maybe I’m *******, tuna’s too pricey, and I ****** hate Country.
We get it, you’re drunk, your truck broke down, and your wife left you for Humphrey.
You know what it is? Why I’m this way. A cynical merciless *******.
I’m too **** busy at work all day, when I could be getting plastered.
Ok fine. I’ll stop for now. And you’re all some lucky suckers.
Btw Johnny Cash blows. Take that you bunch of neckbearded *******.
944 · Mar 2019
Jamison Bell Mar 2019
Deleting this account in a week. If you want it. Take it. Nothing is copy written. I’m done writing.
871 · Nov 2016
Did you fart?
Jamison Bell Nov 2016
Dareth do I sayeth? Do I speak of the truth?
No matter how askew, no matter how uncouth?

The fact is I just don't give a ****, a fact I've made quite clear.
It doesn't have to do with you, so fret not of your cheer.

Go about your merry way, and do what you do best.
I don't expect of you to care of this I wouldn't jest.

It's just a fact of life, it's a somewhat hidden facet.
Life's too short to hold it in, just take two puffs and pass it.

We want to care and we will do it, if there's ever any time.
Me? I'm just here planning what could be the perfect crime.

Empathy forsaken to my will for what I strive.
I'd like to be the first, to make it out of life alive.
Jamison Bell Feb 2019
Walk me into the sunlight
Let me lie down there
Perhaps upon a hillside
Where shadows do not care

Here on this grassy shoulder
Of a giant long at rest
Who fought against the titans
It was said he did his best

From here I’ll say goodbye
To Apollo, Ra, or Sol
I do not know a true god
So I better thank them all

A thousand bowls past
A million sips of whiskey
Mary Jane and Beam
I think those two will miss me

Let me look into your eyes
Ah they make me smile
Would you care to sit with me
For just a little while

I promise not to keep you
You want to see this land
I would have liked to join you
But it isn’t what was planned

I’ll catch a shooting star
Holding tightly on its tail
And we can say goodbye
As if I’m off to sail
852 · May 2016
From the outside in
Jamison Bell May 2016
This world is dark wherein I roam,
often voiceless and all alone.
These things you think I cannot hear,
rest assured they're perfectly clear.

You see my friend there's something amiss,
and it's not unlike that very first kiss.
The event horizon breached by a meeting,
the most delightful of all the possible greetings.

Drifting and wading amongst so many souls,
aimlessly doubting they share the same goals.
Lamenting their woes and playing the fool,
never keeping in mind the golden rule.

It's in your nature to feel somewhat needed,
to serve a purpose many have pleaded.
To know that your death might bring them sorrow,
to know that sadness would visit their morrow.

Still though you stand there out in the rain,
thinking no others could know your pain.
Feeling alone and misunderstood,
I cannot help you I wish I could.

It is our tasks to wander this earth,
hoping and praying that time will give birth.
To a realization or an epiphany,
of knowing you are more than what you see.

The journey can **** and be rather daunting,
the spectre of loneliness forever haunting.
Fret not my friend upon looking you'll see,
there's to be no sorrow your will is free.

To love who you want with reckless abandon,
you may happen upon the right companion.
Someone who carest to ask about you,
to know of your fears or the size of your shoe.

