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  Nov 2014 Cinnamon Honey-Glacé
It's enough,
enough of hurting me my dear friend,
It's enough, enough of cursing me.

I know....

I'm fooled by every one of them,
I'm a fooled to trust them.
and I'm sick of it, sick of them and sick of you.

Let me be honest...

I feel sick of your attitudes,
I feel sick of your words.
Let's stop this my dear friend,
Let's stop of being my friend.
I'm easily fooled by them. I never fight for my own.
“Is it really living if someone else is pulling the strings”?
Karl Franssen
it's rain, it's snow

you swear that the sunlight
is as cold
as the wind

as loud
as the fiercest thunderstorm

and as still
as the mirror
held up against the blue
blue sky

but it's not
and you still lied
when you said it wasn't
always warm
Let's not hide ourselves away anymore
(If only it were that simple)
i will wake you up
at three
if you ask me

and i will listen to the words
tumbling from your sleepy
and fall for the way
you laugh
at your own jokes
the way i already do

i will say your name
if i hear
you drifting away
and you will affirm
your consciousness
in your sleep
until your dreams
end again
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