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Gaby Comprés Sep 2015
am i not brave?
am i not still here?
isn't that the sound of my heart,
don't my eyes still wonder at the
stars above them?
has my soul stopped singing?
its voice is weak and
its light has dimmed,
but i can still hear my song,
i can still see my light.
i haven't left.
i am still here.
i am brave.
Gaby Comprés May 2017
i am everywhere.
in the sun.
in lavender skies.
in the words i write,
in the words i haven’t written yet,
the words i don’t know.
i am everywhere.
caught up in my past.
looking forward.
i am everywhere.
in the sky.
in this earth.
wandering and rooted.
i am everywhere.
finding myself.
i am everywhere.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
i am giving you
my heart
carry me
like a bird that hasn't learned to fly
carry me
like a song
don't forget my words
keep my heart
alongside yours
because i, too, carry your heart with me ( i carry it in my heart)
keep my heart
it belongs to you (and i don't want it back)
i am giving you
my heart
carry me
in your hands, i will make them my home
keep my heart
in a honey jar
so that my love is infused with its sweetness
i am giving you
my heart
poem no. 693. inspired by 'i carry your heart with me' by e.e. cummings.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2014
with every sunrise and
with every sunset You tell me
that they were made just for me
You tell me that i am not here by mistake
You tell me that my life matters
You tell me that You gave me a brave spirit
You tell me that You put fire in my bones
and a light in my eyes and a beat in my heart
and with every sunrise
and every sunset You tell me
that i am loved.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2017
i am not my body.
my soul is too big to fit inside it.
i have left my body many times
looking for a home for my soul.
i tried to fit it inside other bodies
inside someone else's soul
only to get bruised and breathless.
i tried leaving my soul in places
but then
when i left
i ended up missing it
so i brought my soul back to my body.
it knows it is not its home
but it is the only home i know.
every now and then
i let it go
and it visits the stars.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
i cannot exaggerate You
there are no words
to describe how great
how majestic
how loving
how merciful
how beautiful You are.
i cannot exaggerate You
there aren't words that
capture who You are
and how You love
and what You do.
i cannot exaggerate You
there are no words for
Gaby Comprés Nov 2016
it sounds cliché
and i wish it weren't true
but my heart can't give you
what you never gave me
and yet i don't blame you
because maybe
the same thing happened to you
Gaby Comprés Jul 2017
i crave you
but not wildly
and i don't crave a kind of love
in which i am madly lost in
(although i hope i am)
but i crave you normal
like waking up late on a saturday morning
i crave you steady
like your hand holding mine
when you're driving in the car
and i crave you simple
like ice cream and a movie
and i crave you
like you
like a kiss where my neck and collarbone meet
like my skin getting used to
the touch of yours
(although i hope it never does)
like my lips molding
to the shape of your own
and i crave you
i crave you
i crave you.
Gaby Comprés Apr 2017
i want to cry until i become an ocean
until the rivers of salt tears wash me clean
i want to be free
and i don’t want to feel so alone
i want to untangle the knot in my throat
i want flowers to live on the edges of my soul
i want to fall in love
with a pair of eyes
that fall in love with mine
and i don’t want to feel so alone
so unworthy of love
and i want a song
a song for me
and i want to breathe without it hurting
i don’t want love to feel
so far away
i want rain to fall and wash away the pain
and i want the words
for everything i am feeling
and i don’t want to feel so alone
i want poetry written for me,
love letters and late-night texts
and i don’t want to feel so alone
Gaby Comprés Jan 2017
i don't want you to get lost
looking for me
i want to stand in the middle of your heart
to be the brightest star
i want you to see me
i don't want to hide
Gaby Comprés Nov 2017
i don’t want to write you a poem
i don’t want to leave behind
i don’t want them to know i loved you
i don’t want them to know how i loved you
because i loved you
like the night loves the light
and i loved you
like the earth loves the rain
i don’t want these words
to lead
