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 Feb 2019 cleann98
 Feb 2019 cleann98
15 Lifetime
if it takes the universe
a thousand years
for the super moon
my love, i could a wait
a million of lifetimes
just to be with you
 Feb 2019 cleann98
oh darling
we’ll be bones and ashes
before we reach
our overrated
 Jan 2019 cleann98
 Jan 2019 cleann98
let the day
take you away
until the sun sets
when the moon rises
i’ll take you back
here in my arms
safe in my embrace
surrender your heart
let go of the days blue
when the sun downs
and the moon rises
oh darling, you will feel
the warmth of my love
 Jan 2019 cleann98
Monday air has reached my skin
waking up my sleeping veins
sending colors in this monochromatic scheme
i wait for the magic to sink in
as the sun flashes colors of dream
i can’t help but open my eyes and grin
Happy Monday ;)
 Jan 2019 cleann98

use        my
sc a t te red


to collect
m y                e   v          e     n

MO r   E
**** TEred
                       h    e   a   r  t
oh dear, and it truly is scattered
 Jan 2019 cleann98
most people see me as
a happy person because
i laugh easily,
i smile a lot,
i joke a lot.

but deep down
in my heart,
i am fragile,
i can get hurt easily,
but i choose to not
show it to the world.

instead of being sad,
i choose to laugh to cover it.
maybe you can call me
"the queen of the mask"

by this,
you can tell
that most of the time
when I'm laughing,
I'm not really laughing,
i was trying so hard to hide
my sadness.
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