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 Nov 2014 Heliza Rose
Once amidst the normal madness
Came an overwhelming sadness
Cloaked in everlasting grief
Hiding darkness from beneath
Didn't make a single sound
Gagged and choked his hands were bound
As he wallowed in unbearable pain
The life within his soul was slain
And he now wanders through the night
Eternal darkness; lost from light.
 Oct 2014 Heliza Rose
 Oct 2014 Heliza Rose
Keep your hands where I can see them-
Not at the small of my back where your fingertips could roll down my spine and ignite the open fuses in my heart.

Keep your words in your throat-
Swallow them down the same way I swallowed the lump in my throat when I realized I was a trophy on your shelf, a prize that collected dust.

Keep your heart within your ribcage-
Don't offer it out in slivers of affection, in segmented allocations of desire and lust. Keep your ******* heart contained if you can't even keep it whole.

Keep to yourself, it's all I really ask-
I used to ask the opposite of you, though I came to see that you had a padlock on your heart I couldn't figure the combination to.

Please keep far away from me; don't check in and don't text, don't call and don't bother because I can't answer calls from the past nor can I keep my heart to myself when you can't keep to yourself.
Aug 29 2014
 Oct 2014 Heliza Rose
 Oct 2014 Heliza Rose
Homesick in my own home because home isn't a place,
It's the feeling of belonging and those who make me feel so live so far away.

Homesick in my own town where I was born and raised,
Homesick for the people that I love, for the people I wish had stayed.
 Oct 2014 Heliza Rose
Ocean Blue
One night full of stars,
During the last summer
You broke my prison bars
In a dream which is carved in me forever:
Standing on the shore of River Jordan,
You baptized me
With a name that says who I am:
Ocean Blue.
And to life I was brought by You.
excuse me while I write
another poem
one that I know
you will never read
but hopefully
you can understand
the pain you're giving
to me
... when you have to
have a dictionary to
read poetry...

... and you are still
not understanding!
(c) soulsurvivor

Some of you guys
are DEEP.
I wish I were half
as educated!

That does it eventually.
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