Moments show up like scenes in a play,
some last for a while and some just a day.
Hold tight these firsts they may be your last,
before you join me as another outcast.
Jamison Bell Jun 2019
I ended up throwing the hotdog out and left it to the bag of chips to satiate my hunger. It was the first time I’d actually come across a park with those stone chess boards.
I didn’t have a set with me. Honestly I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to play anyway. I’d hoped I’d at least be lucky enough to watch other people play.
I got to my third **** and was getting ready to give up when I saw them. This little boy, probably five, walking with an old man. He was holding his hand in a guiding manner towards the tables. A very old looking case tucked under his arm and a solem look in his face. I couldn’t see the face of the old man. He had a scarf covering most of it.
They shuffled through the crisp autumn dead to the second table down from where I was sitting. The boy looked at me for a moment before opening his chess case. Just a blank stare but at the same time, melancholic.
He set the pieces up before the old man and sat down. He’d given the old man the white side so he’d go first. Figured I was getting a chance to enjoy a wholesome moment so I moved a little closer. “That’s close enough.” The old man grumbled without even looking to see how far I’d gotten. So I stopped. “You can stay. Just be quiet.” The little boy said. He too not looking at me. Just rocking his legs back and forth.
The old man moved the kings pawn two spaces. Fischer did this a lot. The little boy countered with his queens pawn. The old man snatched the boys pawn and slammed his down. The first blow had been struck. This should be if nothing else interesting I thought to myself.
The two of them set about their tactics. Setting up their offensive and defensive strategies. And the little boy was able to slay a bishop in the process.
It’d been about twenty minutes since they started their game. I got up to throw my trash out and I get an alert on my phone from my news source. Guam got hit by a tsunami. Expected death toll in the thousands.
Thinking nothing of it I return to my seat. People die everyday all over the world. No since in fretting over a place I’ll never go to and people I don’t know.
I sat back down in time to see the little boy capture one of the old mans pawns. The sky was getting darker but my phone hadn’t said anything about rain. These two didn’t seem worried and I was more interested in their game.
A few minutes later my phone chimes again. A massive earthquake has hit Venezuela. Nine point something or other. Didn’t read the article. After all, why wouldn’t the rules that applied to Guam apply to Venezuela? I noticed people scurrying to leave the park under threat of a thunderstorm but since these two were unfazed. So was I.
They continued with their game never saying a word to one another or even acknowledging me. Trading board advantages at what seemed to be a fairly normal pace. Each taking a few minutes or more to make their move.
The old man set his queens rook up for sacrifice. He was going to try to use his knight to fork the kids kings bishop and his queen. The kid took the bait and the rook fell. I get a text from my friend the tug boat captain. He’d been dragging barges down the river for the past two months while they dredged out the harbor. It’s just a pic of a shitload of dead fish with “***” written under it. I asked him if this was on the river he was on. He said yes. That the fish had all just died. By the thousands they were just floating to the surface. I figured it was probably a chemical spill somewhere on the river and told him my thoughts. He made a lame sushi joke and I put my phone away to focus on the game.
I wanted to bring up to these two what had occurred since their game started. The tsunami in Guam, the earthquake in Venezuela, the dead fish. But if they wanted to talk to me, they would have already. So I just lit up another **** and leaned back to watch the game.
The skies had gotten murky and seemed to stir. The birds had grown restless and confused. Landing and flying off in weird patterns. It looked like some were performing touch and gos. Others would either take off like normal and a few just crashed into the earth with fatal results.
The old man moved in once again to snag the little boys queen but ended up losing another pawn.
My phone chimed again with another alert. Much of Yellowstone was being destroyed by a wild fire that was probably started by lightening.
Suddenly the little boy was able to force a decision on the old man. He’d split the line between the old mans queen and his king. The little boy said with no enthusiasm and with subtlety “check”.
The old man could take the bishop but would lose his queen to the boys knight. It was then I saw the old man start to tear up. He wasn’t outwardly emotional about it and the boy made no efforts to console the old man.
The old man took the boys bishop and sacrificed his queen. Then he reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a kerchief to wipe his tears away. Then he hands it over to me without looking up and just says “run”.
I was confused at first but then the little boy turned and said “he’s right, you should run to something you love”.
I got up and watched for a few minutes longer. I realized they’d put the game on hold and weren’t going to move again until I left. So I went to use the bathroom there in the park. I didn’t need to pass by them again to leave the park but I wanted to see if one of them had made a move while I was on the *******.
As I strolled back by on my way out of the park I glanced at the board one more time. From what I could tell the little boy was about four moves from checkmating the old man.
My phone chimed, it was my news source again. The internet was flooded with images of the moon from the other side of the world. It’d turned a blood red. The pictures were almost too hard to believe.
Just before getting here. Every radio station went dead. It’s just static from one end of the dial to the other.
So here I am. And you can believe me or not. All I can tell you is every time that little boy won a piece, something bad happened. Maybe it’s the final battle between good and evil over there in the park. I don’t know. But here I am. At the end of the world.
And maybe I am crazy. But they did tell me to run to something I love.
So here I am.
Jamison Bell Oct 2020
I envy those that have never found themselves asking if they were alone.
To be Frank. I’d have to change my name.
Though if I’m being honest.
It terrifies me.
The thought of you feeling like I do.
768 · Apr 2016
Jamison Bell Apr 2016
Of all the things I know not of,
I do not care if there is a heaven above.
A house in the clouds and streets of gold?
Are just some of the frivolities of which I've been told.

