Once upon a time, when I was young, I met a man. He had eyes that shone and reminded me very much of spring. I must admit, however, I did not notice him at first, but the third time was the charm. Though we didn't speak that night, our eyes never strayed from each other. Kissing him was all I could think about. The next day, when he spoke to me, I knew it was the start of something beautiful. Soon I got my kiss. From the high I got off that kiss I began to fall, I still haven't stopped falling. Things moved quickly after that. That man with the shining eyes soon took my heart and what little innocence I had left. In short, I loved him. Long days, late nights, love poems and, admittedly, a few fights, came to pass. We sang loudly and off key, some songs good, some horrible. We drove to absolutely nowhere hand in hand kissing at every stop sign and red light. We made mistakes and bad decisions, we acted like fools and laughed til we cried. I wrote him love poems he'd never read and learned about his friends, family, and favorite color. We watched stupid TV shows and talked on the phone til the sun came up. He comforted me when I cried and I like to think I did the same. He said I love you twice, the only times I could let myself say it to him. That was a beautiful year and a half I spent with the man with the shining eyes. He'll forever be the ocean to me. But now he's gone, and I'm not quite sure why. The long days are filled with pain, the late nights due to lack of sleep from thinking about him. I don't sing anymore, I don't like how my voice sounds without his. The cheap food we used to buy doesn't satiate me anymore and all the colors he brought into my life dissolved as quickly and abruptly as our bond had. Once upon a time, when I was young, I met a man. He had eyes that shone and reminded me very much of spring. He was my downfall.
For Trevor