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Holic Jan 2017
The world moves too fast
Yesterdays in
Is today’s out
Keeping up
Seems like an impossible task
But hey, I’m finally losing that extra weight!

I don’t think this life is quite for me
Apathetic to the worries around
Inspiration and motivation are nowhere be found
Daily live
Nothing but a struggle to survive
To see tomorrow’s Sunrise

In & Out
People go from each other’s lives without a second thought
Exchanging hands,
Promising vows,
Shedding tears,
Making laughter,
Expressing heart,
With a lazy sigh and the turning of wheels
A slow realization begins to form

The world
Moving too fast
Yesterdays in
Today’s out
Keeping up
Seems like an impossible task
But hey,

On days like today
When the world takes a moment to breath
During what seems like pointless hours ticking by

As I lay around waiting for something to happen
Watching the clouds and birds fly high
I can truly say
I’m grateful to be alive

The tickling of rain drops
Racing down a transparent window
A silent voice
Calls through
To witness the simple things take form
Is when I feel most alive
Holic Jan 2017
They believe I can’t see it
Their twisted smiles
Saliva dripping from their self-trained tongues
Speaking in their fluent language of Lies
Eyes coated in Sin
(Vanity, the most precious of them all)
Planting the seed of Paranoia inside unfortunate minds
Backward promises; they often vowel
A game of souls; they love to play
There’s no escape from this life of ours
No restart button I’m afraid
No rewriting pages already written
Oh, my poor sweet child-
How I weep for you-
I sincerely do-
To be born into this realm of misery
Nothing is what it seems
Everything what that is
Is not
Welcome to a cynical world, darling
Holic Jan 2017
I am the cat who meows to be loved
I am the fish who swims in the warmest of waters
I am the bird who sores through the sky
I am the snake who slithers on the ground
I am the monkey who swings through trees
I am the dragon who breaths fire
I am the horse who rides like a bullet
I am the Wind that speaks
I am the Earth that feels
I am the peasant who has nothing
I am the King who has all
I am the warrior who protects all
I am the angel who knows all
I am the demon who destroys all
I am the medicine that heals
I am the Moon that shines
I am the Sun that burns
I am the fossil that takes many forms and shapes
I am the dreamer who never wakes
Holic Jan 2017
Bear with me on this please
I've been craving creativity rather absently
Dismally, there's nothing to guide me
No blissful excitement
No helping hand of inspiration
Not even a half beaten idea
Just a need to reclaim
What I feel like I've lost
(Or what's been stolen from me)
These are just some words within lines
Forming a confession to relieve the aimless craving inside
I'm ify on the title. But I thought I try turning a empty feeling into something humorous.
Holic Jan 2017
My love for you is like a sunburn
Painful as an opera, itchy as hell
O, a lesson I have learned
Love is a sickness that does not heal every well
I lay in bed--waiting for the day
Planning for the time my revenge will be paid
And with a smile painted on my face;
I will send you to your cold, heartless, fiery grave.
I'll sit by your tombstone with fresh, strong skin
You craved my soul into the deepest of caves
And so the Laws of Right and Wrong I will bend
To replace what once was mine, I take on a sin.
In the dead of night, you will hear me sing:
Witness what you have done to me
For I am your new King.
Thank you for reading!
Holic Jan 2017
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words cut deeper than you’ll ever know
It’s a torture so ever slow;
Crushing bones to ash
An activity so expecting
I almost find it welcoming?
So swift, we slash
So eagerly, we bash
Too often, we find ourselves staring at a way out
Too often, we continue running in circles
Back to what we wish would fade
Addicts to abuse; we moan
Sticks and stones
Oh my love, how they can break the bone
But words are the sharpest weapon mankind will ever know
And while my body and soul absorbs these scars
Promise one thing darling
The next time we play this game of sticks and stones
Do not utter a single word
Tell me what you think and if you find any grammar or spelling problems. Thank you for reading!

— The End —