I have no need of your petty gods.
I'm betting against them, I like the odds.
I have come to terms when it comes to beliefs.
In that I have none, no gods or chiefs.

I thought that I might've like to go to the show.
To emerge from the shadows and bask in the glow.
It was then that I saw that I wasn't invited.
Upon seeing reviews I was rather delighted.

You say there was dancing and drinks to be had.
That a wise man spoke and said things are so bad.
You gave him your money so he could have more.
He bought a new jet, it's not for the poor?

I think I'm good with this wise man of yours.
He's not feeding the sick and offering cures.
Promises made plenty, never paid in full.
This wise man of yours, sounds more like a fool.

Keep your shamans, your nuns, and your preachers.
I'll take the poets, the lovers, and teachers.
Those people around me who care for my heart.
Those people who nie to tear me apart.
736 · Jun 2017
Lost for Words
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
I read all your words.
Relentless and enduring.
Twisted and strained.
Hope against hope.

I'd imagine it were I.
For whom those words were meant.
If it weren't so painful.
As agonizing as the silence,
that prefaces and concludes.

I've oft wondered.
Were there any words
meant for I?
Scrawled out of a heart truthful.
Meant to endure.

Rest now my soul.
Forsake hope eternal.
Sleep now in the knowledge.
It doesn't matter if you ever wake.
734 · Aug 2016
Jamison Bell Aug 2016
That icy feeling of loneliness is squeezing the heart of someone you know.
It's just easier not knowing.
Hasn't stopped thinking about you since you left them.
Could have been worse had you not been there to make a difference.
You think you're right, there's a chance you could be wrong.
Could do it. Yet there you stand.
Could be everything to someone else.
Will suffice when there's nobody to be found.
There it is.
680 · Sep 2016
Death and love
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
So wherein does that leave I
I came to beg a differ.
She let free a woeful sigh
And once again I whiffer.

Relegated I'd say I am
To a lonesome sort of state
I'd like to say I don't give a ****
But for I tis too late

I curse thee love regretfully
For my choices are but few.
I place this curse respectfully
That you may never get what's due.

If I go forth into the night
To mourn the unrequited
To pull the hang mans work too tight
While my sins go unrepentant.

Than so too shall thee suffer
Tis my plight you must share
Let us hope that you are tougher
And find someone to care

The moon she wanders over head.
For she cares not of our pains.
She lights the way for the dead.
A song of rattling chains

The hangman he is voiceless
And your tears quenches he
A life to him is choice less
For he will not suffer me

Pull the lever you ****** fool
Says I to my hooded reaper
Your job I say has one rule
Of lives you are no keeper

The hangman he then nodded
And then removed his shroud
Anguish to my heart is prodded
The silence was too loud

For there she stood at the lever
The maiden who wrought my fate
She smiled at me something clever
My curse was to come too late

She looked at I and blew a kiss
And I could not in kind
She then giggled and said "curse this"
And my life was null and blind
Jamison Bell May 2019
I hope there’s a place
Or better, a time
When all this crazy
Is no longer mine
653 · Oct 2016
It's not Sherwood forest
Jamison Bell Oct 2016
From here the trees look black
Mourning the loss of time
Chasms in a sky of slurry grey
Relatable and untouchable

There's no pulse
Forsaken and lost to the cares of others
Sentries of a land doused in fog
Immune to the forces of nature

