Council of my mind
Why do we gather here today?
The wraps around your hands are weathered from your anger
Your passion is whimsical as the wind of the lower valley
Why is it you bounce between boundaries like the hellish grip of possession
Has your confidence not found its way to its obsession?
I've lost my way, yes I know, it's the silence that creeps into my veins and into my bones
That makes me so fragile I could break with the throw of a stone
Most of the time I can move forward like fire
And every breath of vanity feeds oxygen to the fire
I could singe every tree in the forest, but what I seek is hiding in the ocean
I could not grasp her attention for more than a second, it would take a lovers potion
Have you not seen what you have put yourself through to grasp something you can't feel?
You couldn't catch a fish if you had a pole and a reel
Why do you try to can the sardine when you do not have the seal?
I do not mean to keep her in a cage, all I want is for her to be free
Can you not see how happy she is,
Maybe you should leave her the way she is before you scare her back into the sea
Let her roam the land, let her be free
Asking her to dance would be like putting her on a leash
But if she accepts the dance I will not hesitate
If it means her feeling caged then I will join her in fate
It will mean the beginning of a new era bound by heart and by hand
And the end to an era shaped like an hourglass, running out of sand