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 Aug 2017 Happy Camper
I gaze around me, take it in
All beneath me,
visible yet distant
Close yet far
Tangible yet immaterial

The wind flows around my body
Cradling me in a way no arms ever could
Isolating me
Insulating me
Inundating me

I stretch my arms in every direction
Reaching out further than myself
Consistently unfolding
Continuously broadening
Constantly expanding

This is freedom
This is abandon
This is flying
kissing you feels like
you’ve pulled down the stars from the heavens
and you’re tickling my lips with them

kissing you feels like
you’ve bottled liquid sun
and you’re pouring it into my mouth

kissing you feels like
you’ve grasped the clouds in your hands
and you’re smothering my eyes with them

     - kissing you feels like kissing the sky

— The End —