It's not a deafening silence
It's that sound left here
Fearing it too may suffer this fate

Complacency prevails the spirit
No sense to be found in searching
Only more of the same beyond
A world void of light

This forest in my head
I walked too far
649 · May 2017
You, again.
Jamison Bell May 2017
I expect nothing of you.
Just as I do of everyone.
I am as I have always been.
To long for what will never be.
Will you find me.
For you if you should need me.
You feel alone.
Will only ever have to say my name.
Or twice you may have to say it again.
I make no promises, save one.
That is my friend.
I will continue to love.
For every reason you could never understand.
I do what I do for you.
You do more for me than you.
For a moment a happiness unrivaled.
My nirvana to simply know you.
Well as you have allowed me to know.
644 · Sep 2016
Just keep writing
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
We won't stand in silence, my brethren and I.
We can find beauty in violence, what colors when you die.

We stand here now where others may have fallen.
From Friedrich William Nietzsche to Joseph ****** Stalin.

Whether they be a tyrant, a king, or an overlord.
A musician, a muse, or a thinker due accord.

These people changed the world, for better or for worse.
Some left this world a little better, some of them accurse.

Put to ink these thoughts of yours as random as they seem.
Write about your problems, or jot down your favorite dream.

One of us who saw you would really like to know.
Did you ever fall in love and how did your spirit learn to grow.

You will change the world. How much to be decided.
Whether it's by acts or words, I'm sure some will be delighted.

Except for you Gacy. *******.
Jamison Bell Dec 2021
What scares me. Is you feeling for one minute the way I feel everyday.
619 · Sep 2016
(hiccup) excuse me
Jamison Bell Sep 2016
So after a little research (It's that thing you do to validate information shared with you instead of taking the word of a ****** meme) I have come upon some interesting information.
Let's start with religion and capitalism.
This time I'm going to leave the Catholics alone. Let's go with Scientology. I think we can all agree if they're right about everything we'll collectively eat our ******* hats.
The Scientologist won the right of tax exemption in 1993. They hold roughly 1.5 billion usd in real estate. Now with a nationwide average of property tax falling at 1.45%. I did the math for you cause I know how lazy y'all are. That comes out to a loss of over 200 million dollars annually to the rest of us.
That's just one religion of the dozens that enjoy tax exemption. I'm not going to bother griping about the NRA (non-profit tax exempt status), Planned Parenthood, or the fact that in NYC sliced bagels are taxed and whole bagels aren't (true).

Let's move on to capitalism. That delightful dinosaur of an ideology  on whose tail we desperately try to grab onto to keep from being **** on. Oh sure it's all well and good when mom and dad want to open a little store in their neighborhood. Perhaps they want to build something for their childrens future. Or maybe the guy just wanted to sponsor a softball team while making it easier for that ******* down the street to get her ****** Tang every week.
Up, look out, stand aside. Here comes WalMart. 76 billion in undisclosed overseas tax havens. They've done nothing legally wrong. Their army of lawyers can assure you of that. Regardless, mom now works for WalMart, the little store is closed, and dad is a raging alcoholic with rage issues.

My point? If it weren't for these ridiculous loopholes in our tax laws, the ****** lobbyist (why do we continue to allow this practice?), and us as a nation. Maybe we could hire more cops, build more schools than prisons, parks, playgrounds, free education, cheaper healthcare, cheaper prescriptions (prescription drug companies are hiding 2.1 trillion alone overseas). We ourselves are as guilty as anyone else. We pay no attention to what our leaders do once elected. Oh sure you're bound to run into some idiot wanting to blame the president be who it may. As if he just sits there day and night coming up with new laws.
But no. You know what. You all keep focusing on a guy who doesn't want to stand for the ****** anthem. because obviously that's the real problem.
601 · Jun 2016
Now or never
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
So wherein do they lie, those things too often unsaid?
Have they yet come true?
Or should they be left for dead?

Time will stumble by and death may come to call.
Don't invite him in.
Just let him wait out in the hall.

