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I wonder how long it will take him, to realise that being with me, is a mistake.
He will figure it out sooner or later
you keep all your belongings
even carry 'em along with you

unaware of how you're taking up everybody's space

And even when it doesn't fit
you gather even more

not knowing you're supposed to let go
before you let in.
And she did leave me
It's not often I become as
Weak as this
But I can't tell what advice to
Bring her
But I can tell her panics always
With this boy. He's always
To be coy
Baby he's going to leave you
(But yet you continue) -
Maybe Yes; you have an
Expiration date
And I'm at least glad you didn't
Realise too late
I know my girl, and detachment
Won't swing
It's terrifying to face it,
To really bring
Yourself to acknowledgment
I know the feeling
If you find your solution -
I'll be left reeling.
You'll find the words eventually.
Flow of thy footfalls, in the sweltry sands,
headlong haste, the current of a swift,
on thy gargatuan back thou tarry
magnitude of goods and massive stones.
how humps writh, with food in,
and steps, steady, without fodder,
head on for many months and
the throat, smooth and sleek, calls for
no water for upmteenth days.
thy slastic neck slides to the ground
and like the hood of the snake stands,
how holds man's heads, taken apart,
the soldier, the warrior, the king of the desert,
what a masterpiece of God's art!
Notes (optional)
Let’s all just take a minute
To shut the hell up
And talk about our feelings
Come on you know you wanna
Let’s talk about them one by one
Let’s talk about them you know it'll be fun

Feel the warmth on your face,
Discover your breathing space.
Lose yourself and escape,
For you are unique in the first place.
Welcome happiness's embrace

Let’s talk about happiness
You might think it’s the best
But it’s just a pest
Because more or less
It just makes me feel stressed

Everything blurs together,
All in your displeasure.
Alone, you're angered in life's adventure.
Take a breath if the balmy zephyr.
One step at a time, tackle your aggressor

Let’s talk about feeling angry
When it’s here everything just seems to annoy me
I just want people to go away because there’s no one I want to see
This feeling doesn’t do things peacefully
This feeling it doesn’t need to be free
So let’s lock it up and throw away the key

Down we go,
Into sadness's plateau.
Tears are welcome to get you through the long tow.
Hide yourself from the status quo.
Someday I know you will tread in life's game show.

Let’s talk about feeling sad
You might not think it’s rad
But sometimes the feeling isn’t half bad
It sure beats feeling mad
But with sadness there isn’t much fun to be had
Italics are Kaitlin Molden's Lines
Normal are Karl Franssen's lines
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