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It's ironic really,
How you like me because I don't want anything from you,
Yet all you do is take from me.
 Jan 2016 Frosted Flowers
 Jan 2016 Frosted Flowers
 Jan 2016 Frosted Flowers
I love the way I feel
When you hold my hand
The way you look at me
Like I am your prize

You said you'll take away the pain
I thought no one can
But now inside of me
Are birds and butterflies

I thought love has gone
Away and away has ran
But now I'm close to heaven
I see the sunrise

Even if I say nothing
You always understand
Your shoulder is always there
A safe place for me to cry

If you ever fall
I'll be there to help you stand
Always by your side
helping you to get by

I'll be your robin
You be my batman
Together we'll fight
Together we'll fly

I'll lift you up
To your dreamland
And you'll get me higher
Than the sky

For love is
A human demand
And you hand me the world
Right in front of my eyes
I just want to dye my hair all sorts of crazy colors. Why? Because I can. I want to go to concerts and be around people who just want to have fun after spending so many years going through hell and back. I want to travel to England and have adventures I can write stories about. I want to wear cute skirts with a beat up pair of converse and dance all over the place. I want to eat all the chocolate I can. I want to find magic in places no one thinks about twice. I want to turn 30 years old with confidence because I think women get better with age. I want to write forever and ever. I want to write for a career. I want to write anywhere whether it's on an airplane, the floor in a mall, a dressing room, while stuck in traffic, high up on a building where I can see everything you can't see when you are on the ground. I want to make snow angels in the snow and make wishes in the rain. I want to eat pizza with my friends, fall in love with a man who adores me, adopt a child and give them a home so I can love them every second of everyday. I want to have my heartbroken so I can become stronger. I want to laugh so when I'm sad I have something to remind me why I should keep going. I want to swim with mermaids, fly in the sky with Santa Claus and go ice skating with Jack Frost. I want people to tell me I can't do something so I can prove them wrong. I want to jump from cliffs and let the ocean catch me into it's arms and spin me around as if I am dancing in an underground heaven. I want to be 40 years old still be going to Disneyland because I refuse to let the child inside of me from years ago die. I want to make a difference. I want to hug as many people as I can. I want to stay up until 3 am around a camp fire looking at the stars while I tell God all of my secrets. I want to make all my dreams come true all the while staying humble so I don't lose myself in success. I want to live without the pressure of having to do certain things so fast. I want to leave this earth knowing I did impossible things and that someone's life was changed because I chose to love them when nobody else wanted to.
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders
WRITTEN ON: November. 13, 2015 Friday 3:26 PM
the Siene does not run red
Eiffel still stands, though both
a million miles farther from our hotel
than they were at our last meal

had we not had a cancelled cruise
we would be listening to blue waves'
soft song in Nice

not now, instead
we hear the sirens' cacophony
premature dirges for the dead
wails of the maimed, yet

tomorrow, their biographies will be
in print, their families numb in disbelief
longing for belief

and wishing numbers could be
reversed: 11-13-15, 9-11-01, 12-07-41
or perhaps AD plus one

when will this end, and
how much farther from Eve's
curious breach can we fall
 Nov 2015 Frosted Flowers
 Nov 2015 Frosted Flowers
the last time I felt like someone cared about me was when
we were on my bed,
laughing and rolling around and
being so close to one another.
you were trying (notice I said trying)
to tickle me and you failed miserably.
you somehow ended up on top of me and
then your warm, tender hand (the right one, specifically)
ended up holding me by my waist and
you slowly made your way up to my face as you
caressed my cheek.
you leaned down slowly to kiss me and that was the last time I
know someone cared about me.

I feel like I'm all alone in the world because I'm slowly, but surely, being
forced to shut myself out from it.
trust me, it's not something that I want to do.
but it's something that I have to do, because if I don't then
things will just continue to get worse and
I just simply cannot afford anymore heartbreak.

everyone is dead. well, not everyone.
but most of us are.
we're just walking corpses waiting for Death to take us away
from this Hell we call Earth.

*aren't we?
"taurus: when is the last time you felt like someone cared
about you? why is it that you feel like you're all alone in
this world? where has everyone gone?"
Inspired by my horoscope that lulu put on here.
(and I took this "caring" to be of the romantic variety. my friends and my family love and care about me, and I can think of a million ways and stories to write about, but I specifically wanted to do a romantic one because those moments don't happen as much and I have to cherish them while I can.)
(and heartbreak comes in many different forms. This is about all the forms of heartbreak.)
this is the last time you'll drag your dagger through my mind
im silencing the thoughts
readjusting the locks
just to keep you out.
don't try and break in,
theft is in your blood and im not yours to steal.
your mask won't trick me the next time
your face is engrained in my mind
and i'll never forget
i could never forget
i'm just out of things to give
so please stay out this time.
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