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Gaby Comprés Jul 2016
let’s be love letters
written to broken hearts
with words of kindness, of grace,
of hope.
let’s be love songs
that play over and over,
that echo in every soul.
let’s be shoulders to lean on,
open wide arms,
open wide hearts.
let’s be lights
that lead each other home.
Gaby Comprés Nov 2016
you are light and grace
and the stars wish upon themselves
to shine like you.
Gaby Comprés Jan 2015
you aren't
less worthy
less important
less powerful
because you're
b r o k e n.
your brokenness is
no obstacle for light
to shine through you.
the light shines
through the cracks.
Gaby Comprés Mar 2018
i want to memorize you
like a poem
sing to myself
the words of your bones to sleep
know your heart
by heart
and your voice
i want to keep it on the tip of my tongue
savor it
like a memory
i do not want to forget you
Gaby Comprés Dec 2018
have you ever stopped to think
that maybe i raise my voice
not out of disrespect
but maybe
so you can listen?
there is a heart here, afraid. of you.
there is brokenness you inflicted. pain you named into existence.
wounds that maybe time will heal.
there is laughter that does not want you to hear it.
a song whispered so that you cannot have it.
one day the whisper will become a song.
the laughter a poem.
the heart a voice, saying,
i am here i am here i am here
i am here i am here i am here
i am here
and you will listen.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2017
he said,
"help me remember."
and i thought he meant
something from my childhood
or something we did together
or something.
but he meant that i help him
make lists of the things he has to take
on his flight on sunday
and while he made lists
i made lists too
(waking up every morning to his loudness.
breakfasts of cereal and milk.
kisses on my forehead.)
Gaby Comprés Sep 2014
i will jump into your arms
i will run into your love
and i will listen to your voice
and i will take your hand
and i will believe your promises
and i will run through fields of sunflowers,
i will run through fields of gold,
i will kiss the clouds
and i will chase my dreams
and i will live out love
Gaby Comprés Jul 2018
when i write
i am reaching out for you
(to you)
the belief (hope) that you are out there
that i have seen you
and you have seen
there is a longing here
and i have no words for it
and most days,
i can ignore it
but some days
there are no poems
there is only the fire
the longing left behind
the fingerprints of wind on my face
maybe one day
the longing
will move into someone else’s heart
put a ‘for sale’ sign in mine
Gaby Comprés May 2014
all i needed to find You was to lose

m y s e l f
Gaby Comprés Jun 2018
maybe one day
i will not have to write you this poem—
how many times have i started to write it only to give up?
maybe the hurt and silence
will stop becoming the bridge we cross every morning
just to say hello
let us burn it
build a new one out of coffee mugs and sunrises
and everything that is a new beginning
i will let go of my pride
my silent anger
lose this game
of indifference and silence
i have never wanted to win
Gaby Comprés Aug 2014
y** ou are
o ne lovely human being and your worth is
u ndeniable and you

a re
r eally beautiful and
e xtraordinary but most of all you are

l ovable and anything but
o rdinary because you are
v aluable, more valuable than all the
e meralds and
d iamonds in the world.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
You deserve to
belong and
be loved
because you exist.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
if you think
love is
someone else
if you think
love is
quoting poetry
if you think
love is
flowers on valentine's day
think again.
if you think
love is
waiting for someone to see you
if you think
love is
a kiss
if you think
love is
only there when you are good
think again.
love is
love is
writing love letters and poems to yourself.
love is growing flowers on your garden.
love is seeing and knowing yourself.
love is not a kiss
and love isn't only there when you are good.
love sees you and your brokenness
and love loves it
and love loves you
and love is you.
Gaby Comprés Feb 2018
aren’t you tired of looking for love?
aren’t you tired of waiting for it?
the love like a movie like a song like a story like a dream like a poem?
aren't you tired?
isn’t your hope weary?
and, don’t you see?
love has always been here,
the love you crave,
the love like a movie like a song like a story like a dream like a poem
love like a river like a waterfall like an ocean
love like this morning like this breath like this moment?
Gaby Comprés Aug 2017
when they tell you
"go look for love,"
look for it first
inside you.
it will be
(most certainly)
knocking at the door of your heart.
(your heartbeat.)
let it in.
it will run through every room inside
moving things around
untangling the messes you've made
making room.
it will change you.
you might not recognize yourself.
it will bring light to your eyes,
brighten your smile,
redden your cheeks.
it will teach you to make art.
to sing and write poetry and dabble in painting.
it will teach you to like you,
to love you,
the wonder that you are.
you'll know what love looks like
now that it's inside you.
Gaby Comprés Apr 2017
i wanted to write a poem
about your curls
and how they made my heart
beat like a drum played by a five-year old
who had chocolate cake for lunch
how my fingers were fighting each other
and fighting the urge
to tangle with yours and
make their way to that
chocolate colored head of yours
and get tangled in it too
and i wanted to write a poem
of how much i wanted to be like Cinderella
and leave something behind
with the hopes that you’d call me back
something like a notebook or my
polka-dotted waterbottle
but i guess the only thing i left
was a tiny little part of my heart
on the backseat of your car
Gaby Comprés Feb 2017
write poetry to your soul
and use verbs like
and adjectives like
wonderful and precious
and enough.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2014
if i knew how to play
the guitar i would
write the sappiest love
songs for you
but sadly, darling, i am
musically impaired