but i don’t want these words anymore
so, i am sending this poem to you
without a return address
let these words just be words
let them only be that
this is not a love letter
this is not goodbye
(i already said that to you)
i did not write this for anyone, and none of it is true, but it was something i had fun writing.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2017
i dream of new york city.
but not only new york city.
i dream of chicago, of san francisco, of madrid;
i dream of any city big enough to hold me
and the wildness i carry.
i dream with a love greater than myself,
a love big enough to wrap me in its arms,
a love with grace to forgive my faults.
i dream of the words 'you're beautiful'
sang to me like a song, written in love letters,
tangled in poetry.
i dream of breakfast dates, of long walks,
of sweet and salty lips together.
i dream of finding myself
of getting lost
and the joy of being found again,
i dream of the words i have yet to write,
the stories i will tell,
the days i don't know.
no. 750
Gaby Comprés Jan 2018
lips find
lips find lips
find lips
hands find
hands find hands
find hands
skin finds
skin finds skin
finds skin
i find you
you find me
inspired by Alison Malee's 'find'.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
you're not who I thought you were
and that's okay.
Gaby Comprés Mar 2017
if you ever read a poem
i hope you read me.
i hope you find the poetry
that hides in my body,
my rhyming eyes, my dancing feet,
the curve in my lips,
the cinnamon of my skin.
if you ever read a poem
i hope you read me,
i hope you read the words
written on my skin,
how my eyes spell out the word
and how my hands speak of art
and my heart sings words like
bravery and hope
and if you ever read a poem
i hope it's me.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2017
i have learned to measure time
in wednesdays
in laughter
in the smiles we shared together
in midnight text messages
in chocolate chip cookies from Subway
and croquetas
i have learned to measure time
in poetry and coffee cups
in stories and hugs
in plays and words read
but mostly
i have learned to measure time
in the moments we’ve been together
in the moments i've felt loved
they say time flies
but like this, to me
time is infinite
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
i hope you always find reasons to smile
that kind of smile that closes your eyes
i hope you always have a window to look out of
so that at night you can wish on stars
i hope you always find beauty in yourself
in your lips, in your eyes, in your heart
i hope love finds you
and that it never lets go
and i hope
i hope
i hope.
no. 696
Gaby Comprés Sep 2017
i hope you love yourself.
that every morning when you wake up
you can smile.
i hope
that when you look in the mirror
you can see all that makes you special.
that you don't need to look in the mirror
to remember you're beautiful.
that you love yourself enough
to follow your dreams,
to leave your fears behind.
i hope
that you love yourself enough
to let go of what hurts you,
what weighs you down.
that you love yourself enough to
believe in yourself,
in the light you carry inside.
that you love yourself enough to
live for tomorrow.
i hope you love yourself.
i hope you stay.
Gaby Comprés Apr 2014
I don’t know you yet.
But I know you’re out there.
I don’t know if you have blue eyes or green eyes or brown eyes.
I don’t know if you’re tan or pale
Or if you look like Christian Bale.
I don’t know if you’re short or tall.
But I know you’re out there.
I don’t know if you can swim or ride a bike
Nor the ice cream flavor you like.
I don’t know what your favorite color is
Or if your name is Chris.
I don’t know if you hate math like I do or if you have seen Toy Story 2.
I don’t know if you like to read; I hope you do.
But I know you’re out there.
There are many things I don’t know about you,
But some things I do know.
I know God made you for me.
I know that your smile will make my heart flutter
And my legs melt like butter.
I know I’m gonna love you with all my heart.
I know you’re gonna love me too, yes I do.
I know the day you kiss me, my head will be spinning
And you’ll have to hold me, ’cause I might be fainting.
And one day I’ll know
If you’re tan or pale
And if you look like Christian Bale.
I’ll know if you like ice cream
And if your favorite color’s blue.
I’ll know if you have seen Toy Story 2,
And if you haven’t, we’ll watch it together,
Because I haven’t seen it either, to tell you the truth.
