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Ignata Jan 29
words never mean anything
and the ones that do are never being said out loud
silence is a prophet
a very somber one at that
but we just love to believe in something, don’t we
maybe tomorrow will change everything
maybe tomorrow will reveal nothing
nothing is the antidote for expectation
it’s in the sweet numbness of their rejection
it’s in the bitter aftertaste of your undying hope
it will happen again
I will happen
Ignata Jan 29
am I a poet
or am I just deranged
words tumbling out in senseless sequences
always chasing after something
anything really that has no purpose or meaning whatsoever
this blankness is what I am after
anything else is just too predictable at this point
Ignata Jan 29
Men. Boys. Small obsessions.
I want to be free of them.
Of me?

I get too drunk too quickly. Too excited.
A sloppy kiss in a badly lit kitchen can unlock something deep inside me.

A flicker of waking desire.
Nothing tastes better than a secret.

Nothing better than the soft touch of the lips you are supposed to stay away from.
I trace my fingers over the questions he smeared all over me.

Always cold and restless. How can I stop it?
Do I want it to stop when I’m this young and problematic?
Hungry for emotion, I want to get drunk off others' lips.
I want to wander in the drunken haze cloaked in the smoke of gossip.

A word from him. Hell of a digital rollercoaster.

I am easily hooked, always happy to surrender. Does he want me enough to keep me stable for a few weeks?

Do I love him? Do I hate him?
I only need him.

Is this inspiration or pure desperation?
Should I be grateful or furious?
For now, I am both.
Is this the burden of inadequacy that comes with being a poet?
Are we the most shallow of all?

What if this tumultuous destruction of my fevered ***** mind proves itself completely pointless?

I am made out of buzzing question marks.
My heart is on the verge of exploding.
My stomach is corroded with terror.
I can only handle this much.

I can’t do this anymore.

This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

— The End —