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I look in this mirror of mirrors seeing everything wrong with me and who I been in this last year I have loved, hated, lost, and lived a little more than I usually do and I have loved a little bit more than I usually do and hated myself a little more than I usually do but I still yet to be a little bit more of the person I want to become but let's see if I can make it to next year :)
I haven't been good In a long time
No matter what advice I give or people I try to help it never seems to be enough cause no matter how much emotion I put into this Ocean of emotions I never get any water back and that’s difficult because all I want my cup to be half full not empty so I will sit on this raft of lies in this Ocean to stay afloat but this raft might spring a leak and I might sink to the depths of despair and wait for my soul to be reaped but that’s okay cause at least your raft will float and never sink
I really am proud of this one and hope who ever is reading this does too :)
I look through pictures of this person I used to be with these faded whispers of the people I have seen telling me they miss the old me and don’t get me wrong I do too but who did I used too be?i was happy is all that matters I was free to be me and I didn’t understand the privilege that was given to me. That was my first mistake upon Many that kept piling up till I couldn’t see what was in front of me so I’m blind to will happen tomorrow but as they say tomorrow is not that far away
I could write all night with the lamp by my bed shining so bright with no end in sight with all my inner dread there won’t be enough yet said to tell you how much I loved you right there and then
It has been very rough these last few nights

— The End —