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There is nothing worse than being in love but having to leave anyways
Knowing that he is still waiting at the door, knowing that you will always be invited inside
But still, you never visit
Because moving away is not just a change of address
So don't make me ruin it by saying it out loud, just tell me you love me and wave goodbye
I cannot bear to hear the words so whisper them if you must
And I understand you think it is foolish of me leaving
You think perhaps love is greater than childhood dreams
But my plane is about to leave, the gate is closing
I'm sorry but I have to go
I am so sorry, for not coming on here lately.
For you all have touch my heart your poems.
Your stories are filled with great encouragement.
I really do miss you, but I am hurting right now.
But soon hopefully , I shall be back on more.
You are all, really inspiring people to me my friends.
I been blessed by each and everyone of you  here.
Thank you all, for being who you are Special people.
I am so very thankful for each and everyone of you.
Bye for now I love each and everyone of you in Christ.
For a lie
The price I pay
Is my bliss
I'll nurture this distortion
Encourage you to spin the web
To accept the false

For my freedom
I'll trade this imprisonment for another
Put my life on the line,
To be free of your sight
To not hear your voice
I'll carry this new burden with pride
Embrace the hardships of a fake freedom

For peace
I'll take these insults in silence
Bite my tongue till blood spills
Swallow my pride so that you won't
I'll turn my back on all I know

For a life
I'll never look back
Holding my chin up high as suppressed tears run freely like my soul
I'll look on ahead
To the sky where my heart will soar
For a smile
I'll give it all up
For a chance to be happy
I'll keep on living
What is your price, the price you'll pay for happiness? Will you hurt so that those you love don't? Or will you let the world fall on them, turn your back to the life that's hurt you, for a chance to be selfish and claim your happiness?
Has lost its way
Forgotten what it meant to live
Greed rules the lands
Hate divides
And ignorance shackles

Has began to die
Corruption reigns with an iron fist
Can't seem to find the light amongst the fog of evil
To give power to those that would lead to healing

It means we'll all rot
To be herded by the lies of the media
Beauty is the only way
Thin is beauty
Shallow is beauty
Fraud is beauty
To be separated by outdated prejudice
Gays are sinners
White is the true superior race
Money can buy anything,
Even love
To be set on a road of self destruction
Poverty is for the lower class
Intelligence is for the weak
Individuality is for the outcasts

Has forgotten what it means to be human
To find the balance
Love without fear
Fight the injustice for freedom of thought,
Freedom to be unique,
Freedom to live,
To live with a purpose

A purpose
That's what Humanity has lost
Humanity just keeps worsening and soon, it'll cease to even know what it means to be human.

I wrote a poem earlier today entitled
"The Maker of the Hill"

In this poem I described life is a toboggan ride. I also rode in the footnotes that my family was having trouble financially and despairing of having food for the rest of the month. Well I just want to let you all know that my church found out about our plight and is donating money so that we can buy food. Christians are not all money-grabbing. They are also very giving people. That is often forgotten when one sees the televangelists Etc. And my church is certainly putting their money where their mouth is! Hallelujah!!!
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