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 Jan 2015 cynthia
We used to spend hours
driving around looking at houses and
I never understood why you went to
the middle class neighborhoods
with the big homes that all looked the same and
pointed to the ones with
heavy wooden doors and thick brick walls
and all the cars in the garage and
called them your favorite
until I heard your voice crack when you said
they just look so sturdy
and I knew that
your walls were rotting and
falling down and
your foundation was cracked and
your windows were shattered and
the ceiling was starting to
cave in and
you liked the
big homes with
heavy wooden doors and thick brick walls
and all the cars in the garage because
they were
when you
 Dec 2014 cynthia
Beebz The Queen
I feel stranded on this island
And it feels so nice to be alone
I finally have no one to deal with
No one to please or love.
Because without him
I am stranded
But I'll send him a message
I'll put it in a bottle
I'll send it across the sea
It will read
"I hope you're thinking of me"
And when he opens it
He'll see my hand writing
And he will soon know
That if he wants me back
That island is where he should go.

And if he reads that message
And sighs in relief
Not missing me at all
I guess I'll be brief

My dear whom i love
Who doesn't need me
Can live life on his own
And i will be safe and sound
On that island
I will live a life full of adventure
And i may be alone
But i know I'm happy
Because he and i weren't meant to be
And i want no one else.
 Dec 2014 cynthia
sun stars moons
how do you let someone go
when you were the one who convinced him to love you?

how do you break his heart
after you were the one who picked up the pieces?

— The End —