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Jamie King Apr 2014
Eyes pierce through the empty space you occupy. Silent echoes, your vocal renounced by the wind. Standing at the shore of waves and storms, you surrender to the inevitable as the sun rises.
Jamie King Apr 2014
I'm the fruit from the tree of the northern desert.
Where the grounds are dehydrated with  cracks  that run deep in their skins.
Bleeding the veins of plants to the last drop.
Draining the essence of all living things and yet still a victim of The unquechable thirst.
The heat forever calescent. The tree pleading to the sky for a drop of hope, for angels to cry and bless us with tears of joy.
Jamie King Apr 2014
am just letters, alphabets. But is that all I am? Is it really all that
I am?

I've been used to blossom flowers and array them with colours, to
admire beauty,as a  river to wash away sorrows as hope for a brighter tomorrow.

I'm in a web of scandals used  as a weapon for the bottom feeders, changing the views of mankind, giving birth to leaders.

I've felt the gentle hand of a lover, the pain of a broken heart,the tears of despaired minds, the fears of victimized villians burdened with pride.

The path to freedom is my illusion
As the light at the end of one tunnel is a light to another tunnel.

I've witness horrors in places that were hollow
I'm forever in an abyss of blissful sorrows .

Centuries after centuries I've been a mirror for reflecting notions and emotions,I confess
I am a donkey exhausted but allowed no rest.

I await the day when the last man  lays down his pen and
welcomes the grim reaper as an old friend, I too would be able to finally rest
Words are powerful they can build and they can destroy
Jamie King Apr 2014
The beauty of the beast is
the beast within the beauty.
To this I was blind, until my eyes were open by rib-breaking-swords aiming straight
for my only weakness.

The mirror of your image is a broken glass.
Reflecting the scars you embedded in this heart.

Do I drown myself in a river of poison or do I close my eyes and hope that tommorow will shed sorrows and mend my heart.
When your heart is so broken that every heart beat feels like needles inside your heart
Jamie King Apr 2014
The pen trembles, the paper perspires,the hand remains steady. Or is the mind weary and reality an illusion within a dream?
Infatuated with harmonising every line. Your mind is violent but your words are quite. incessantly bleeding the pen but there is no pain in your words, just anarchic serenity as you conclude with tranquil tragedies.
  Apr 2014 Jamie King
rained-on parade
I will be like a tree to you
neath whose shade you lie
as the days pull you down
and my branches long for
the pull of your weight-
the only kind I will allow
to pull me down.

Painless is the way
I shed my leaves for you,
die a slow death
all for your love for a golden autumn,
and again I come back to life for you,
because winter is a lonely business.

Your faith in my hold
is strengthened over these glad years,
unbreakable perhaps,
like how my roots are interwoven
into your ribs.

My poetry is eternal for you,
growing each day
and when you cut me open,
the rings will tell you of the years
I bled for you.

I will be a tree to you,
your very own Eden,
and the day I die,
I hope my roots reach out to you
when the time comes for you to
marry into the earth.

Only a vehement storm
can put me down.
I hate myself right now.
Jamie King Apr 2014
I once saw a rose amongst xanthic flowers, even the thorns were nothing short of perfection before these eyes. time passes by as we fail to realise that it is forever an unassailable overflowing river.
Now I find myself in a garden of neanirmophics, where eyes are deceived by the beauty of decaying roses.
I've always been attracted to beautiful females slightly older than me. I guess it's because they are more mature than I am
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