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 May 2017 Eve
 May 2017 Eve

    oOOo           oOO      OOo     oOo                         
oOOOOo      OOo     Ooo      OO       oOo         
OoOoO                                               Oo          
ooO            •naked feet tread                
  with nonchalance•unafraid
    of what receding tides might
       bring•hardened heels soften
         to sunlit reverence•children
                   frolick accompanied by
                              unguarded peals
                                 that ring•towa-
                                     rd the ocean
                                      vast we halt
                                     to face•we
                                  look to the
                             horizon and
                         dream of un-
                   seen lands•we
          lift one foot with
   the other in place•
is this all we are...  
just impressions    
in the sand?•      

 May 2017 Eve
Pagan Paul
Woe is Me!
 May 2017 Eve
Pagan Paul
Woe is me!
Oh! Woe is me!

No longer can I create art
No longer can I pen stanza's
No longer can I rhyme couplets
No longer can I compose beauty

Because they won't let me
They won't let me

Not until
I get
Poetic Licence

© Pagan Paul (01/09/16)
another oldy :) or maybe oddity :)
 May 2017 Eve
Emma Katka
 May 2017 Eve
Emma Katka
picking at my skin
ingrained in me like old medicine...
the old soul within me is breaking

it's without trying
that I'm inspired
by short sparks of adoration rewired

I'm a plague
sweeping through your soul's streets
I'm a curse
you taste when my lips & yours meet

but I want you to love me deeply
it stings every time
when you don't tell me you miss me
wish I could get under your skin enough
even if it's only to make you feel frisky

and then where can I run to?
certainly it can't be you...
I move with the shadows,
not away from them
I dance with the demons,
not stray from them

I want to form an entity
that's part of my identity...
that follows your movements
like a haunting...

think of me
in darkness, in black
bury me
and haunt me back
 May 2017 Eve
Pagan Paul
Would you like to take a look
in the covers of my little black book?
Would you like to see if you are there,
and if not, would you really care?

Would you like to scan the pages
of my lovers through the ages?
Would you seek to find your name,
and if not, should I be ashamed?

Would you like to read the index,
and see what my preference reflects?
Would you like to peek and find
the comments I write, and of what kind?

I am sorry but you will never see
the yellowed pages of my history.
It's best that what will be, will be.
My book retired when you chose me.

© Pagan Paul (24/05/17)
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