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 Feb 2018 han
addy normand
you say I'm pretty nice and lovely    

but pretty girls dont etch tally marks into their arms

nice girls don't spend every minute wanting to end it all

and lovely girls don't cry themselves to sleep praying for the pain to end
 Jan 2018 han
who am i to argue
 Jan 2018 han
a tin sky
my love
a garden

my eyes
my skull
 Jan 2018 han
Emma Price
 Jan 2018 han
Emma Price
Some say wisdom is                                                  You truly do find
                             Hard to find                                                       Wisdom
But I believe that is because                                       As soon as you
                             They are saying anything at all                          Search for it
And wisdom comes
                              In the silence
"If you can't hear the music, you're talking too loud"
much love
 Jan 2018 han
Abigail Sedgwick
If Christ learned obedience
through the things which
he suffered

Then I will choose obedience
I suffer
far less than He did.
Hebrews 5:8
 Jan 2018 han
When the leaves will fall
You would miss me
When the cold will crawl
You would wish for me

When tears will fill your eyes
You would long for me
When you breakdown with cries
You would wish for me

When you watch the stars at night
You would think of me
When you sitting at a height
You would wish for me

When your tears will finally dry
You would intend to forget me
When you drink and cry
You would only wish for me

Or maybe not...
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