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You may be out of my sight but not out of my heart
You may be out of my reach but not out of my mind
I may mean nothing to you but you will always mean something to me
i......miss sorry
ughh **** me
Have you felt that you’re all alone but you’re not but it seems like it because no one is there for you but then they are, you thought that people will never be there for you until you turn around and everything changes? When you turn around and realize that someone is there for you but then you guys stop talking every day and you’re crying and the person that is supposed to be there for you doesn’t answer you and you need there their help because you’re scared that you will do something stupid again, and then it seems you have no one there so you do something stupid and all you can do is cry because you’re lost in an empty dark place where you don’t know how to get out, so you sit there and cry, and you start saying that your life is nothing but then you see a light at the end at the tunnel, and there is a person that you thought that well never be there for you and she’s smiling and holding you and telling you that everything is ok and she never leaves your side, and you finally stop crying and you start smiling and you can’t stop, after you start to feel that hurt going away slowly but it’s going away, and your finally becoming happy for once and all you wish for that hurt not to come back but it does and you feel it all over again and this time it doesn’t go away, when you close your eyes do you still realize what you did to me do you understand how bad I’m hurting, you told me you love me and you would never hurt me and you left me when you said you would never hurt or leave me but look what you did you hurt and left me, like everyone else does, I thought I found that special person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with but I guess you’re just another one of my mistakes and I’m supposed to learn from you and I learned that you’re not  the one and I should just wait because I know you’re not it and you were just a waste of time, why did you have to lie to me and say that you love me, let’s see maybe you felt bad or you were wanting to make someone jelly, who knows it could be anything, and then you try to say that I was your everything but you can never look me in the eyes and say it, so it was just lies right?
please dont say nothing mean about my poems they are how i feel and i dont give two care what you think about them
I told you that I  loved  you and you left so I guess that's what I get,
my wrist bleeding  
they are stained red
my head hurts
im in so much pain
the pain is taking over
im trying so hard
but every time i turn around i see you
our conversations replay in my head
i cant take the pain
i look around and all i remember is you saying you would be there
telling me you wouldn't let me go
now my wrist are still bleeding
im still counting but it never works
the moment when she hangs up the phone
and all you hear is  static
you  start crying
because you waited all day to hear her voice
and now shes gone
you miss her so much.....</3...
When your to the point where you cant breathe when i close my eyes,
To the point where every night is just a blur,
To the point where i just want to end it all
But i won't i cant
To many people look up to me..
i cant take it
all i think about is you
how you made me happy
how you made me  cry
how you made me sad
how you made me mad
how you made me feel  
our cute little conversation replay in my head
i see you every time i close my eyes  
i think about how you look, smile, laugh ,cry,
your always on my mind
i just want you to leave because your the one causing me not sleep
I always said that every day is a kind of bitter sweet loop because each one is one more day that I haven’t seen you but it’s also another day closer to the next time that I do
im slowly counting down the days
where my life is going to end
im slowly dying
im slowly bleeding
im slowly falling sleep
it's dark
i cant wake up
i finally did it
i can be happy
i can smile
but wait i wake up
it was all a dream,
but im still bleeding
it wont stop
im sorry
do you know that girl that you called fat, she went home after school and cut because of you
do you that guy you called stupid, he gets abused at home
do you know that girl you called ugly, her family hates her and she wears makeup to make she self pretty
do  you know that person you called emo, she has no one there, everyone hates her, she has no friends, and she has so much pain, so the only way she can get ruin of some of that pain is if she cuts because unlike someone people she has no one to turn to
stop bulling, stop saying **** , stop and get to know that person before you start judging,  please people around the world are hurting and getting bullied, let try and make it stop,
do you know how it feels when your family tells you that they hates you, or when you lose your best friend or when the the love of you life is gone, out of your sight, out of you reach, almost almost out of your mind but your trying to keep all the happy memories in your mind but they are slowly slipping away
You see that girl? She looks so happy right? Telling jokes, smiling, having a fun time and
Dying inside, she’s hurt, broken and tired.
Tired of all the drama, tired of not feeling good enough
Done with life. But she doesn’t want to look dramatic, weak, and attention seeking
So she keeps it all inside, acts like everything is perfect but cries at night,
So everybody thinks that she’s the happiest person they know
That she has no problems and her life is perfect
If they only knew the truth
