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gracie Nov 2019
i would've said goodnight
and i see your ghost but
he does not keep me warm and
all 130 pounds of you are heavy and
dragging me down.

i wrote this crying right after i broke up with my ex so its v chaotic but i think its interesting so here u go
gracie Oct 2019
thank you for breaking my heart
because i have never written a poem
about how much i love you.
gracie Oct 2019
i dream of november nights and broken cars
germany in march and the stars
the last time everything was okay.

i dream of red speakers and fairy lights
green walls after fights
and tuesdays.
gracie Oct 2019
but for today,
i am still alive, alive, alive
and i will taste the honey
because it is sweet.
gracie Oct 2019
tonight i will sleep with my windows open
and i will only lie with you when the bed is bare
gracie Oct 2019
i hope that time isnt linear
so i can stop wondering if we could just go back.

i would keep moving forward,
keep moving on,
and eventually,
she would bring me back to you.
"im happy for them" i say
"im happy for us too"
gracie Sep 2019
the gravity of two years pulls me towards you
the event horizon is your lips and we are crashing
through the point of no return

in the morning,
when you reach the singularity,
you will cease to exist,
and it will just be us.
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