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 Jul 2014 Heather Booth
 Jul 2014 Heather Booth
You asked me if I loved you.
I didn't know how to reply
seeing that I don't know
what love is just yet.

You told me that you loved me
so I should love you back
and I don't think that's how it

You told me that you
accepted me,
that no one else would
that I would be alone
without you.

Just because you accepted someone
does not mean you love them
because if it did then I would
love so many people.
And I know others accept me,
that I won't be alone if you

But let me ask you something.
How was I,
a sad little girl,
supposed to love you
when she couldn't
even love
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
My body began to shake
I didn't know what to think.
You wanted to talk to me,
to have an actual conversation
with me

Why though?
I'm not complaining, I'm just

You're this wonderful person
who makes me happy just
seeing you and I'm,
well I'm just a person with
one million and one
problems who can't even be in
a proper relationship without
******* it up.

So why do you want to be my friend?
Did I finally do something right,
is this my reward because I love it.
I love this reward more than
in the world.
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
Caroline loves the ocean.  
Her soul sails on a Carolina breeze.
But her music's in the mountains,
and her heart's back home
where it needs to be.

I'm stuck here
in a Carolina wind,
wading in the ocean
with my heart in Tennessee,
and my mind on Caroline.

Carolina's got everything
a man could want.
Everything he needs.
It's got the mountains and the ocean.
It has a Carolina breeze.

He has everything but Caroline;
everything but Tennessee.

r ~ 6/22/14
  |     Carolina ocean breeze
/ \
When you love so many times
You realize you have a BIG heart
but a small brain
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
in the dark

i sometimes feel

the cold sharp edge
of night's dagger

memories are bled

forgotten pain
is good to remember

the sound of cheney's voice
speaking of war
with his new bad heart.

r ~ 6/22/14
   |   Can't fix a bad heart
  / \
Kiss me and make love to me and hold me and hear me and wipe away my sadness and drown with me in my tears and give way to every door I have opened just for you..

Just do it.

Just kiss me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
 Jun 2014 Heather Booth
"Are you afraid?"

Yes I am afraid.
I'm afraid of so much
like the endings to books,
actually loving someone,
having to tell my mother
what I am.

I'm afraid that my family
will hate me,
that my friends already
That everyone who sees me
labels me as
Miss Confused.

I'm afraid of death and life
and everything in between the
Maybe I'm afraid of myself
but I don't truly have
a clue.

I know I'm afraid of who I will
love one day.
What if they hate me now
or what if they think I'm weird?
What if it's the person I broke up
because I didn't love them

I'm afraid of a lot of things
and everyone knows it.
Because a world without
Is like a world without
It's unruly and unjust.
And you do stupid
things that can
get everyone

So I'm afraid of the alternative,
the thing I fear most
in this world.
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