I’ll know if you like math and if you like to read
And I’ll know all of this because
I know you’re out there.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2017
for you
i'll be the sky
i'll wear the stars on my skin
and let you wish upon my light
Gaby Comprés Aug 2014
one day,
i will fly.
i will fly above pain,
i will fly above sorrow,
and that day might not be tomorrow,
but i'll fly.
i'll fly to the moon,
to the highest cloud,
i'll fly over the damning crowd
that said i wouldn't soar.
oh, i'll fly.
i'll open up my big brave wings,
in myself i will believe,
and i'll fly and i will sing
and i will be all that i was meant to be
when i fly.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2017
i’ll live in a yellow house
painted by the sun itself
a house that stands on the corner of
Joy Street and Sunshine Avenue
and in my house a garden will grow
with flowers watered with hope, rooted in love.
my yellow house will be the talk of the town
and children will come on their bikes
to meet the woman that keeps flowers in her hair
and a few stars in her eyes,
the woman that wears dresses with pockets
filled with honey and cinnamon.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2016
i love me like this,
with the night in my eyes
and the cinnamon moon
that sits atop my nose.
i love me like this,
with my wild and untamable curls,
who only listen to the wind.
i love me like this,
with my skin that matches
the café con leche i love to drink.
i love me like this,
with my poetry and without her;
with the words i feel
and the words i’ve kept to myself.
i love me like this,
light and free;
because this is who i am,
this is who i was made to be.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2019
you say, tangling up the three words in one breath.
i love you more, i tell you.
no, iloveyoumore, you say.
i love you more than bees love flowers, i say,
and you tell me that bees love pollen
and that youlovememore.
but i love you,
more than bees love flowers and yes, pollen
and i love you more than birds love to sing
more than wishes love stars
more than dreams love sleep
i love you more
than grass loves rain
and rain loves the earth
and the earth loves trees
and the trees love the wind.
i love you more
than sunflowers love sun,
more than the sun loves the sky,
more than the sky loves blue,
more than blue loves the sea.
i love you
ilove you
iloveyou like youloveme.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2014
i want you to know
that you are more beautiful
than all the night stars,
that you're more brave than you know,
that you shine brighter than the summer sun,
that your smile radiates joy,
that your life is a mirror of grace
that your words turn the sky bluer,
that they make flowers bloom,
that this desert you're passing by
will end one day,
that this storm won't last forever,
that soon you'll find yourself
on a mountaintop,
surrounded by wildflowers,
gazing at a rainbow made
just for you.
but mostly,
i want you to know
that i love you.
Written for my friend Jennie.
Gaby Comprés Jan 2015
i love your heart,
i love it because
it dwells on beauty
and bravery and gold.
i love your heart,
because your heart
has learned to love
its brokenness.
i love your heart,
because your heart
looks beyond and
finds light in the dark places.
i love your heart,
because your heart
hasn't stopped loving,
because your heart
refuses to be disappointed
by what it finds in this world,
because your heart
hasn't given up,
because your heart
still believes in grace
in love, in kindness,
in wonder and light.
i love your heart because
it keeps beating.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2014
You left an imprint on my heart
and wrote in it
with indelible love
a letter of forgiveness
a song,
paragraphs of hope
and sonnets of grace
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
no more.
no more pretending.
no more pretending that i can.
no more pretending that i can do this on my own.
no more.
no more pretending.
no more pretending that i am.
no more pretending that i am strong.
i can't.
i can't do this on my own.
i am not strong.
i can't fight You anymore.
i let these walls crumble.
i am weak.
no more pretending that i can do this on my own.
no more pretending that i am strong.
no more pretending that i do not need You.
i need You.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
in my pocket i keep
words from the sun
with light to shine
through the cracks of
your heart