Back to those things that were always on your mind.
Bearing little fruit.
These thoughts when left behind.

I just don't see the reasoning for harboring such thoughts.
Tying up my dendrites.
Twisting them in knots.

I beg of you to speak your mind I see the beauty there.
Apathy be ******.
I for one do care.
Jamison Bell Jan 2022
You’d think by now I would have thought to myself to consider whatever you’re thinking.
Really I would, the truth is you see, that I may have or might have been drinking.

It could have been then, it’s for sure right now, and I’ll probably be high tomorrow.
There is no balm, suffer me not, for I’m nothing if not sorrow.
589 · Oct 2016
I never said I was a writer
Jamison Bell Oct 2016
At first sight it was as if she was dancing.
Spreading a fire about the room with every gesture.
So many eyes transfixed on the wonder who held the room
Aoide made flesh?

Had I found the muse of song?
Should I ask her of Pegasus?
Had I ever seen more grace in her essence.
It could have only been in a sunset.

Inquired, inspired, insipid in my lust
To know of her thoughts, dreams, and fears
So that I may slay the dragons
And stand alone before her emerald eyes

Who am i kidding?
What have I done?
I can't win this heart.
With satirical puns.

Dragons and Aoide.
What was I thinking?
This girl is too wise.
She'll know I've been drinking.

But still though there's something.
It must be implored.
What this girl offers.
It can't be scored.

You only get moments.
To stand in her sun.
Cherish these seconds.
For others there's none.

A Viking you see.
Stands at her door.
He'll laugh in your face.
And you'll be no more.

She says her heart.
Is rotten and black.
Though its words to me
Are like that of crack.

I beg of you friend
To know of me this.
To be but a thought on your mind
Is as good as a kiss.
Jamison Bell Jul 2019
When every word just makes you feel that much colder
And the dirt of everything you hold dear turns to mud
When you can’t escape the futility of your own existence
And so you pour another drink because numb has to be bought
Knuckles turning white because if you let go you’ll fall
And you’re afraid of what sleeps in the clouds you’ll fall through
Cascading memories parading through your mind
And not a one of them give a **** about you now
556 · Jan 2022
Losing patience with myself
Jamison Bell Jan 2022
Here’s the vig where nihilism is concerned. You have to learn to live with unanswered questions.
Because, the answers don’t matter any more than the questions.

Nonetheless, here I am.
Bowl in hand.
A lil orange fire flares up every time I want to forget.
It’s become my truth
My only truth
Jamison Bell Sep 2017
I'll be there when you call.
I'll ask you if you need anything.
I'll listen as you vent.
I'll hold you and tell you everything is going to be ok.
Once you've stopped crying.
I'll leave. So that you can call the one you love.
I'll go home to my couch.
To hold my heart in my hands.
So I can watch it die.
543 · Jun 2016
The absence of Ra
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
This ebony sky, is Nut so sad?
Angry at Ra perhaps.
Bidding him to Duat.
To suffer the whims of Apophis

What hymn soothes her.
Wherein she would bade him to return.
Tis it the song of the seas?
Shall we call upon the cerulean?

Hathor pays me no mind.
She suffers not my woes.
She is love made flesh.
Maybe I am lost to her.

Cursed this binding darkness.

Bast, what does your third eye see?
Is Duat so chaotic?
Your children long for Ras embrace.
Geb longs to awaken.

My cries go unanswered.
Save for Khonsu.
Who dances with Hapi upon the Nile.
I believe it is she.

Khonsu, are you not tired?
Do you not hear the songs of the cerulean?
Cease your daunting ways.
Rest now so that Ra may run his course.

Mafdet, God of justice!
Your scales lack balance!
Suffer Khonsu no more.
Set right this celestial nonsense.