every time i close my eyes, i see yours, every time i pass where we first met i cry, every time i hear your name i want to cry, every time i think of you my heart hurts in pain, my head hurts every time i think about what  it was like to hold you, every time i think of holding you my hands start to hurt, i cant take the pain, its to much,
you told me that you loved me but now look your no where to be seen, you talk **** behind my back and you told people not to tell me like really, grow up, you told lies about me, but you made it look like i said them about you, but look who found out your story, i remember what its like to look in your eyes and smile but now i hate you and every time i see your face i want to throw up, every time you say im sorry, i want to punch you and say ******* and *******
this morning has been amazing
no one is fighting
my arms are healing
i am smiling for once
i got to hang out with my happy family
amazing day so far
help me
i need help
im bleeding
i cant take the pain anymore
the moment when you left me
i couldn't take it, the pain it hurts so bad
i found a new friend
it makes my feel ok
but then it hurts me
it makes a beautiful picture on my skin
but it is telling me that everything is ok
i told her how i felt
i  told her things that i never told anyone
i  told her that im okay
but im not
im lost.....
Hey little fighter please drop your handy lighter now give me your razors and lift up your sleeves
Your scars will stay, but your buries will soon fade away
Now eat baby your mean something to me, so take it in, take it in and breathe
Know things will get better because angel even in this gloomy weather it can’t rain forever
my wrist are bleeding
i was trying so hard to stay clean
but i couldn't do it
i stopped counting at 140
and i wish i stopped
but it made most of the pain go away
My love for you was bullet proof but you’re the one that shot me
she called me today
and all i could do is cry
she told me she still loved me
but i couldn't believe her
she said it so many times
and each time she hurt me
i cant do it anymore
i try to remember the happy days about us but there wasn't many
she started crying i couldn't do it
she hung up on me again
and i cried even harder
she is my everything but she hurt me so many times
i cant do it anymore
she called me crying, telling me that shes sorry and im her world idk what to do   i need help...!!! ughhh
i feel like the world is on my shoulders
i cant take this
i never felt this way before
everything is falling apart
i'm losing all my friends
my own family hates me
i cant take this
i hate this
i hate not being able to see her
i hate being sad
but everything i do ruins everything
i cant take it
i'm bleeding,
there is blood all over the floor
one cut
two cuts
three cuts
come on darling whats one more
five cuts  
six cuts
seven cuts
what a mess this will create
my beautiful picture is almost done
i went to 20 cuts
now its 40
i stopped counting after 120
"i'm sorry"
it's not like me
it's maturity that i'm lacking
so don't  let  me  go
just let me know
that growing up goes slow
My wrist are now bleeding
My life doesn't have any meaning
My wrist have bleed
My wrist have trails of red
im sorry i cant do this anymore,
im sorry i fell in love with you,
im sorry the im annoying,
im sorry my life is boring,
im sorry i have scars,
im sorry that i am this way
im sorry that its this way
im sorry that you fell in love with a girl that has scars
im sorry for being sorry
i cant do it anymore....i dont want to be here anymore
2 mins clean..........
i remember when we would stay on the phone till 4 in the morning
i remember when you told me you loved me
i remember waking up hearing your voice in the morning
i remember the day when you told me i was your everything
i remember crying
i remember painting on my skin
i remember my arms bleeding
i remember a grabbing a rope and dying
i remember the pain that you  left  *me
i wanted her to see me
i wanted her to see my pain that she left me in
i wanted her to see that the pain she left was not gone
i wanted her to see that im like this because of her
i wanted her to see that i still love her
i wanted her to see the scars that i have because i couldnt bear the pain
i wish you knew whats its like to feel so empty
i wish you knew when i told you i loved you i meant you
i wish you knew when i told you, you were the only one for me and i meant you were my everything
i wish you knew what you did to me, you hurt me, you ribbed my heart out and stomped all over it
i wish you knew how much you meant to me
just leave me alone your in my dreams, my mind, what i see when i close my eyes, im tired i cant sleep and i dont try to think or blink, its like your everywhere i just want you to leave me alone you hurt me so bad, cant you just let me be? every time i hear your name i want to cry because im trying so hard to forget you but your still in my mind, i want you to leave my mind, my dreams, i want you to stop being the only thing i see when i close my eyes, i want to sleep,when your laying there sound asleep are you dreaming about me like i dream and think of you or are you thinking about someone else, dont answer that question, i already know the answer.........just leave me alone, i want to sleep, i want to be happy, i want to smile again and not have to worry about being hurt again
she's always in my head i cant get her out
only you need the light when its burning low
only miss the sun when it starts to snow
you only know you love her when you let her go
only know when you been high and feeling low
only hate the road when your missing home
you only know you love her when you let her go
life with her is

