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 Aug 2017 Hadrian Veska
L Seagull
Wisdom has no race
Intellect has no limitation
Let curiosity reach for deeper
See adventure in expanding
Your universe
See through millions of eyes
And understand with
Myriads of minds
At the core of humanity
All is familiar
You are infinite when you
I hammered some words
Out from the quarry of my brain
They fell around in shards;
Some like boulders,
some like rocks and rubble
I picked them up one by one.
Block on block, I piled them up
Thinking I could build a ‘pleasure dome’

     When it was time for the workman
      To marvel over the beauty and wonder
      Of his dream creation  
      His masonry tumbled down
      Like sand castles built
      By little hands on sea strands
      Or dunes of quicksand sliding down

I have lost count of the times,
This has happened before.
Now that I stay resigned,
Amid a heap of debris

Is there any use feeling remorse?

Like Nero fiddled on his harp
When Rome was burning
I sit on this pile of wreck
Piping my thoughts away
In the cusp between victory and defeat
Exacting as much ecstasy as I can
Before the truth looms large
In all its stark nakedness!
From the framed picture hung on the wall
Two faces look nobly down
The faces of my grandma and grandpa
Taking me to the times gone by

Smiling at their wavering progeny,
They retell the saga of their blissful life
A life of selfless share and care
Inspiring generations in their travail

Curling back to times and climes primeval
I hear the sound of their footfalls aloud
In a humble dwelling, joyfully they lived
As children of the soil with hands full of toil

They worked together from dawn to dusk
Greeting every new dawn with fresher zeal
Their hearts were securely fastened in love
And had needs minimum and complaints nil

Two fountains that sprang from sources different
Had merged together before their early teens
Through wedlock they had been customarily bound
At a time when they hardly knew what it meant

Had played together as buddies for long
Until instinct made them man and wife
When fledglings were hatched in their little nest
They worked together never knowing rest

Hit by adversities hard, at times they sank very low
But with resilience, bounced back
And frugally saved every nickel and dime
To meet the needs of their growing household

They tottered together in the evening of their life
Serving as prop to each other when about to fall
In their twilight years, ambling the corridors of memory
They reminisced sweetly the joyful events of life

Now they lie together in the same churchyard
Two streams that evenly and tranquilly ran side by side
Never once been shattered on the rocks and shoals of life
Making one wonder if their life is History or Fable

In the swelling magnitude of our life
Though trivial was their share
Yet they stay as beacons of light
Leaving a trail of light to blaze our paths
A century back, child marriage was so common in India. My grandma was only nine and my grandpa was hardly 12 when they got married.  They were children of the same neighborhood. They lived long and were happy together fighting with the soil and staying solid through the joys and sorrows of life. Life was not easy for them. There was not even electricity. They were ready to adjust to the hostile circumstances.....!
I am hieroglyphic pottery
Broken before my
Time'd begun...
I tried to piece myself
Together, but found
The puzzle overrun.

I couldn't find the
Precious fragment
With which to keep
The water in...
It flowed out, yellow
And stagnant
Full of sickness
Full of sin.

Yes, I'm a hieroglyphic
Vase... a bowl with
Pictographs and runes
I'm whole now, you'll
Find this is the case,
I found the piece!
This blessed boon!

My hieroglyphics are
A summer scene,
The piece I needed
And I won,
Was the part which
Soared the heavens
The constant
Ever faithful

Nope. Won't stop talking 'bout
my Jesus! Without Him I
would be dead in every
sense of the word...
 Jun 2017 Hadrian Veska
Gentle tender night
Blows soft endearing kisses
Making daylight blush
Thy loveliness be fyne arte
powdered 'pon a velvet page.
Thy heart doth sing lullabies
penned in a lovers cage.

Thy loveliness be crystal jewels
studded 'pon a silver thread.
Thy breath doth fan the fyres
stitched in a lovers bed.

Thy loveliness be sweet dreams
strewn 'pon a meadow fair.
Thy nature doth perfume give
flowers in a lovers snare.

© Pagan Paul (14/06/17)
a heart made of stone
never will know
the freedom love holds

never at rest
the living dead
where a heart is kept

tight in the grip
dark in the chest
thoughts in the head

it must soften up
a heart made of stone
if it's ever to know love
Tie me down to Rose Valley,
my special place,

I'll happily spend
what's left of forever,
in my sacred space.

Lock the gates,
throw-away the keys,

I'm begging you,
Oh please,
Oh please!

Leave me all alone,
let me get lost in the woods,
I'll be just fine,

I know these trees,
like the back of my hands,
this enchanted forest is all mine!

Let me wander around,
let me sit under the sun,

Let me be a prisoner
to such freedom,
I'll willingly do my time
until it's done!

Let me spend
my remaining days in solitude,  
I'll make the most of my time,

I'll never, ever, look for anyone
to complain to,  
I'll never commit such a crime!

Allow me to surrender myself,
assign to me a full life-term,

I can promise you this...
from my special, sacred place,
I shall never, ever, return!

You have my word!

Let it be said!
Let it be heard!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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