in my pocket i keep
wildflowers and daisies
lovely and bright for
you to place on
your hair

in my pocket i keep
mints and lollipops
and chocolates and
caramels to sweeten
your day

in my pocket i keep
bad jokes and funny
stories from years
past to bring out
your smile

in my pocket i keep
pennies for you to
wish on a well so
that you never forget
your dreams.
I want my life to inspire others, I want to make a difference in others' lives, to be an encouragement for those who need to be encouraged. I want my words to build others up and I hope this poem shows a glimpse of my heart.
Gaby Comprés May 2018
instructions on opening the heart:
whisper to it.
tell it you love it.
it will believe you, eventually.
sing to it.
until it is no longer afraid of your voice.
tell it about the world.
how it is graceful and beautiful and kind.
how the wildflowers grow.
tell it about this day.
how it is waiting for you.
how wonder calls your name.
tell it about love.
how it has been asking for it,
waiting for it,
Gaby Comprés Jul 2018
in the event of an emergency,
return my eyes to the sky.
my hair to africa.
my skin to the rain.
give my smile to my mother,
she always loved it best.
give my mouth to my father,
my voice as well. make sure it is loud.

return my poetry to my English teachers,
give my words to my brother.
tell him there was so much i wanted to tell him,
give him both my ears, tell him i will always listen.

give my hands to my heart.
my heart will be tucked in my journals,
give them to the boy who loves me.
mail my songs to Maine,
with the letters you will find inside the shoeboxes.
give my feet to New York City,
my laughter to my students.

return my coffee mugs to my grandmother,
my tongue to her cooking.
give my books to my friends,
and both of my shoulders.

if there is anything left,
give it to the earth.
let the birds make of my bones a home,
let the spring find room to bloom.
give my lungs the air they were waiting for.
inspired by a Sarah Kay poem of the same title.
Gaby Comprés Apr 2017
you are not afraid of being,
of feeling, of living
what you are.
and you don't live life; she lives you.
you are color, you are joy.
you don't hide,
you are in the midst of everything,
between yellow flowers, red roses
and pink sunsets.
you are in the waves of the sea,
dancing and swimming
in waters of grace.
you are in the stars,
you are in the sun,
you are in the light.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2014
i was blind
but now i see You
and i see your eyes
and in your eyes,
in your eyes there is
no judgment,
no pointing fingers,
no disappointment,
in your eyes there is
a second chance,
in your eyes there is
only love.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
lean into this,
the hard work
the heart work
the art work of growing.
know that this isn't forever.
your body, your home will catch up
to the blossoming of your soul.
days and months and years will pass.
but then, like a child, like a flower in spring,
you will bloom, you will rise.
in your time.
Gaby Comprés Feb 2015
is it silly to write you a poem
when we've never kissed,
when we've never spoken,
when we've never met?
is it silly to tell you that i love you
when i don't even know
if i'll ever know you?
is it silly to want you,
to crave you, to say that i miss you?
is it silly that i can't write these verses
without wanting to cry, wanting to mourn
the loss of someone i never had?
is it silly to think that one day
i'll show you these words
and you'll smile when you
think at how things turned out?
is it silly to believe that i won't be alone?
Gaby Comprés Apr 2017
9:24 am: i am cleaning my room and singing along to an ed sheeran song. i thought of me, cleaning our house, and you, leaning against the doorframe and smiling at me.

1:24 pm: it has been raining all day and i am wondering if you believe in the beauty and magic of rain like i do and how perfect it would be if our first kiss took place on a rainy afternoon like this one.

1:26 pm: i refuse to entertain the thought that the two thoughts i've had of you were exactly four hours apart means something. but secretly i hope it does.

3:54 pm: will i think of you at 11:11 tonight?

4:19 pm: will i love you even when you make spelling mistakes?

9:24 pm: i wrote a poem today about my high standards and i thought of you and how you won't be afraid of pursuing me, of loving my heart. i thought of your fearless heart and how it will love me the way i am.

9:28 pm: i am thinking of the number 24 and how at the 24 minutes of three different hours you popped into my head. did you think of me today? did the thought of me make you smile? do you wonder about me, the color of my hair, the shape of my face, the song of my heart?

9:32 pm: my heart sometimes wonders if it's pointless to think of you, because maybe there isn't a you. but my soul tells my heart that i think of you, and therefore you are.

10:24 pm: before i close my eyes, i hope to think of you. and after i close them, i know i'll dream of you. and if it happens at the twenty-fourth minute of whatever hour it is, i won't be too surprised.