if i knew how to paint
i would color
the most glorious sunsets
just for you
but sadly, darling, i am
artistically limited

if i knew how to sew
i would patch up
the torn seams
of your heart
but sadly, darling, i have no
idea how to use a needle

if i knew how to cook
i would make your
favorite desserts
to sweeten up your day
but sadly, darling, my
only specialty is burnt eggs

oh darling,
i am not good at many
things but if there is
one thing that i
can do well, oh my darling,
that is loving you.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2014
i was made for more
i was made for shining bright
i wasn’t made to drown in my sorrows
i was made to find joy
i wasn’t made for fear
i was made with a brave spirit
i was made to give love
i wasn’t made to hide in shame
i was made to dance in grace
i wasn’t made for here
i was made for eternity
i was made for more.
Gaby Comprés Aug 2018
maybe my poems
(my love)
are meant for the rain
she will carry my words
(my love)
across the river
to the sea
tell the fisherman
he’s got mail
Gaby Comprés Jun 2014
You made grace rain
and hope bloomed
in this heart
in this soul
You are making me new.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2018
m a y b e
may be
may (i) be
i (may) be
may i (be) May
(May): spr(i)ng and flowers and bees
be (sweet)
be (here)

may i just be
may there always be room for me
between may and be.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2014
i didn’t want rain.
i wanted beauty.
i wanted to see the rising sun
touch the blooming flowers
and i wanted to fall in love
with the glow of the sunset.
but it rained.
maybe i needed the rain,
because i needed to remember
that rain makes
the blooming flowers grow
and rain brings rainbows
and it washes away the
ugliness and brings back beauty.
and maybe i needed the rain
to remind me that i won’t always
be broken, that the brokenness
will be made whole, that this
season one day will be a dim memory,
that You will wipe away my tears,
that You make it rain on my heart
so that flowers can bloom in it,
so rainbows can fill the
skies of my soul.
maybe i just needed it to rain.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2017
maybe love is in new york city.
maybe love is in paris.
maybe love is here.
maybe love has seen me
and secretly thinks i'm beautiful.
maybe love isn't as far from reach as i think it is.
maybe love plays the guitar or the piano
and has written songs about me
and the way my hair dances in the wind.
but maybe love is in new york city
waiting for me to visit.
waiting for me to take the train
waiting for me to make eye contact
while he sits on the opposite side of me.
maybe love is in new york city
or rome
or spain.
maybe love writes poetry.
maybe love loves someone else right now.
maybe love will find me in five years
or in two months.
but love is out there.
maybe in new york city.
inspired by the line "maybe love is in New York City" from Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye's poem 'when love arrives'.
Gaby Comprés Jun 2014
may i never get enough of You
may i never stop wanting You
may i never stop knowing You
may i never stop loving You
may You always inspire me
may You always make me wonder
may You always be my desire
may You always be enough.
Gaby Comprés Sep 2014
one day i will see the gleam
that once filled your eyes
make them their home again
one day i will see you smile again
one day i will see you fly and be brave
one day i will see you open your heart
one day i will see you sparkle
and one day i'll see you choose life
and chase your dreams
and take a chance
and run through fields of wildflowers
and dance to the sound of rainfall
and i will see you believe
and i will see you hope
and i will see you love
and i will see you be
all you were meant to be.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2016
me quiero así.
me quiero así, con mis ojos color noche
y mi nariz redonda
y la luna de canela que vive sobre ella.
me quiero así,
con mi pelo rizado e indomable
que solo se deja llevar por el viento.
me quiero así,
con mi piel del mismo color
del café con leche
que me gusta tanto.
me quiero así,
con mi poesía y sin ella,
con las palabras que siento,
con las palabras que callo.
me quiero así,
mágica y única;
porque así soy,
porque así me hicieron,
porque sí.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2017
viviré en una casa amarilla
pintada por el sol
una casa en la calle Alegría esquina Luz
y en mi casa amarilla habrá un jardín con flores
sembradas en amor y regadas con esperanza.
de mi casa amarilla hablará todo el mundo
y vendrán niños en bicicletas a ella
para conocer a la mujer con flores en su pelo
y estrellas en sus ojos,
