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 Mar 2015 Jamesandthepeach
I was born half in a wall
they Said there was nothing to be done
about It
So I grew with the wall and outside
of It

I am half stuck in a brick wall
It's fine because I

I am half-hidden inside a brick wall
smoking half-truths and half-moons
 Mar 2015 Jamesandthepeach
One day, you
decided I would
speak no more.
So I sat as
you sawed my tongue
and sewed my lips,
"For proper measure," you said.
You smiled at your finished work.
I couldn't.
You see,
My lips were sewed
together, too tight
Like the pen
I held,
hidden in my hand.
My sensitive skin
Believed in the love
On your fingertips
You gave me flowers
And the thorns had stung my hand
And you said roses
Were the flowers for a special kind of man

I held them tight
My hands bled and I never let go
It was worth every moment
Because the pain helped me grow

The roses had died
I  had realized a little too late
Because now you're gone too
You and the roses shared the same fate

And now I stand at your grave
With tears and roses in my hand
Because you said roses
Were the flowers for a special kind of man...
R.I.P I will never forget the moments we have shared. You are engraved in my heart FOREVER. You were the most special man I've ever known.
You were my greatest and worst love,
my high and low, my summer and winter,
my day and night, my pain and relief.
You were both an exaggeration and an understatement.
You were everything at once and nothing at all at the same time.
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