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I wanna wrap you into my cocoon,
Slowly spinning you into submission
Take a breath, or even blink
And believe me when I say
You'll love me when you exhale,
and open your eyes
Standing before you like a goddess
Pale skin and silky black hair
Approaching you at a slow crawl,
Licking my lips
And inhaling the scent of your skin
Eating my lil lover up
You smile when my eyes,
Meet yours.
Which is often.
I glance around and there,
You are.
Staring me down.
I laugh and smile back,
Rolling my eyes.
Glancing away.
Let me just say,
I'm sorry for all of this:
The lack of appreciation and the disrespect.
All the times I put my tongue in my cheek,
or my head up my ***.
I never looked in the mirror and saw
someone I didn't like...until now.
I see weakness in my eyes.
My bones feel paper thin.
I may not be perfect but, baby I was trying!
It hurts more than you know,
to come to our empty home..
and sit down all alone.
Yet I did this to myself?
I just ******* miss you.
If I abused anything, ****,
it was calling you mine.
I said it like I knew you'd never leave me.
and it didn't change a thing.
You walked away like I was nothing.
I watched the videos of us,
printed the pictures.
Torturing myself for no reason.
A moment of happiness has slipped.
through my fingers. Or has it?
I'm confused about life,
about who I am.
Without you I'm nothing,
I'm not who I want to be.
I keep telling myself I don't need you.
I don't, okay? I don't.
I wanted to grow old with you.
Never lose those precious butterflies.
You always gave me butterflies.
Sometimes I miss the constant attention,
nagging, screaming, cursing..?
I regret the arguments and I never
wanted to hurt you.
But I did. I did and I understand I
Can never take it back but at least,
can you forgive me?
I'm terribly sorry.
For all the nights I slammed doors,
pushed you out of the room, screamed back.
I'm sorry for crying so much and nagging.
I hate myself when I look back,
I still cant believe I said some of the things
I screamed at you.
I just needed you to hear me.
I loved the way you laugh,
disappear for 30 minutes,
even that stupid ******* smacking
of stupid ******* peanut butter.
I would rather hear you smacking,
than the silence that is now my life.
Does that hurt?
How could you be so dumb?
I just wanna come home, slip off my shoes
Play Diablo 3 with you.
But **** it, I don't ******* need you.
All those nights I waited for you to come home,
Every time I called and got your voicemail,
Every ******* inaudible voicemail I left.
Had I known, ******. Had I only know.
You were never alone.
You were just a ******* L I A R.
And you'll never be any better.
Everytime I woke you up because I
had thought you had slept long enough
just because I missed you that much.
How could you be so dumb?
I loved you like no one else ever will.
I thought that was bad, this is worse.
You are a *******.
How did I love you so ******* much?
I must be missing something here.
And  mean literally.
I'm missing my other half.
Or am I really? Maybe,
just're missing me.
Missing the all night phone calls,
the chats over lunches, smoke breaks
and texts back and forth.
The cute pictures we would take,
I'm sorry for always being so specific.
I remember how much you hated
my selfies with you. I'm so sorry
I wanted to show the world that I was yours.
You made so many arguments and it kills me now.
How could I be so dumb?
I know I can change and, I was trying.
But it wasn't going anywhere. Yet.
And it didn't need to. I was good for you.
Still, I know I can make a difference in myself. someone you would like.
Someone you could truly love.
But I'm good how I am.
You always said I tried to change you,
yet it was you always picking at my flaws.
Oh, am I not the same?
Not that 17 year old with pink hair.
Goofy, care free, college bound.
Not that young, quiet, shy girl from 1300 miles away.
No. I became the loud, nagging wife you lived with everyday.
Have you ever thought it was because of you?
You stole my young heart, took me from my home,
showed me what a man's love was and then,
you just ripped my ******* heart from my chest.
And I will never, ever change. Not for you.
I'm sick of thinking, sick of feeling.
Away from you, my mind is reeling.

It's because I'm finally seeing that you,
you are the one at fault here.
I am the Ice Queen.

Fading in and out of a dream.
I dont choose to be cold,
But this body is barren.
My fate is untold,
as I wait for my life to unfold.
I should have wrote more
the feelings you gave me
in the very beginning.
The butterflies, the heart pounding.
Now all I feel is sadness.
A constant reminder that
you weren't the one,
How I look weak and null.
You've said things so honest
For the first time I know the real you.
Knowing you would sleep with her?
Touch her, kiss her, **** her.
Things I did with you that made it special.
That made it love for me.
I suppose I've learned not all ***
is love, romance and forever.
This place is home, where I can vent.
Even if this isn't poetic..
Lord knows I'm not poetic.
I just have feelings
Thoughts and fears.
They either turn to poems
Or tears.
Sick of thinking
Sick of feeling
Away from you
My mind is reeling

Images of kissing, touching
Gently her hand and face

Every memory of touch
And feel with you
Gives me chills
I miss those

That greedy feeling
Of your naked skin
Rubbing mine so tender
I gasp and exhale slow

Where does time go?

From the way you kiss
Bite gently
Run your fingertips
Down my belly

The warmth and love
Is nothing I've ever had before
A man's touch is like a drug
One I hadn't tasted before

I was weak and in love
I would give you the moon
And the stars above
I would give you my heart

But you've stolen that, too.

Like my virtue
My happy
My lovey dovey tender

Away from you
My mind is reeling

Are you kissing,
Touching, holding her?
Do you miss the way my skin
Smells and feels like home?

Or is she home?
Hey dad
Do you remember me?
As a baby?
Do you remember me,
Remembering you?
As newborns typically don't do.
Smile laugh and reach for you.

I imagine the same reaction if
I were to see your face
This Father's Day.
I love you pops.
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