life without her
i need  her and i have her and she is my everything, my one and only,
do you think i wanted this
do you think this is the way i thought it would turn out
do you think im sorry for my scars
you should love someone for everything about them, even if they have scars or if they have a bad past, love should be that moment when you look at someone and they make you happy, when you hear that someones voice all you can think about is happy thoughts and you could forget everything thats going on around you, you should love someone for them and for being themselves
love is like pressing into you skin and leaving a mark
love is like riding a hundred roller coasters  in one day and remembering the feeling as you lay in the bed at night
love is like sitting in the ocean and letting the waves push and tugs you and remembering the way they fought over you on your way back home after watching the sunset
love is engraved in your skin and sketched in your brain
love can not be unfelt only forgotten with in time and more time and even more time and maybe not even then
your designed just for me,i have so much to say, so much to get off my chest, just make it to me, god made you just for me, i will hold you when your sad or crying, i want to look up into the sky and look at the stars with you, so just make it to me,

i love you my new lover
idk what this is but i had this in my mind and i was sitting here awake because i couldnt sleep and now i think i can try to sleep without seeing her face
My head hurts and maybe it’s from all the coffee I've been drinking to keep me awake because all I see when I shut my eyes are yours
i said i  love  you and now your gone i guess my  love  wasn't enough
once a upon a time there was a girl and she was in love with this girl, this girl was her world, her life, her everything, but the girls parents made you to stop talking, and all that girl could do is cry and there is nothing you could do because your mom took over her life, her mom took her phone and everything she owns, the girl now has nothing and misses the love of her life so much she is still the only thing she thinks about she hardly gets any sleep until she cries her self to sleep, but the girl nos this is best for the love of her life because it gives her ( the love of her life) a chance to be even more happy, now its up to the girl to make herself happy
one day i want her to feel the pain i felt inside
one day i want her to feel what its like to take a blade across her skin
one day i want her to feel what its like to be heart broken
one day i want her to feel like she worthless
one day i want her to feel the same way i felt when she broke my heart
one day i want her to feel all alone
one day i want her to feel whats its like to get laughed at
one day i want her to feel the sadness i felt inside
i love her so much but i want her to feel the same **** i felt when she broke my heart
one day knifes will be for cutting food again
one day i will be happy again
one day i will find that special someone
one day i will be able to show my skin to someone and they wont laugh  
one day i will have friends again
one day i will feel happy and free
one day the sad will hopefully be gone
the thing is you think i will be fine but step in my shoes, live my life, see through my eyes, tell me im fine, tell me that you fine living in my shoes, my life, seeing things through my eyes, you would be in tears if you could  read my mind, people say im weak for walking away but im not, im the strong one that can live through out the pain
i cant do it anymore
remember the day when she said i would never leave you
remember the day when she said im always here
remember the day when she said i love you
remember the day when she said i would never do it again
well at this time she's gone, she no longer in your sight or reach
she stopped showing and saying i love you
and she hurt you again time after time
so you sit there crying remembering what it's like to hold her, what's its like to see her and hear her voice, you keep replaying all the little cute conversation in your head but your crying and you cant stop, your trying so hard, you thought that you could do it without her but you can't your in so much pain,
seeing her face makes me happy,
makes me smile,
makes me happy inside
makes me feel like im wanted
i need you please
dont leave me stay with me
your all i need
this is not love its clear to see
but please stay with me
you mean everything to me
you have no idea how much you mean to me
please stay with me
hearing her voice
makes my day
makes me smile
makes me get butterflies
makes me miss her even more
makes me want to cry
makes me love her even more
the pain is back
the pain is taking over my body  
it's been 3 days and the pain hasn't left
the pain is going through my body
i don't think its going to go away
but im starting to get used to the pain
The first one is when someone is reckless with your heart and it breaks and its shatters in ways you never thought it could

The second is when you break someone’s heart because you’ll never know pain like the type that has you look into their eyes but they look away …..

And the worst kind of heart break is the kind that comes along when you have to watch the person you love be happy with someone else! </3

another one of the worst broken hearts are when you and your best friend start talking to these 2 guys. When your friend introduces them to you and you can’t help it but fall for one. When your best friend breaks up with the other one she said she was all amazing and goes crazy. When you find out she has sent nudes to him while he and you were dating. That’s true pain. He says it is only you but you know it is all a lie and the bad thing is this happened only in a month and a week. It feels like **** when you remember the good times you have had together but then you remember that you have to drop them for good all they ever caused was pain. I remember crying one night over Xbox and everyone was saying nothing is going on but his cousin… Her ex-boyfriend. But then I decide almost 2 months later I forgive her because school starts back up. I had a chip on my back still but then days got brighter because she introduced me to someone. My boyfriend the only good thing that came out of her. You’ve past him at places, never paid attention. But back to the point, she had put me through hell with her and her satanic life. I will never say her name again she hurt me so bad. She has called me every name in the book; ****, *****, *****, *******, childish, and more I will not say. I’ve learnt from my mistakes but I now know I will not make them ever again.
Hey I just wanted to tell you, you’re my everything, you’re my world, you’re the apple of my eye, you’re perfect, I swear god made you just for me, I’m glad that your by my side every day, baby you’re like a drug, I need you more then you need me, you’re like my life support
you’re the reason why I’m still alive, your beautiful in every way, more I know about you more beautiful you get, if talking to you makes me heart race, then I don’t know what will happen when I see you face to face I don’t know how to tell you how much I love you because my love for you can’t be shown so listen baby girl your everything to me and I love you just the way you are <3
yes im lesbian and yes im proud so keep your mean thoughts to yourself please and thank you
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