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gasping for air
i cling to whatever's left to anything,
walls closing in room spins,
getting so dizzy,
screaming to myself that this ride needs to end,
the sunshine is now gone,
its about to rain,
i fall to my knees,
i cave,
the tide swept my away,
now i'm lost in the waves,
i'm now too tired to fight,
today would have been 8 months that we have been together
i miss "us"
the other day you texted me and said you missed me?
do you really?
you hurt me, you broke my heart
but it was already broken when i met you
i thought you would be the one to fix it
but you broke it more
i started drawing a picture but it wasn't nothing
but now that everything is gone
i started drawing a more beautiful picture then ever before
its not okay so stop telling me everything will be okay
i'm done hiding my feelings
i'm done crying over someone that doesn't care,
i'm done trying to keep her when all she is doing is pushing me away
i'm done with the world telling me it's going to be okay.....
o days that okay?
most people think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone
but it isnt.......
the worse thing in life is to end up surrounded by people who make you feel all alone
i wanted to tell her i never loved her
but i did and still do
i wanted to tell her she was noting to me
but she is everything to me
i wanted to tell her that i dont think about her
but thats a lie she is all i think about
no one wants us together
they say she brings me sadness and unhappiness
but they dont see she is my everything my heart and soul, my other half, everything i ever wanted,
i miss the way how i would wake up in the morning and she will still be on the phone saying good morning beautiful
i miss the way how i would look over at her and i see her looking at me and smiling
i miss the way how she looks
i miss the way how she talks
i miss the way how she smells
i miss everything about her
each and everyday that goes by i miss her even more
to be honest i need her, i miss her,
you tell me to stop crying,
just brush it off,
that everything will be okay,
but you don't know what i'm feeling,
or how much i hurt,
you said just to go on with life, and to forget about it,
but i'm sad,
i don't expect you to understand why,
for no apparent reason i break down and cry,
my life has been changed forever,
you see?
and that is why i'm not acting like the same old me,
i will never be the same again,
not today,
not tomorrow,
but never,
I realize that now your gone.....
Your never coming back
Your happy now
I'm sorry
I'm disappointment
i love you
your beautiful smile shines brighter then the sun
your laugh is amazing
your hands fit in mine like they are made to be
your smile lightens up my world
your the best thing that happened to be
but now that i lost you
i cant take it
it hurts
i read through our old messages
and remembering that reason why i love you
i cry and cry
but i tried so hard
you were never mine
the way you looked into my eyes,
i wanted to die,
i tried so hard not to fall for you
but when i held you in my arms
i cried all i could do way cry, because i always wanted to make you mine
you didnt push me away when i held you why?
to: L.N.C
from: my friend N.M.H
I remember the way it felt when the cold metal slid across my wrist,
The way the blood flowed down my arms,
The way the pain was slowly going away,
I needed you,
And you told me to go away......
i don't think words can express you beauty, they say love is forever, your forever is all i need
I  hate  you = I love you
when i sit in class and i look around
i see how people are better then me
like the way they walk
the way they talk
the way they are smarter then me
the way they have friends
the way everything is different
but when i look at myself i see pain
i see no friend
i see weak, dumb, stupid
i see things that other people  might not
sometimes i wish i was like other people and not have to worry
i look at all these memories,
and i began to cry,
i see things, i see people, i can't ever see again,
i see people who i have mistreated, and can't make up,
i feel these memories are killing me,
i see so much i took for granted,
and i cry,
i could never feel those feelings again,
i could never be there again,
i see things that hurt me because i cant really remember them,
i see myself as i was; cruel, stone cold,
i never told anyone how i felt,
i regret that now.,
i see how brave i was at times, and how i backed down,
i see hold care-free i was,
i see now what has consumed my life...greed,
so, now i look at all these memories and i began to cry,
these memories are killing me,
so now old picture book, **goodbye
i wonder what my parents would say if they found out i cry  each  *day
The sadness over takes the body and its hard to stop,
the sadness hurts so bad,
and  taking the blade to your skin and making yourself bleed
just to make the pain go away,
but wait the pain is still there
the pain you left me with the hurt that will never go away,
I gave you my heart and you gave me a knife,  
you took my heart and through it on the floor like it was trash
I could have gave my heart to someone that really cared,
the blood is dripping on the floor
slowly and you start to count
one cut two cuts three cuts
and you keep counting  up
and all you can  remember is the pain
that was left,
and all you do is cry……..
i dream of you, can i show you what my dreams about?? because i dream of you
well im happily taken she makes me so happy gosh!!!!!!!
Your heart beat is my Bass, beating and giving rythm to my life

Each breath you take is my melody, the life of my life song

Your cologne is my harmony, calming to my soul

Your touch is my piano, playing a soft tune amongst my skin      

Your eyes my voice, as I sing along to your enchanting song of love

Your kiss is the cresendo, building up to the height of our love song

You make love to me at the peak of our daily song.
Your good bye, the end of our song. As you return to your life
And I... I sit and wait for us to make a duet again
this is my favorite poem
your like the tide
your beautiful
and hard to resist
but the minute i
come running to you
you pull away
I have those moments
When all I want to do is
Read your words
Hear your voice
Hold you close
And feel your warmth..

