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flitz Dec 2021
The night feels achingly lonely,
My mind shattered into bits and pieces
Gleaming in the dark.
I gather my consciousness in a bundle,
Perhaps this will be the last time.
Perhaps this torment will stop.
flitz Dec 2021
I have learnt to hate night,
It feels so long,
I despise its quietness,
It's not an escape anymore,
It feels so much like a prison,
Only, same.
Only different.
It's roisterous.
flitz Feb 2021
Dalam hati,
Cemburu dalam kekosongan,
Ada merahnya perasaan.

Kebersamaan dan kebersatuan,
Penantian dan perhentian,
Kesabaran dalam kesayangan,
Maka ungulah jiwa dalam iri.

Akan hadir manisnya hari itu,
Bersabarlah duhai hati,
Nikmati birunya suatu dengki.
flitz Feb 2023
Promises are like candies,
Beautifully wrapped in hope,
Colourful yet deceiving,
I was high on your candies.

As I wait and wait and
Your candies turn out grey,
Colourless and bitter,
Your promises turned into
a delayed devotion

But I waited,
Engorging on your sweetness,
Until they choke me hopeless.
flitz Nov 2020
Sit here next to me, my darling,
We need not to speak to fill in the silence.

Lay on my lap, my darling,
For, I too, am exhausted of the world.

Lie down besides me, my darling,
And let me lie on your chest,
And let me listen to your heart beating.

We aren't a quitter, my darling,
We are each other's strength.
flitz Nov 2020
What is the colour of your love?
Rainbow. What's yours?

Quiet. Silence filled in the space.
My heart heaved.
I breathe in the intoxicating smoke before I finally answered.

It's golden.
Thick like honey.

It's golden,
Shines like amber.

It's golden.
Burns like lava.

It's golden.
It's perilous.
flitz Mar 2021
Chaos hearts,
Chaos hearts,
Don't come to me,
I am not your sanctuary,
Nor will I ever be.

Chaos hearts,
Stop asking for me,
Do not commit a burglary,
A lover never will I ever be.
flitz Oct 2020
You can't catch her, that girl.

Smokes came out and the question was left to hung in the air.

Because she doesn't want to be caught,
She can drive you insane with her smile but she will take it back if you try to put her on leash.

So she's allowed to tease you but she will not be yours?
You don't understand. She doesn't want to belong to anyone. And is it really teasing if that's her playful nature?

She's complex.
As complex as any battered souls.
flitz Nov 2020
Mana mungkin pendosa seperti aku berjalan ke syurga itu,
Mana mungkin manusia sesuci kamu tidak berjalan terus ke syurga itu.

Aku mampu bermimpi,
Aku mampu berdoa,
Akan tetapi hakim dunia tetap akan memandang sucinya engkau yang bertutup litup sebagai bidadari syurga.
Sedangkan aku, hanyalah si cela.
flitz May 2020
There is a hurricane in me tonight,
The wind of thoughts encircling my sanity,
Voices screamed at me telling my soul to scare the anger out,
For this anger has been wasted away in the shore of your heart.
Nothing changed.

I go through this hurricane daily,
Tomorrow is another day,
And I fight despite the exhaustion,
I fight this gargantuan disaster,
flitz Oct 2020
Terbuai kau tinggi diatas,
Mengidamkan hidup bersamaku,
Sedangkan hatiku telah lama berkecai di dalam sangkar jiwa.
Aku sendiri hidup tanpa ia,
Apa yang mampu aku tawarkan?

Aku ada senyum,
Aku ada kasih,
Tapi aku tiada apa yang kau mahukan.
flitz Mar 2020
I regret the day that I learned about human touch,
For it is what I longed for,

I regret the day that I let intimacy seeped under my skin,
For it caused an insatiable hunger I never knew existed.

I regret those days,
And if I could take them back,
I would.
flitz Feb 2021
Here I go again
On this road called life,
I called mine a joke,
Help me I am broke,
But not money,
I don't need a twenty,
I need honey.

Here I go again
Threading this path,
Mine is comedic,
Borderline neurotic,
Marginally pathetic,
Definitely hectic.

Here I go again
On this road alone,
Thrown and blown to the unknown,
I am the unknown.

Here you go again,
On this lane,
Your laughter remain
One you couldn't contain.

Here we go again,
Life is amusing,
But never entertaining,
Life is comical,
But never logical.

Do I make sense?
Is this intense?
This life
At whose expense?

— The End —