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 Apr 2018 Geetha Jayakumar
I was walking
and the ocean
was above my knees

I didn't feel the cold
or mist hanging silent
above, but I knew
the darkness, old friend,
longer than I will admit

I knew the waves
in ways I know
I could never explain

You found me there
and called out for me
to come out of that grave
I was sinking in, I don't know
how deep I would have gone
had you not known my name

I should drop to my knees
and kiss the salt from your feet
thanking you with the sea on
my lips and leak salt of my own
offering gratitude for calling

Thank you through the mist
and waves, thank you for
my heart beating, not feeling
the cold, for my lips that never
tasted the lightless far below

Thank you for following
my footprints when I was lost,
drowning in a sea of sorrow.
The glimmer of hope gets brighter
Those dark clouds are fading away
Soon your life will get better
The sunshine will be here to stay.

The weight off your mind will be taken
Your burdens you'll carry no more
There is A life now that is waiting
A key that will open your door.

Your past it will be left behind you
Move forward the future is yours
Now you will do what you need to
Go on look out and explore.

Take heed of aĺl your surroundings
Their is beauty of every Kind
Look out foř the things that are calming
And that hope  that will open your mind.

This world it is so full of sorrows
With things that can bring you down
But the sun it will come out tomorrow
And the joys in this life will be found.
I know so many people with depression
But guess what.there is life after depression. I also know peoplè
Who at one time suffered  with depression and now have recovered.
Maybe it is finding that key.After saying these positive words we should
Never underestimate  The reality of depression
 Dec 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
It’s chaos, sweetness
Some kind of confusion that
Unravels one’s mind
I’m alone.
My future, deceiving.
Longing for a grip.
I’m crying for help,
but everyone seems to have their headphones in.
love's sating river
streams through adoration's heart
beautiful of theme
Her eyes are kind her heart is warm
She is a Rose, I am a Thorn
We catch and ride the wild steed
I’m so alive and she’s so free

In the gazebo we dance until early dawn
Our bodies lay naked out on the lawn
Completely fulfilled and finally whole
I have no intention of letting her go

Wheels are turning my heart is yearning
A lust for life subconsciously burning
I breathe too deep and the dream is lost
I start the day with a secret thought

Perhaps she was fictional beyond conclusion
A kaleidoscope of colors, a beautiful delusion
If only to awake and find her near
Instead I sleep and gasp for air...
Traveler Tim
HP 4-15
HP !2-16
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