And I have those moments
When all I want to do is
Finally drown
In this ocean
Of endless sadness
And just slip into gray..

Right now
I feel both
And I need you here
To lie to me and say
Everything is ok
And you're going to stay..
today would make zero days clean
everyday i try do hard not to cry
everyday i try to ignore the laughter
everyday i try to do my best to smile
but every time i try, i try to hard or i dont try hard enough
but the thing i realized is that i will never be good enough
leave  me  alone
                           don't  go  show  me   you   care
no  i'm  not  hungry
                            i'm  starving
i'm  okay*
  i'm  not  i'm  dying  *inside
wanting to end the pain just **** me
when we don't talk it's harder to breathe,
you always cross my mind and  i still love you,'s like you took my heart and ripped it into pieces with your smile,
it hurts that i know you happy with someone else but i'm still glad someone can make you smile better then i can
i had this dream where everything was falling apart around me, like all my friends hated me, my family disowned me, i lost myself, i woke up in tears realizing that dream is slowly coming true.....
i  failed   eating,
failed   drinking
failed   not cutting myself into shreds
failed   friendships
failed   sisterhood
failed  mirrors and scales and phone calls
i'm a failure
what happened to "us"
was there ever a "us"
did you really want a "us"
you told me you loved what we had
i wish there was a "us" but look
there isnt a "us" anymore
yesterday you called me and told me you"loved me"
did you really
when you fell asleep on the phone with me
were you happy
when you said "i made you the happiest person live"
was that true
or was it all a lie?
help me its getting harder to breathe
You told me you were never leaving,
Now look you left,
The moment when i need you the most,
The moment that kills me the most,
I turn around and see you know where to be found,
You told me that you would never leave,
What a lie you could create,
i heard the doctor,
he said i wasnt fine
but i was fine yesterday before you left
i just need something to help me sleep
this isn't easy
this isn't clear
i cant walk away when the heart breaks......
song: when the heart breaks by ben rector
when i look at her, i feel worthless
i wanna cry
i feel like im nothing
i feel empty
i feel nothing inside
i feel lost
but when i look away
i break into more pieces
i cry
i go home and all i do is cry
then paint and beautiful pictures all over my body
seeing her kills me
i cant take it anymore
i just want to stop breathing and make all this pain go away
when i look at myself i feel......
a  nobody
i feel like i have no  reason  to  be  *here
i say "im fine" or " im great"
but to be honest
im breaking...but wait
im broken that person i thought that loved me finally broke me
im hurting
im trying to put on a fake smile but some times i cant help it
the frown just appears on my face
im not fine.......
when you just want to say im done,
but there is that one person begging for you to stay  
so you think about how happy that person will be without you in there life
but they dont see that
all you can do at this time is cry
your make up is running down your face
you cant take it anymore
you love that person the death and back but you cant take the pain
it hurts so bad
your write her a goodbye letter telling her how much you love you
then all you hear is the phone ring ring ring you answer it
its her shes crying telling you how much she needs you, how much you mean to her, how much she loves you, she is begging you not to leave her
your crying even harder
she made you promise not to leave her
and you said "i promise as long as you become mine
i looked at the blood flowing from my body, i see that i'm no good, i see trails for tears dripping from peoples faces when they see my soulless body lay there just being still, they wept over my motionless body, asking and scream why did i leave, maybe its because i wasn't happy, my only moment of happiness is when he was there next to me, my mama told me you don't need a man to be happy, and shes right, but when that man took everything you had left in you, it felt like there was nothing left, my days got longer, my nights got harder, my smile faded, my laugh didn't exist anymore the little pride, the little happiness i had was now going, and no i'm dead, so please stop crying over my selfless body, be happy now you can live free
why does it hurt every time i see her
why does it hurt when i hear her voice
why does it when i hear her name
why does it hurt every time she smiles at me
why does it hurt when she looks at me
why does it hurt when she turns around and walks away
why does it hurt!!!!!
cant keep beating heart of pain
you sit there crying because she left you
she did the same thing to me
she left me there crying, she told me she loved me and she would never leave me
but now look shes with you hurting you instead of me your crying because you wont let her go, i told you what she did to me and how much she hurt me, you know how you took her back after she said sorry and she will never do it again but look she did it again she left you probably ******* another ***, but you will take her back, and she's saying the same things  she said to me to you, she is lying to you, she wants to break you down where no one else could have you because your sad, but look get over her all, all she is  doing is hurt you and you can stop the hurt only if you let her go
to someone  who getting hurt the same way i did and by the same person that hurt me
without you im nothing
without you im half of a whole
without you im not the same
without you im torn like a seal in a storm
without you i have no hand to hold
without you i feel broken
you cant have her day she will leave
you cant hurt her...because she mean so much to you
you cant protect her......because she wants you to leave her alone
you cant love her....because she wont let you
you cant hold her...because every touch she pulls away
you her..........shes gone.. :(
lost the one person that held me together

— The End —