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Past the graveyard
Where the willows droop low
Past the tomb
Of the newly widowed

Down there you will see
A tree that belonged to you
and belonged me

We used to
From branches high
Bruised our hearts
Kissing under
Counting all the stars

Connecting points
Of light to form

Now the leafs have
Rotted away
Trunk is slumping
And bark morphed to grey
My mind still plays
Movies from those days
Forever burned in my memories

I yelled into the breeze
Please, for once, take me back to that scene
When we were young
living as kings and queens

I keeping crying out for your name
But the results always the same
I never hear a sound
While we are underground
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
Kara Jean
A head, gnashing and screaming
Forgiving my unknown hospitality
Pretty is weakening
I'm a fatality deemed
Obnoxious is my scene
The mocking and mimicking comes easy for me
No secret, I envy the earth's energy
Depressed, sitting in my fancy dress
Shoving and tugging with desirable credibility
I ravish my personality
As I show my tender meat bleeding
Kissing, authentic generosity
A bit suggestive
Confidence in deranged descriptions making others nervous
Excuse me, I must leave my head is blistering,
Gushing and oozing profanities
Dented durability, consume me
I love the fact I'm lacking
Becoming one with the barbaric queen
This is a combination  of two poems I wrote put into one because why not
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
Alice entered wonderland
and was amazed by what she saw
kaleidoscopes of wonder
behind every single door

The characters she met there
were often mad and fast and lazy
big and small, cats and hats
weird and sometimes crazy

But the one that should be feared the most
was the spaced out caterpillar
upon his magic mushroom
thinking he's a lady killer

Offering his bits of 'shroom
to all the little girls
hoping they would take a bite
then for him do pretty twirls

But really he's deluded
his reality insane
questions in place of answers
so you keep playing his game

He knows nothing of the real world
he's aloof and cynical
by his self appointed grandeur
upon his own high pinnacle

He knew of nothing real
only imagined in his mind
his words mostly unpleasant
ungracious and unkind

Often passive then aggressive
shouting nonsense to the air
As he burst right into flames
But by then she didn't care

So Alice not to be deterred
began to grow much bigger
then stomped the ever loving ****
out of that ****** up caterpillar

He'll never be butterfly
nor a bug of any kind
only a husk of skin upon her shoe
Popped out of his ever loving mind.
Caterpillar- Perhaps the most cynical and aloof character in the "Alice in Wonderland" universe. He sits on top of his giant magic mushroom smoking a hookah and teaches Alice how to change size by eating different bits of the mushrooms around her. He's fond of asking transcendental questions like "Who are you?", and is the character that fueled the rumors that Lewis Carroll was on drugs when he wrote the story. Even though it has long be proven that Carroll wasn't on anything when he wrote "Alice in Wonderland," it's still fun to think that he was.
Waterfall undone
Reversing it's torrent flow
The world is broken
 May 2016 Hadrian Veska
gray rain
All of us agree the British school system is ******...

segregation of classes, religion and race.
Teaching one sided and not seeing the other face,
another view.

We're taught that being homophobic and transphobic is bad,
yet treading on eggshells, it's the ignorance! That is sad!
But really...

what is useful information?
When all we learn is not to question segregation.
What we need...

is to be taught about politics and how it works
so we aren't overrun by political jerks

how to pay bills and what are taxes?
Not to depend on parents to teach us these facts!
What's your job?

To teach the clues in the name,
so why does every student want the same,
to know...

about the future, to be prepared for life.
Not what we are taught to believe, we know it's all lies.
we want...

a system where we can learn free,
no one offended, my views belong to me!
You know that...

we want to be treated like an adult, not like a child!
Who made up not having qualifications makes you any less qualified?
if you see something...

you're right! Turn a blind eye,
to those who see it differently or follow what they've been told,
who said 2+2=4
it might be 5
just look through another's eyes.

It's our system we recieve it.
It's our system but do we really truly believe in it?
I just had a discussion with a group of people about many topics. We all have many views and different experiences at school as we live in a very culturally diverse city. Everyone was between the ages of 14 and 16 but are very political and aware of societies flaws.
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