Just as the cerulean began to grow hoarse. Just as the children of Bast were about to begin their exodus. And before Geb set to ease with frost his own labors. Apophis swung open the gates to heaven. Hapi, the God of the Nile lit up as gold to guide Ra out of Duat.
The earth warmed once again. Set ablaze with life unforgiving relishing it's mockery of Seth. Anubis, lowered his head and sat on the banks. Resolved to let Geb have this moment.
Hathor still ignores my plight. But at least now I can see her.
509 · Jun 2016
My pain
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
Because I don't have anyone to listen and I just need to vent.

My heart hurts sometimes.
It's unable to pump at full capacity so it gets tired. My breathing becomes labored. So I go somewhere to be alone. I tell myself I'm going to be ok over and over again.
The pain I'm sure is minimal compared to a lot of other people. I think about them. All of them. And it pangs me to think of their suffering. Because I know they have people that care about them. So I keep telling myself to snap out of it.
It still hurts though. I know one of these breaths will be my last. I know that's true for everyone. I just wish mine didn't hurt so much.
I just wanted to write this out. To pretend for a moment someone was listening.
Jamison Bell Jan 2022
Until you’re declared the lord of all creation.
Give things the benefit of doubt to be something other than what you perceive them to be.
496 · Jun 2017
The argument up top
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
There are conversations of great importance taking place above my head.
The branches house the senate and there's great debates taking place upon high.
The robins are vehement in their allegations against the sparrows.
The finches support the sparrows but are apprehensive over their trade alliance with the cardinals.
The cardinals insist the robins be compensated for their worm losses due to the finches overpopulating.
It's quite fascinating.
Jamison Bell Dec 2018
You were, you are
You’ll always be
The most wonderful thing
There is to me
489 · Jun 2017
Go upwind, I just farted
Jamison Bell Jun 2017
Imagine you have a marble collection.
Spherical objects of varying sizes and colors.
Now imagine everyone has a collection of marbles.
Every single individual on the planet,
has a collection of marbles.
These marbles are your thoughts, feelings, and ideas.
The object of life, the fabric which binds us all.
Is the idea that we cast our marbles in the table.
We share them.
Albeit selectively.
We throw our marbles,
not all at once mind you,
on the table.
We show ourselves to others.
Sharing our perspectives
and ideas.
We observe and recognize
other marbles.
I exist through you,
and you exits through me.
In turn we are able
to see ourselves
for who we truly are.
Any resistance to this idea,
as safe as it may seem,
only serves to weaken the whole.
480 · Mar 2018
This butter has pot in it
Jamison Bell Mar 2018
Some of us have waited our entire lives to hear words some of us hear everyday.
Words coveted by some while others whisper them insipidly to calloused ears.
And while I ***** out the life of the firefly that’s been inching slowly towards my lips.
In between what is said but not meant and what is meant but not said.
There are no words that could save me now.
Jamison Bell Aug 2019
There are jackals outside
The candle died and the clock mourned her
There are things we will never tell one another
Truth is a murderer of many things
The cat fell asleep on top of the pizza box
I still ate it
The pizza
What would happen to the light in your eyes
If you knew
Would they, could they get brighter
Or would they fade to black
Like we did
There are jackals outside
And I’m going out there
448 · Feb 2019
Jamison Bell Feb 2019
The fireflies don’t needs us, they’re going to light up anyway
Nor does the moon care for our worship
Just as the sun rages alone and in vain in a corner of the universe
And time walks past us in shadows of memories
I don’t need you to love me, for me to love you
448 · Aug 2016
There are some missing.
Jamison Bell Aug 2016
I've been happy.
That was nice.
I've been angry.
I didn't much care for that.
I've been in love.
That one is exhilarating.
I've been betrayed.
That felt familiar.
I've been hurt.
This one never left.
I've been excited.
It's like a first kiss.
I've been disappointed.
So I avoid people.
Nowadays I'm apathetic.
It has no highs or lows.
I wonder though.
About the other ones.
What they feel like?
446 · Jun 2016
Jamison Bell Jun 2016
When you come to the realization.
What an awful destination.
Most of us wish we'd never arrived.
An awakening.
A moment where you realize that you never really mattered.
That that person never thought of you as anything other than just "somebody".
When all you ever wanted was to be someone.
The angst sets in. Consuming you.
All the words meant nothing to them. Those things that took all the courage you had to say out loud. Were of little to no value to them.
Juxtaposed to a feeling of hopelessness.
442 · Nov 2017
Jamison Bell Nov 2017
She will go to where others have flown before
Relegated as a memory
Something to be delved into
One night over a glass of scotch
While someone I don’t know insistently tells me things I don’t care about
I’ll remember she never said it first.
It always ended with “too”
As well
As well huh?
Her smile.
They all smile.
It’s when they stop smiling that it starts to hurt.
The empty rocks glass snaps me back into the now
They’re still talking
I’ll pay the tab
As an example
I have no whiskey at home
And I’m still not numb enough so I’d like another
But I just can’t listen any longer
To this nonsense
Not while my mind is still on her
And her “too”
438 · May 2016
What happens when I think
Jamison Bell May 2016
Today or tomorrow.
I'll never be able to tell you.
To be reached out for.
To see a hand appear out of thin air.
Seeking only my hand.
I've seen it happen in movies.
Where she looks at him.
And it's only him she wants to see in that moment.
That must be an amazing feeling.

