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 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
His passion is-
as deep as my love for him.
His mind magnificent!
-my mind unknown.
His patience as of a lamb's,
-my playfulness mistaken.

6:26pm/ 6:31 thursday, may 25th.

Games :p just for fun.

I tease you Tahi, I tease you.
 Apr 2017 Eve
Is the wild west
Of the modern era, with
Vast, open space, laws with few sheriffs
Fights between groups rights and religious beliefs
Unknown connections waiting, and some rustler's crime rings
And a presence of *** overlooked when this is taught to kids
 Apr 2017 Eve
 Apr 2017 Eve
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
 Apr 2017 Eve
 Apr 2017 Eve
Sunset blooms twilight glooms.. Toward the moon and back I'll be back soon.. Darling I know you look at me, From an empty shadows dream.  But I have found where light is born. I saw where songs come from.  I have to leave.  I have all these emotions to weave.  I never really really believed. Nor did I want to really see.  But you became my educator.  And turned me into a revelator.  I feel beautiful inside.  And these new feelings of belief cannot be denied.
I see now.
 Nov 2016 Eve
Keep I love you from
ever becoming a reflex response.
It's the Monday Blues.
 Nov 2016 Eve
Seconds & Specks
 Nov 2016 Eve
"Mere seconds in time
specks in space"
Kristy Renae Dalton*

We are seconds and specks,
you and I...

We meet, crash into each other,
mingle and coalesce.
Not knowing where we'll be
in the next.

We exist in one another...
But never together.

A perpetual dance
between time and matter.
An eternal struggle
to share a plane.

You and I...
We live as nothing but
mere seconds in time
and specks traipsing in space.
Thank you Kristy for inspiring this piece.
 Nov 2016 Eve
Doug Potter
 Nov 2016 Eve
Doug Potter
See, I am  looking
for the best lay
of the land,

between two hillsides
beyond concrete, asphalt,

there are only
red dirt roads
few tire tracks,

a place of birdsong
gut laughter,

hard work.
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