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The light of the city
dims that of the stars.
Humanity would usurp the heavens,
Forgetting the light beyond our sol.
 Nov 2014 SinEater
If only you knew,
How much I cared.
Undying affection.
 Nov 2014 SinEater
 Nov 2014 SinEater
your hair is unruly and unkempt
and i can't seem to form a coherent thought.

your very being is a colorful illustration
that i could study endlessly.

let me drink you in.

i promise not to leak.

i will savor every drop
and never let you flee.
 Nov 2014 SinEater
Though you were just small
our love for you was vast,
we caught you in a shoe
but that home did not last.

We moved you to a box
outside of our friends home,
we poked you with some grass
you just wanted to be alone.

But deep down in your heart
covered with dark brown scales,
we knew you really cared
from your head down to your tail.

we had to let you go
it made us really sad,
the way you slithered away
was really rather rad.

we miss you dearly
little buddy,
we'll see you some day
When it's bright and sunny.
 Nov 2014 SinEater
After all this time, I have learnt to write in the dark. See, this jukebox plays every night and it wouldn’t shut up no matter the pounds I fed. Such is the night of a writer; it goes on shuffle and repeat. And sometimes I hear your voice. Most times, it sounded like folding a picture of us and keeping it in the pockets of a stranger’s jeans, probably ending up tumbled and dried. I ask myself if it could have been a painted canvas. It’s just the thought of you that haunts me at night. If you ever do heart to heart talks, let’s talk about haunted houses. Some people get out of it; some don’t; some re-enter just for the thrill of it. I might be all three and I might not be the most played song in your playlist. I have tried several times to write about you, but none of them sounded right when I read them out loud. Some may write what they believe and some may write to believe; I might or might not be both. If I survived writing this prose, how could I be sure if it was your voice haunting me or if you were just a house I sought refuge in? The Northern Lights stays in the Aurora Zone; no one said that they’d ever Go West. Your skin on mine was like a child holding on to candy, I never wanted to let you go. When I wake, I only wonder if you have ever missed me at 3a.m.. I could make a mixtape titled: I heard you in these songs. But you were one who basked in the light. So I guess it’s safe to say that what was written in the dark stays in the dark.
Do you think God wanted to hold Eve's hand,
Whisper into her ear and tell her,
"I know what you did, and I know Adam doesn't know how to,
But I still love you and that's all that matters."
 Nov 2014 SinEater
 Nov 2014 SinEater
there is a courtyard
behind the abandoned hospital.
vines crawl up the walls like cancer;
like a sickness that cannot be contained.
just like my irrational eagerness for pertinence.
disconnect my conscious thoughts.
*make this infection disappear.
 Nov 2014 SinEater
 Nov 2014 SinEater
Conceited, arrogant, rude, ignorant, narcissistic, gall.
In order to care for another,
you must first want what they want,
Feel what they feel,
and know what they need.

True caring,
can only be found when two souls
become intertwined,
tied in an inseparable knot.

Once you can feel what someone else feels,
when you can see what they see,
how they see it,
when they see it.

When you are able to know a person
so well that you know what they want,
when they want it,
and how they want it.

How they will react to something,

When you know what a person wants
and you do everything in your power to
aid them,
help them,
guide them to their goal.

Then you know what true caring is.

So don't tell me you care,
because you bought me some shoes.
Don't tell me you care,
because you took me home,
when that's the last place I wanted to be.
Don't tell me you care,
because when I cried out for help,
Spilled my guts in hopes you could find a way to save me,
you told me to clean up the mess and get over it.

You don't care.
Not about me.
Not about anyone.
Anyone but yourself.

— The End —