To be written about in prose.
To be an infection on someone's mind.
So much so that they need a release.
So they write, or they call just to hear their voice.

Something else to be imagined.
Like flight. Escaping.
In one life maybe.
438 · Sep 2017
I feel nothing for pandas.
Jamison Bell Sep 2017
"Jamie." She said.
"Could you write me something?"
The inflection was in the "me", the "something" reflected a longing. Was it a longing to have me specifically, pen something for her? Or was she going to be happy just to be regarded? Regardless. I wrote this.

This moment will come to pass, I'm presumptuous this way.
But as sure as there'll be another amber sky, I'll think of you one day.
Of where you were here and now and that look you wear so well.
And I'll hope that you are happy with no regrets that you would sell.
Perhaps it is life's fancy and we may meet again one day.
You'll greet me with that smile that makes me search for words to say.
So whether this is it and our paths aren't due to cross.
Or we find ourselves with ourselves because we are simply lost.
I wish for you the best my friend a rarity you are to I.
Your presence was a present but I must say goodbye.
435 · Oct 2018
Jamison Bell Oct 2018
She’s a painting in motion.
Could I love her?
From a thousand yards out on the darkest night to be found.
Even in the absence of light in my life.
I could love her.
But I won’t.
To add me to the landscape of her painting, her life.
Would only serve to muddy the imagery.
Jamison Bell Oct 2016
Some say it is like magic.
Some say it's not meant to be.
I'll tell you my friend what's tragic.
If you don't see what I want you to see.

There is a beauty in the serenity.
And the serenity is what you seek.
Perception gives beauty an infinity.
To be the serenity of which you speak.

Perhaps I may have lost you.
My thoughts are at least chaotic.
This line of thinking is past due.
Because you may think it psychotic.

The serenity, beauty, and balance.
A harmonious trio indeed.
Acquisition would take many talents.
There's an easier way to succeed.

Just put aside your wicked ego.
You don't need it ''tis but a waste.
Let that zen of your childhood regrow.
Back when your pride you had yet to taste.

Beauty itself is flawed.
In that it is entirely subjective.
Into your conscious has clawed.
The idea that it must be collective.

Nay my friend I assure you.
There is serenity in the chaos.
Let your surroundings subdue you.
Any other action would be your loss.

The blood and the screaming.
The dust, the sweat, and the fear.
On the face of the demon who's dreaming.
I can tell you he is always near.

So you may as well look my friend.
Find the beauty that lies in his soul.
For if he should awake my friend.
His serenity will take its toll.
Let him sniff the paint cans honey.
432 · Feb 2019
From the other room
Jamison Bell Feb 2019
Think first
Look at them
Take a breath
And remember
Do you really want to say it
Maybe it’s better to just walk away
There’s a lot you want to say
But will it matter
Say what you will
Just Be careful
There are some things
That are just too vile, too mean, too gross to ever take back
So just
Just think
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