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Pinaramdam mo sakin ang mga bagay na kahit kanin'y hindi ko nakuha
Nakakabigla, nakakabighani, nakakamangha
Mahal, ibang iba ka

Pinaramdam mo sakin ang mga bagay na kahit kanino'y hindi ko nakuha

Kaya mahal, sobrang iba ka.

Ibang iba sa kanila

Pinaramadam mo sakin ang mga bagay na kahit kanino'y hindi ko pa nakuha

Dahil kahit kailanma'y hindi nila ako binigyan ng mga pasa

Ikaw lang

Kaya mahal, ibang iba ka
*never love someone who keeps on hurting you physically*
I think I have successfully found a way to avoid it all
Slamming my fist into the dashboard

The plastic cracks under my knuckles

I see your white lighter that fell

Years ago

rolling out from under the passenger’s seat

initials scratched in sharpie

I said when the tan line on my ring finger disappeared

I’d be over that stage of us

So I kept wearing rings on that finger

I see it in his eyes

The same loss that I felt

Creeping through me

As I claw for the delicate throws of normality

Fantasizing escaping

I wanted to break even

To orchestrate the great

Explain to the world

That I can hold fast

That I can find a sense of sanity that would last

All the while,
tying myself to the train tracks

I used to have this grip

I held it so tightly

promising myself that this mania

of prep meals

and daily runs

would sooth me

I said that the schedule is what will keep me

off the edge of the bridge

but it slipped under my head like a knife

followed me to bed nightly

singing the same trope of dependency

how they led me

I drank them in like their skin

was wine,

I sipped heavy gulps

and called them mine

leading down the same path

of sitting in the passengers seat of the car,

parked outside of our house

holding onto an old lovers lighter
Bakit 'di pa tanungin
ang aking ngala't numero
at 'di lang ang petsa't
anong sinabi ng ****?

Bakit 'di pa alamin
ang pintig ng puso kong
inip na inip
nang maghintay sa iyo?

Bakit hanggang tingin?
Bakit hanggang ngiti?
Aking pag-ibig,
sinta, batid
mo na ba rin?

Bakit umiiwas;
bakit natatahimik -
bakit sa tuwina'y
lagi kang walang imik?

Para kay seatmate
na 'di ako pansin.
'Di mabatid,
'di mabalingan ng tingin.

'Di mo ba alam na sa bawat
wanfort na ihinihingi
*ay naitatangay nang utay-utay
ang aking puso't damdamin?
more over
Akala ko sa ibang dako ka na
Mga tinginan nati’y tila balong malalim
Pero nawawaglit sa tamang dako
Kesa umistambay sa puso ng bawat isa.

Sumasagwan ang puso ko
Papalapit sa tunay na nagmamay-ari nito
Ninakaw **** may pagpapa-ubaya
Hindi ko makuha-kuha
Pagkat minsan lang sumagwan paparito.

Nais bawiin ang puso
Pagkat ang sayo’y
Kailanma’y hindi naging akin.
Naalala ko lang siya, napatambay na naman ang puso ko. At sobrang sakit.
 Aug 2017 Happy Camper
Black for all those darker thoughts clouding my mind.
I'm feeling a bit blue,  everyday for a few hours.
Red is all I see, raging fire behind my eyes.
Getting out of bed is a chore, food never fills me, and sleep is only an 8 hour long nightmare.
I have lost all the friends I never had and the ones I do don't understand me.
I am a story about oblivion, nothing left but an empty shell to remember me by.
When people ask me where have I been I say that I died and they laugh as if I am joking but I'm not!
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