la mujer que usa vestidos con bolsillos llenos de canela y miel.
this is my poem 'i'll live in a yellow house' in Spanish.
Gaby Comprés Jun 2017
do not let me
give you
anything less than
milk and honey.
do not let me feed your soul
with emptiness.
empty words.
empty beauty.
empty love.
let every space
that i fill
be occupied by a love
that was worth all we did
to find it.
let me fill in the blanks you keep
with words that come from truth
let the beauty that i give you
mean something to you.
Gaby Comprés May 2019
i want everything ahead of me
one day to be behind me
am i asking for too much?
if so, then—
i don’t want to leave
having not seen every beautiful thing
let me see
the jacaranda
the Maine sky one more time
the bougainvillea my mother planted for me bloom violet
i want my feet to know their home
i want fear to become a stranger
am i still asking for too much?
if so, then—
i do not want to wonder whether i was loved
i want the poems i leave behind
(my life)
to mean something
every day i have left
let me soak it in gratitude
give me more words than what i can say
more stars than what i can see
if i cannot ask for more time
more heartbeats
more life
give me then
more sun
more rain
more laughter
more poetry
more possibilities
is this still too much?
give me then
just more
let me say these words
i am full (of life) i cannot have anymore
Gaby Comprés Jun 2017
i am more than this.
more than the night in which
my tears fall like rain,
watering the soil that is my soul.
i am more than this.
more than the words i do not know yet,
the feelings i cannot sing.
i am more than this.
more than the stars that
turn the night into day.
i am more than this.
more than this moment,
and all the ones before it.
Gaby Comprés May 2015
there are stars you
haven't seen
and loves you haven't loved
there's light you haven't felt
and sunrises yet to dawn
there are dreams
you haven't dreamt
and days you haven't lived
and nights you won't forget
and flowers yet to grow
and there is more to you
that you have yet to
Gaby Comprés Oct 2014
as i walk through this desert,
through this valley of shadow of death,
i'm keeping my head up,
i'm smiling through the bitterness
because i know this won't last forever
because one day i'll look back
from the mountaintop.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2016
listen to the music of raindrops,
“you are growing,
you are a flower
and you will bloom.”
Gaby Comprés Jun 2017
make this sorrow
this suffering
this pain
worth it.
tell me stars will be born
out of my darkness,
a spring from my winter,
wholeness from brokenness.
tell me
my bones have been broken
so that light finds a way through them.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
my heart is
a treasure
my heart is
my heart is
not a toy
my heart is
not meant to be played with
my heart is
not meant to be cut in tiny pieces
my heart is
my heart is
my heart is
a wellspring of life
my heart is
fearfully and wonderfully made
and i know that full well.
Guard your heart.
Gaby Comprés Oct 2016
this heart, my heart,
beats in poetry
because it doesn’t know
how else to beat,
because it doesn’t know
how else to feel,
because it doesn’t know
how to let out everything i keep inside.
this heart beats in poetry
for you,
for me.
Gaby Comprés Jan 2018
my hope has grown flowers
and i am not afraid
of what i don’t know
and the days, all the days,
they cannot come fast enough
there is wonder growing in this earth
and the seasons will not erase it
the spring rains will not drown it
and the summer sun will not dry it
the autumn winds will not take it
and the winter will not **** it
my hope has grown flowers
and i am not afraid
Gaby Comprés Apr 2018
my love is a four year-old
on chocolate milk and cake
running way too much, way too fast,
giving way too much, way too fast.
it has the scrapes and bruises to show for it.
i have tried to put it to bed early,
to sing it lullabies
and read to it stories,
hoping for peace.
but my love goes to preschool,
where they teach it to write poems
and sing nursery rhymes.
in art class,
it spends the hour making paper hearts,
giving each one away and not keeping one to itself.
in music class,
my love learns to sing along with other hearts.
on the report cards,
the teachers write that my love is impatient,
and it raises its hands too much,
wanting to give all the answers,
not afraid of being wrong.
the teachers tell me that math is not my love’s strong suit,
that it mixes up its numbers
and always shares more than what it has.
but they also tell me that my love
gives away all its snacks,
that it is an expert at holding hands,
at looking out for others and making friends.
the teachers tell me not to worry,
that a love like mine is gifted,