10:27 pm: i am starting to believe that 24 is a magic number.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
even though life feels like hell
it is well
even though i don't know what tomorrow awaits
it is well
even though it seems like heartbreak will never end
it is well
You are who you say You are and
it is well
You know everything so
it is well
You say
it is well
and give me the faith to say
*it is well
Today is a sad day, but i can say it is well.
Gaby Comprés Nov 2014
i've learned not to fear
the darkness because in it
i see your light
and i've learned to love
my brokenness because
You have promised to
make me whole
and i've learned to boast
about my weakness because
You make me strong.
Gaby Comprés Mar 2014
i want to love You
like I've never loved someone.
i want to love You so much
that the mere thought of You
makes my heart want to leap.
i want to love You in such a way
that talking to You brings me to tears.
i want to love You so much
that i can't imagine life without You
i want to love You in such a way
that i can't keep quiet about You.
i want to love You so much.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2018
i want words
for this
for me
for you
i want words
like a river like an ocean like rain
i do not want silence
i do not want to hesitate
i want honey on my lips on my tongue
words dripping from my mouth
hands overflowing
with poetry and song and
i want words
Gaby Comprés Jan 2018
i will travel the world
and i will not pack light,
with a suitcase filled
with memories and coffee,
with the suns and stars i saw,
the steps i gave and the stolen breaths
i will travel the world,
i will get lost
in the streets that lead to love
leaving bits of me in the places
where my heart fell in love
Gaby Comprés May 2014
i wish i could get inside Your head
and figure out what You were thinking
You created the universe.
i wish i could get inside Your head
You made me.
what was going through Your head
You formed my tiny feet and hands
my face
my heart
my mind?
what was going through Your head
i said yes to You?
i wish i could get inside Your head
and figure out what You were thinking
Your son died for me.
i probably wouldn't
understand what was going through Your head
Your mind is
infinite and complex and everywhere
so i will settle
with thinking that You were thinking
that You loved
One of my favorites that I have written. God is too big and his mind is unfathomable, but of one thing I am certain: He loves me.
Gaby Comprés Jan 2015
sometimes on bright days
when i can't stop smiling,
when i look up at the sky
with a sparkle in my eyes
i can hear your voice
and i feel the scars you
left on my heart
and i wonder if the sun
is shining for you too
i wonder if the same hope
that is nestled in my heart
lives in yours too
and sometimes i wonder
if the last words
i said to you visit you
at night just like the pain
you gave me sometimes does
but mostly i wonder
if you're happy
i wonder if you have love
i wonder if the memories
of the short amount of bliss
that we had make you smile
i wonder if you're okay
and honestly, i
hope you are.
This was written for my first mentor, who unexpectedly stopped talking to me one day. It is a poem about hope and forgiveness.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
i want You to be
the path i walk on and
the place i walk to.
Gaby Comprés Mar 2019
sometimes it rains,
and if you’re quiet,
you can hear the trees give thanks.
sometimes the children laugh,
and everything is yellow.
sometimes a friend writes you a poem,
sometimes you wake up and there is already coffee waiting for you,
& the words ‘thank you’
are the first to touch your lips.
this is how joy shows up in the heart,
an unexpected guest,
but welcome nonetheless.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2014
joy shines through
the darkness and
the bitterness of the
season you’re walking through.
it shines through
your heart and your soul
and who you are because
you refuse to let your
joy be stolen.
instead, you give it away,
sprinkling and scattering
and showering everyone
you run into with streams
and beams and rays of
this pure and immaculate
bliss, this real joy
that doesn’t waver,
that doesn’t stumble,
that never ends,
that never fades,
that never goes away.
it’s a fountain, it’s a river
that comes from
living water,
a river that never
stops running,
a river that brings
life to everything
that surrounds it.
Gaby Comprés Apr 2015
you are loved
you are loved
you are loved
my soul,
know it,
my soul
grace is yours
grace is yours
grace is yours
my soul,
know it,
my soul
you are redeemed
you are redeemed
you are redeemed
my soul,
know it,
my soul.
Gaby Comprés May 2018
loving you teaches me
i still have a lot to learn.
about love:
how it learns to bend under the weight
of shortcomings.
how forgiveness holds it all together.
about you:
how i do not know you entirely.
how every day is like meeting you for the first time.
about me:
how i am the best of me when i'm with you.
how my heart grows with the passing of time.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
don’t be afraid to let the light inside you shine.
Gaby Comprés Jan 2017
should You ever take my words away,
let me keep a few.
let me praise You in the morning,
let me say i love You.
let me number my days,
let me say thank You.
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