that when it is older it will change the world.
i tell them that i worry that my love is too much,
but they tell me that it is just enough.
Gaby Comprés May 2017
girls don't stay little
and time doesn't come
and my love is not a library book
you can return when
you're done with it
or when you start reading it
and you don't like the words inside
Gaby Comprés Jul 2017
my name is gabriela
but most days
i don’t fit in these eight letters
some days
my name is poetry
my name is flower
my name is wild curls
my name is i am so filled with joy
that if i were a cloud it would rain for years
and some days
my name is sadness
my name is hello, love, come find me because i am tired of looking for you
my name is ocean
my name is feelings i have no words for
my name is the songs that make me cry
my name is when do i get a turn
but most days
my name is gaby
my name is the sweetness of these four letters
my name is honey and cinnamon and coffee
my name is gabriela
Gaby Comprés Dec 2014
other people’s words
made my words seem small
but my words are mine
my words are special
my words are mine
my words have threads
of my soul woven into them
my words are mine
my words have my fire
my words are mine
my words are beautiful
my words are mine
my words come from my heart
my words are mine
my words have my love
my words are mine
my words share my story
my words are mine
my words share my struggle, my fight
my words are mine
my words come from my lips
my words are mine
my words come from my hands
my words are mine
my words have my fingerprints on them
my words are mine
my words can’t be told by anyone else
my words are mine
my words can’t be written by anyone else
my words are mine
my words don’t belong to anyone else
and i'll sing it from the rooftops
and shout it from the mountaintops
that my words are mine,
my words are mine,
my words are mine.
Gaby Comprés May 2017
my soul
has turned into a house
with leaks in its roof
my words are the raindrops
that fall through
and i
i am trying to catch them all.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
people will try to break you
and make you believe words
that are nothing but lies.
turn your back on them.
turn your back on the lies.
don't believe it when people say that
you're not good enough,
that you're not able,
that you're not beautiful.
tune those lies out and
sing a new tune.
a tune that speaks the truth,
a tune that says that you are
turn your back on the lies,
because they're not true.
you know who you are,
and no one can take that away from you.
Gaby Comprés Dec 2016
find me braver,
find me kinder
find me loving with
a wide-open heart
find me with flowers on my head
and forgiveness in my heart
find me alive,
find me in love
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
i leave my self behind
and let You put your breath in my soul
and it is no longer me who lives
but You.
Gaby Comprés May 2014
even when things slip away
from my hands
i will not slip from Yours
no matter how many times i fail You,
no matter what i do,
no matter what happens,
i will not slip from Your hands of grace
because life is not about
what i can do for myself but
what You've already done for me.
i will not slip from Your hands because
no one is able to steal what is in Your hands.
awful title, but still true. Inspired by Jenny & Tyler's song "Little Balloon".
Gaby Comprés Mar 2014
i could paint a hundred sunsets
and the sum of them would not equal a fraction of how glorious yours are.
i could draw a thousand seas
and the most beautiful of them would not mirror Your majesty.
i could sing a million songs
and Your voice would be sweeter than any of them.
i could love You with my heart, mind, and soul
and i wouldn't love You as much as You love me.
Gaby Comprés Jul 2014
You've never stopped loving me.
not even when i broke Your heart,
not even when i broke my promises,
not even when i left your side,
not even when i said i didn't need You anymore,
not even when i turned my back on You,
not even when i tried to fill the void in my heart with everything but You,
not even when i stopped loving You,
not even then did You stop loving me.
Gaby Comprés Jun 2014
i left your side and
i searched for something more
something bigger than You
and all i found was emptiness
and i stopped loving You
and i searched for something else to love
but i couldn't find it
and in my aimless wandering,
in my idiotic search for something other than You
i forgot You
and it was such a long time before
i decided to come back and return home
and it was such a long distance that i put
between You and me
and not for a moment
did You
leave me
stop loving me
forget me
You never changed
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